Practice Exercises
Binary search trees organize elements in ascending sorted order within the tree. However, binary search trees can become unbalanced. In the worst-case, a binary search tree can look exactly like a linked list. Give an order for inserting the following numbers into a binary search tree such that the resulting tree appears like a linked list: 7, 3, 8, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4.
Consider these two different approaches for implementing the priority queue abstract data type using a linked list data structure: (1) organize the elements by decreasing priority value, and (2) organize the elements arbitrarily. Describe algorithms for inserting an element as well as retrieving and removing the highest-priority element from these two data structures.
In our definition of a priority queue, we emphasized retrieval and removal of the highest-priority elements—a maximum priority queue. What if we wanted to instead prioritize retrieval and removal of the lowest-priority elements—a minimum priority queue? Describe a simple change that we could make to make any maximum priority queue function as a minimum priority queue.
Formally describe the problem model for a drug administration medical system in terms of input data and output data represented as lists, sets, maps, priority queues, and graphs.
Formally describe the problem model for a music recommendation system in terms of input data and output data represented as lists, sets, maps, priority queues, and graphs.
There can sometimes be thousands, if not millions, of results that match a Web search query. To make this information more helpful to humans, we might want to order the results according to a relevance score such that more-relevant results appear before less-relevant results. Describe how we can solve this problem of retrieving the N-largest elements using the following algorithm design patterns: (1) a sorting algorithm, and (2) a priority queue abstract data type.
What is the best-case and worst-case Big O order of growth of sequential search with respect to N, the size of the list?
What is the best-case and worst-case Big O order of growth of binary search with respect to N, the size of the sorted list?
What is the worst-case Big O order of growth of sequential search followed by binary search with respect to N, the size of the sorted list?
What two sublists are combined in the final step of merge sort on the list [9, 8, 2, 5, 4, 1, 3, 6]?
If a connected graph has unique edge weights, will Kruskal’s algorithm find the same minimum spanning tree as Prim’s algorithm? How about a connected graph with duplicate edge weights?
What is a reduction algorithm for the problem of finding the median element in a list?
The heapsort algorithm applies a binary heap priority queue ordered by the comparison operation to sort elements. What can we say about the first element removed from the binary heap if it implements a minimum priority queue? What about the last element removed? Is the binary heap data structure sorted?
Hashing algorithms can provide a constant-time solution to the search problem under certain conditions. What are the conditions necessary to ensure the runtime of a hashing search algorithm is constant?
Why is it the case that depth-first search cannot be directly applied to compute an unweighted shortest paths tree?