Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
- Explain what processes are and how they interact with the operating system
- Discuss how operating systems support concurrency
As we mentioned before, the OS divides the tasks it needs to perform into processes. It would be a waste of time for every process to wait until the current process completes. Instead, the OS performs more than one task at the same time, or concurrently. The computing model that improves performance when multiple processors are executing instructions simultaneously is concurrent processing. In this module, we learn about processes and concurrency by digging down into process management and inter-process communication (IPC), threads, scheduling and dispatching, and synchronization.
To review, a process is a fundamental concept in an OS that represents an instance of a program in execution. It’s an abstraction used by the OS to provide the environment a program needs to run. When we talk about a program, we are typically referring to a set of instructions stored on disk; these instructions are passive and don’t do anything by themselves. However, when the program is loaded into the memory of a computer and begins execution, it becomes an active entity known as a process. This transformation is crucial for any computational task, as it moves the program from a static state into an active one where it can perform actions, manipulate data, and interact with other processes.
Concepts In Practice
Under the Cover
Most of the applications we use today on our smartphones or laptops use IPC and a client-server architecture. It is therefore important to understand what is under the cover in case these applications suddenly stop working.
In an OS, client-server communication refers to the exchange of data and services among multiple machines or processes. One process or machine acts as a client requesting a service or data, and another machine or process acts like a server providing those services or data to the client machine. The communication between server and client uses various OS protocols and mechanisms for message passing, including sockets, remote procedure calls, and inter-process communication.
Process Management
A process consists of at least an address space, a CPU state, and a set of OS resources. A process’s address space is illustrated in Figure 6.15. As you learned earlier in this chapter, the address space contains the instruction code for the corresponding running program and the data needed by the running program. The data can be static data, which does not change within the program, or heap data, which serves a collection of elements and uses a tree or stack data structure. A CPU state consists of the program counter, the stack pointer (SP), and general-purpose registers. The PC is a CPU register located in the processor that has the next instruction address. The stack pointer (SP) is a register that indicates the location of the last item that was added to the stack. A general-purpose register (GPR) is an extra register that is used for storing operands and pointers; GPRs are where the instructions can read and write the value of their parameters mostly when the program is interrupted. There are many OS resources such as the CPU, network connections, file storage, I/O, and sound channels. An address space, CPU state, and OS resources are everything you need to run the program or to resume it if it is interrupted at some point.
The OS’s process namespace particulars depend on the specific OS, but in general, the name of a process is called a process ID (PID), and it has an integer type. A PID namespace is a set of unique numbers that identify processes. The PID namespace is global to the system, and only one process at a time has a particular PID. It is possible to create a container to isolate a process, along with only the files and configurations necessary to run and operate it. This type of isolated process environment allows for greater security, consistency, and portability across different systems. PID namespaces allow containers to provide functionality such as suspending the set of processes and resuming different set of processes in the memory. The OS maintains a data structure called the process control block (PCB) or process descriptor to keep track of a process state and to store all of the information identified by the PID about a process. As illustrated in Figure 6.16, the PCB contains information that serves as metadata for the process such as PID, process state, parent process ID (PPID), execution state, PC, SP, registers, address space info, and user id (uid).
Suppose that there’s a process that needs input from a user. Because the OS does not use any CPU while waiting for this input, it marks the process in the PCB as suspended. When the user enters the input, the process’s status in the PCB changes. The OS keeps the details relating to all of a process’s execution state in the PCB when the process is not running. The CPU state (e.g., PC, SP, GPRs) is transferred out of the hardware registers into the PCB when execution is suspended. When a process is running, its state is spread between the PCB and the CPU.
Here is an example in Linux that illustrates how to use the PID when creating a child process from a parent main process, which uses the fork command in C:
#include "unistd.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// Forking to create a new process
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
// Child process
printf("This is the child process with PID %d\n", getpid());
} else if (pid > 0) {
// Parent process
printf("This is the parent process with PID %d\n", getpid());
} else {
// Fork failed
printf("Fork failed!\n");
return 1;
return 0;
Inter-Process Communication
Processes provide isolation to guarantee a high level of protection, but sometimes these processes need to communicate and collaborate. This is made possible via inter-process communication (IPC), which is a mechanism that enables different processes running on an operating system to exchange data among themselves and thus allows these processes to communicate and collaborate. As Figure 6.17 shows, IPC allows one process, P1, to provide input to another process, P2, while yet another process, P3, is also running.
Link to Learning
Read this article on inter-process communication to learn more about how the processes running in a computer system can be independent or noncooperating.
Streams, Pipes, and Sockets
The IPC has a range of mechanisms that enable processes to communicate with each other such as pipes, shared memory, and sockets. A pipe (sometimes called a named pipe) is a data communication method between two processes that uses a specific name and standard I/O operations, and thus allows for data transfer within a file system. Shared memory allows the processes to communicate with each other without a middleman. A socket is an end point for sending and receiving data between different machines in the same network using Internet protocols.
What this means is that, for example in Figure 6.17, where process P1 provides input to process P2, there are many ways for the IPC to deliver this input. It could send command-line arguments that are available only to the parent process (i.e., input data is passed to a program when the program is invoked from a shell); or it could communicate via files (e.g., one process writes, the other process reads). Alternatively, the IPC could optimize file communication via the use of pipes with memory buffers (effective when processes are related), or it could utilize environment variables (i.e., variables defined within a shell that can hold a dynamically allocated value).
Multiple activities and processes happening at the same time—in other words, the OS handling multiple tasks at once—is called concurrency. Concurrent processing can be achieved via a multiprogramming environment, a multiprocessing environment, or a distributed processing environment (Figure 6.18). In a multiprogramming environment, multiple tasks are shared by one processor. In a multiprocessing environment, two or more processors that have a shared memory are used. In a distributed processing environment, two or more computers are connected by a communication network, and there is no shared memory between the processors (i.e., each computer has its own memory). Multiprocessing is used to accelerate processing by running tasks in parallel, while distributed computing environments are typically used to implement client-server or peer-to-peer architectures. As noted earlier and as will be investigated further in this section, threads are another means of achieving concurrency. However, true parallelism can only be achieved by using multiple processors to execute multiple threads simultaneously.
Link to Learning
Read this article on concurrency in operating systems to learn more about the principles and problems associated with the concept of concurrency.
As discussed earlier in this chapter, processes represent running programs, and threads enable programs to perform multiple things at once. A process is an instance of a program that is being executed by an OS. Each process has its own memory space and resources. The OS creates a new process for every executed program and allocates the required resources for the process. For example, it allocates a specific size of memory and CPU time. The process may have one or more threads, each thread has its own context, but all of the threads within a process share the same resources.
Threads are the OS’s unit of concurrency and the abstraction of a virtual CPU core. Each thread is a basic unit of execution that executes a set of instructions in a specific order. A thread is a lightweight process that shares OS resources (e.g., memory and I/O) with other threads within the same process. Threads are created by the OS kernel, and each thread has its own register stack. All the threads in a given process are sharing the same memory space. Threads are essentially paths of execution that operate within the confines of a process.
For example, consider today’s web browsers. Each open tab in a web browser is its own process with its own address space, but within a tab, there might be multiple things going on. A user can scroll around and interact with a web page while a video is playing in the background. In this case, one thread could be used to manage the user interactions, while another thread is used to manage video playback on the web page.
In the early versions of the operating system used on IBM and DEC mainframe computers, concurrency was achieved via time sharing. In other words, a single task was performed using a single process with a single thread. This kind of process allowed only one user at a time to process or run a job. This old way of processing required more resources such as memory and processors to finish a single task. By the late 1970s, the more prominent approach became multitasking, which makes it possible for the OS to run multiple processes at the same time using time slicing. A time slice is a short time frame that gets assigned to a process for CPU execution. It corresponds to the time frame during which a process is allotted to run in preemptive multitasking CPUs. In that case, a scheduler runs each process every single time slice. The preemptive multitasking approach was not sufficient to improve the OS performance, so twenty years later, OSs still support multitasking using multiple threads. Figure 6.19 illustrates single and multithreaded processes.
When a program is run, it operates as a process in the OS. This process can execute multiple threads simultaneously, allowing for parallel execution of tasks within the same application environment. The threads are managed and run as follows:
- Thread creation: Threads are created by the process using specific system calls to the operating system, such as pthread_create in UNIX/Linux or CreateThread in Windows. When created, each thread starts its execution at a designated start point in the program code. This is often a function passed to the thread creation call.
- Execution and scheduling: Once created, threads are scheduled by the operating system’s scheduler, which allocates CPU time to them. The scheduling can be preemptive, where the OS decides when to switch between threads, or cooperative, where threads voluntarily yield control to allow other threads to run.
- Sharing and isolation: Threads share the same process resources, such as memory and file handles, making inter-process communication and data sharing more efficient than between separate processes. However, they run in their own thread of execution, meaning each has its own stack, program counter, and set of registers to keep track of its execution state.
- Synchronization: To safely manage the access to shared resources and ensure data consistency, threads often use synchronization mechanisms like mutexes, semaphores, and condition variables. These tools help prevent race conditions, where the outcome of operations depends on the sequence or timing of other uncontrollable events.
- Completion: A thread completes its execution when it exits its start function, either by returning normally or by being explicitly terminated by itself or another thread. Upon completion, any resources specifically allocated to the thread are cleaned up by the operating system.
Scheduling tasks and determining which resources should be used when are central responsibilities of the OS—they are also the means by which the OS achieves concurrent processing.
OSs may switch the CPU from process to process hundreds of thousands of times per second. On today’s hardware, this takes a few microseconds. Choosing which process to run next is called scheduling. The activity of handling the removal of the running process from the CPU and the selection of another process based on a particular strategy is called scheduling. In OSs, a process can be in one of several states. These states are part of the process life cycle, and understanding them is essential for grasping how the OS manages processes. The specific names and number of states can vary between OSs, but the fundamental concepts remain the same—or at least quite similar. Each process has an execution state, which indicates what it is currently doing and can be as follows:
- ready: waiting to be assigned a core
- running: executing on a core
- blocked (also known as “waiting”): waiting for an event, so not eligible to be given a core
Figure 6.20 represents a process’s life cycle within an OS. It starts with the creation of a process, which brings a new process into existence and places it in the ready state. In this state, the process is loaded into memory and is prepared to run, but is waiting for the CPU to become available. When the scheduler dispatches the process, it transitions to the running state, where it is actively executing its instructions. If the process is interrupted, it reverts to the ready state, waiting once again for a chance to run. Certain events, such as I/O requests or page faults, can cause the running process to experience a trap or exception. When this happens, the process enters the blocked state because it can’t proceed until the event it’s waiting for, such as the completion of an I/O operation, occurs. Once the awaited event is finished, the process can leave the blocked state and reenter the ready state, once again waiting for CPU time.
When a process completes its execution or is terminated, it reaches the terminate state. However, termination doesn’t necessarily mean the process is immediately removed from the system; it may enter a zombie state. In this state, the process has finished its job but still occupies an entry in the process table, effectively being in a state of limbo until its parent process acknowledges its completion. This acknowledgment allows the OS to fully clean up any remaining information, officially ending the process’s life cycle.
As noted earlier, each process is represented by a unique identifier called a process identifier (PID). An OS encapsulates the process in a data structure type called a process control block (PCB) that contains information about the process, such as current status, which could be running status, ready status, or blocked status. A PCB defines the register status, the process ID, the execution time, the memory space, as well as other information. The OS kernel scheduling function is responsible for maintaining the content of PCB and scheduling processes for the CPU to execute based on assigned priorities.
Another policy decision the OS makes is to decide whether to give out non-CPU resources such as memory and I/O. As they are data structures, PCBs are located in OS memory. When a process is created, the OS allocates a PCB for it. After initializing the PCB, the OS then does other things not related to the PCB such as allocating the PCB to the correct queue. As a process executes, the OS moves the process’s PCB from queue to queue. When a process is terminated, the PCB may be retained for a while. Eventually, the OS deallocates the PCB.
The act of switching the CPU from one process to another is called a context switch. Context switching is a procedure that a computer’s CPU follows to change from one task to another while ensuring that the tasks do not conflict. In Figure 6.21, the process P0 is in the running state, and the process P1 is in the ready state. When an interruption occurs, the process P0 must be switched from the running to the ready state, and the process P1 must be switched from the ready to the running state. To accomplish this, the OS performs these steps: it saves the context of the process P0 in PCB0, switches P0 from the ready state, selects P1 to be executed, and, finally, updates PCB1 of process P1.
Transactions and Scheduling
As you’ve learned, scheduling is the act of determining which process is in the ready state and should be moved to the running state when more resources are requested than can be granted immediately and in which order such requests should be serviced. Examples are processor scheduling (i.e., one processor, many threads) and memory scheduling in virtual memory systems.
A good scheduling algorithm minimizes response time, efficiently utilizes resources (that is, it ensures full utilization by keeping cores and disks busy, with minimal context switches), and implements fairness by distributing CPU cycles equitably. Ideally, scheduling algorithms should not affect the results produced by the system. Optimal scheduling schemes would require the ability to predict the future, making adaptive algorithms the preferred choice.
Examples of simple scheduling algorithms include:
- first come, first served (FCFS) scheduling, also called first in, first out (FIFO): In this algorithm, the first job that comes to the processor is executed first. For example, suppose we have two processes—process P1 with execution time 3 and process P2 with execution time 2. The arrival time for both process P1 and process P2 is t0. The system will start with process P1 at t0 and finish at t3 and process P2 will start at time t3 to time t5, as shown in Figure 6.22. The wait time for process P1 is 0 and the wait time for process P2 is 3.
Figure 6.22 Two processes, P1 and P2, are being processed using the FCFS algorithm. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)
- round-robin scheduling (RR): This algorithm, which is widely used in time-sharing systems, is designed to ensure fairness among processes by giving each process an equal share of the CPU. Its operation is relatively straightforward but effective in environments where a large number of processes need to be handled efficiently. The core idea of RR scheduling is to assign a fixed time slice, often referred to as a quantum, to each process in the ready queue. The CPU scheduler cycles through the queue, allocating the CPU to each process for a duration equal to 1 quantum. For the previous example, let us set the quantum to 2. Then, the processor will execute part of process P1 and move to process P2 then go back to process P1 (Figure 6.23).
Figure 6.23 Two processes, P1 and P2, are being processed using the RR algorithm. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)
- shortest time to completion first (STCF), also called shortest job first (SJF): This algorithm takes the best approach to minimize the waiting time, but it requires that the processor knows the processing time in advance. In the previous example, the processor will run process P2 before process P1 because the execution time is less.
- shortest remaining processing time (SRPT): In SRPT, the processor is reallocated to a newer ready job with a shorter remaining completion time whenever such a job arrives.
Synchronization in concurrent programming is crucial for ensuring that multiple threads or processes can work together without interfering with each other’s operations on shared resources. Through mechanisms like locks, condition variables, and semaphores, developers can design systems that are both efficient and safe, avoiding issues such as data races and deadlocks. One way of coordinating multiple concurrent activities that are using shared state is synchronization, which groups operations together automatically to ensure cooperation between threads. To ensure that only one thread does a particular task at a time, we can use a program called mutual exclusion that prevents simultaneous access to a shared resource. A critical section is a piece of code that only one thread can execute at once. Also, only one thread at a time will get into this section of code. A critical section is the result of mutual exclusion. Critical sections and mutual exclusion are in fact two ways of describing the same thing. Critical sections are sequences of instructions that may get incorrect results if executed simultaneously. Mutual exclusion is required to ensure that a process cannot enter its critical section while another concurrent process is currently present in its critical section. Figure 6.24 illustrates a representation of two processes, process P1 and process P2. At Time 1, process P1 entered the critical section by printing on a shared printer. Process P1 will finish printing at Time 2. While process P1 is printing, process P2 is attempting to print, but the OS will block process P2 from printing until process P1 reaches Time 2.
A lock is a synchronization mechanism that is used to enforce mutual exclusion. A thread must acquire a lock before entering a critical section; if the lock is already held by another thread, the attempting thread will block until the lock becomes available. Another synchronization mechanism called a condition variable is used in conjunction with locks to allow threads to wait for certain conditions to become true. While a lock facilitates exclusive access to resources, a condition variable helps threads wait for specific states of the world.
A classic example of a synchronization challenge is the producers/consumers problem, where producers generate data and place it into a buffer, and consumers remove data from the buffer for processing. In a producer/consumer scenario, a consumer might wait on a condition variable if the buffer is empty, and a producer might signal this variable once it adds an item to the buffer. The key concerns associated with this scenario include ensuring that producers don’t add data to a full buffer and that consumers don’t try to remove data from an empty buffer. Synchronization tools like locks and condition variables are used to solve these issues. A deadlock occurs when a set of threads are blocked forever, waiting for each other to release resources. This can happen, for example, if thread A holds lock 1 and waits to acquire lock 2, while thread B holds lock 2 and waits to acquire lock 1. Avoiding deadlocks requires careful design, such as acquiring locks in a consistent order or using timeout mechanisms.
Some other tools used in synchronization are:
- Semaphores: Similar to locks, but allow multiple threads to access a finite number of resources
- Barriers: Enable multiple threads to wait until all have reached a certain point in their execution before any are allowed to proceed
- Read-Write Locks: Allow multiple readers to access a resource concurrently but require exclusive access for writers
- Mailboxes: Dedicated channels that connect two processes directly, allowing data to be exchanged between them; mailboxes behave like queues but use semaphores for controlled automatic access, and operate in first in, first out (FIFO) order only.
Technology in Everyday Life
The ability to run multiple programs at once on computers today has a huge productivity impact in all industries. In concurrent programming, managing shared resources among multiple threads or processes is crucial for maintaining data integrity and preventing race conditions. One common scenario is the producer-consumer problem, where one or more threads (producers) generate data, and others (consumers) consume it. To avoid conflicts, synchronization mechanisms like locks and condition variables are employed. Locks help ensure that only one thread accesses a critical section of code at a time. In the context of the producer-consumer problem, locks can be utilized to safeguard shared data structures, preventing simultaneous access by multiple threads and ensuring data consistency.
Condition variables are another synchronization tool that allows threads to coordinate their activities. In the context of producers and consumers, a condition variable could signal when data is available for consumption or when space is available for production. Threads can use these signals to efficiently wait for or notify others about the state of shared resources. The combination of locks and condition variables provides a powerful means to synchronize complex interactions between producers and consumers, ensuring orderly access to shared resources.
Despite the benefits of synchronization mechanisms, the improper use of locks can lead to issues like deadlocks, where two or more threads or processes are stuck in a circular wait, unable to proceed because each is waiting for the other to release a resource. This situation can bring a system to a standstill, and careful design and coding practices are necessary to prevent or detect and recover from deadlocks. To handle deadlocks, techniques such as deadlock detection algorithms and prevention strategies are employed, contributing to the robustness of concurrent systems.
The method that defines how data is stored in the memory by providing a set of requests for resources and identifying which processes should be given which resources to make the most efficient use of the resources is called allocation. Like scheduling, allocation is another kind of decision-making that an OS performs about how to use resources to support concurrency. There are three main forms of allocation: contiguous allocation, linked allocation, and indexed allocation.
In contiguous allocation, each file is assigned to a contiguous (i.e., neighboring) set of blocks in the memory. For example, if a file requires three blocks and is given a starting location x, the file will be allocated in x, x + 1, x + 2. The directory entry with contiguous allocation contains the starting block address and the length of the file. In linked allocation, each file is a linked list of memory blocks. Using the same example, the first block will be allocated in location x and it will include the address of the second block. The directory entry with linked allocation contains a pointer to the starting block and a pointer to the last block. In indexed allocation, each file has an index block containing the pointers to all blocks for that file.