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Introduction to Computer Science

3.4 Algorithmic Paradigms

Introduction to Computer Science3.4 Algorithmic Paradigms

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Apply the divide and conquer technique
  • Explain the brute-force method
  • Interpret and apply the greedy method
  • Understand how to apply reductions to solve problems

Algorithm design patterns are solutions to well-known computing problems. In 3.5 Sample Algorithms by Problem, we will survey algorithm design patterns by problem. As it turns out, many of these algorithm design patterns share similarities in their approaches to solving problems. Here, we will introduce the algorithmic paradigm, which is the common concepts and ideas behind algorithm design patterns.

Divide and Conquer Algorithms

A divide and conquer algorithm is an algorithmic paradigm that breaks down a problem into smaller subproblems (divide), recursively solves each subproblem (conquer), and then combines the result of each subproblem to form the overall solution. The algorithm idea of recursion is fundamental to divide and conquer algorithms because it solves complex problems by dividing input data into smaller instances of the same problem known as subproblems. Such recursion calls terminate when the inputs become so small or so simple that other non-recursive procedures can provide the answers.

A subproblem is a smaller instance of a problem that can be solved independently, and each subproblem can be solved independently of other subproblems by reapplying the same recursive algorithm. To design recursive subproblems, algorithm designers often focus on identifying structural self-similarity in the input data. This process repeats until the input data is small enough to solve directly. Once all the subproblems have been solved, the recursive algorithm reassembles each of these independent solutions to compute the result for the original problem.

Earlier, we introduced binary search to find a target within a sorted list as an analogy for finding a term in a dictionary sorted alphabetically. Instead of starting from the beginning of the dictionary and checking each term, as in a sequential search, we could instead start from the middle and look left or right based on where we would expect to find the term in the dictionary. But binary search can also be understood as an example of a divide and conquer algorithm (Figure 3.16).

  1. The problem of finding a target within the entire sorted list is broken down (divided) into the subproblem of finding a target within half of the list after comparing the middle element to the target. Half of the list can be ruled out based on this comparison, leaving binary search to find the target within the remaining half.
  2. Binary search is repeated on the remaining half of the sorted list (conquer). This process continues recursively until the target is found in the sorted list (or reported as not in the list at all).
  3. To solve the original problem of finding a target within the entire sorted list, the result of the subproblem must inform the overall solution. The original call to binary search reports the same result as its subproblem.
Row cells labelled from A to W. “Target is ‘S’” label across top. Arrows connect A to W. Arrow points from “Target is S” to L, and secondary arrows connect L to R, then R to U, and then U to S.
Figure 3.16 Binary search is a divide and conquer algorithm that repeatedly makes one recursive call on half of remaining elements. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Binary search makes a single recursive call on the remaining half of the list as part of the conquer step, but other divide and conquer algorithms make multiple recursive calls to solve their problems. We will also see algorithms that do a lot of work in the final step of combining results more than just reporting the same result as a subproblem.

Given a list of elements in an unknown order, a sorting algorithm should return a new list containing the same elements rearranged into a logical order, such as least to greatest. One canonical divide and conquer algorithm for comparison sorting is called merge sort. The problem of comparison sorting is grounded in the comparison operation. The comparison operation is like a traditional weighing scale that tells whether one element is heavier, lighter, or the same weight as another element, but provides no information about the exact weight or value of the element. Though this might seem like a serious restriction, comparison sorting is actually a very rich problem in computer science—it is perhaps the most deeply studied problem in computer science. Choosing comparison as the fundamental operation is also practical for complex data, where it might be hard (or even impossible) to assign an exact numeric ranking (Figure 3.17).

  1. The problem of sorting the list is broken down (divided) into two subproblems: the subproblem of sorting the left half and the subproblem of sorting the right half.
  2. Merge sort is repeated to sort each half (conquer). This process continues recursively until the sublists are one element long. To sort a one-element list, the algorithm does not need to do anything, since the elements in the list are already arranged in a logical order.
  3. To solve the original problem of sorting the entire list, combine adjacent sorted sublists by merging them while maintaining sorted order. Merging each pair of adjacent sorted sublists repeats to form larger and larger sorted sublists until the entire list is fully sorted.
Seven numbers appear in a row random order. Under that row, they are ordered 1 to 7 and labeled “after sort.” The set of numbers branches into 2 children, with 4 numbers in the first child and 3 in the second child. Each child includes the numbers in random order and then sorted. Each child branches into 2 more children, and those children continue branching until each child only contains 1 number.
Figure 3.17 Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that repeatedly makes two recursive calls on both halves of the sublist. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Brute-Force Algorithms

Solving a combinatorial problem involves identifying the best candidate solution out of a space of many potential solutions. Each solution to a combinatorial problem is represented as a complex data type. Many applications that involve simulating and comparing different options can be posed as combinatorial problems.

  • Route planning in online mapping asks, “Out of all the possible routes from point A to point B, which route is the shortest?” (Shortest paths problem)
  • Municipal broadband planning asks, “Out of all the possible ways to connect every real-world address to the Internet, which network of connections is the cheapest to build?” (Minimum spanning trees problem)
  • The interval scheduling problem is a combinatorial problem involving a list of scheduled tasks with the goal of finding the largest non-overlapping set of tasks that can be completed.

Rather than searching for a single element, combinatorial problems focus on finding candidate solutions that might be represented as a list of navigation directions, network connections, or task schedules. And unlike sorting, where the output should be a sorted list, combinatorial problems often attempt to quantify or compare the relative quality of solutions in order to determine the best candidate solution out of a space of many potential solutions. Even if our route plan is not the “best” or shortest route, it can still be a valid solution to the problem.

A brute-force algorithm solves combinatorial problems by systematically enumerating all potential solutions in order to identify the best candidate solution. For example, a brute-force algorithm for generating valid credit card numbers might start by considering a credit card number consisting of all zeros, then all zeros except for a one in the last digit place, and so forth, to gradually explore all the possible values for each digit place.

Brute-force algorithms exist for every combinatorial problem, but they are not typically used because of runtime issues. To systematically enumerate all potential solutions, a brute-force algorithm must generate every possible combination of the input data. For example, if a credit card number has sixteen digits and each digit can have any value between zero and nine, then there are 1016 potential credit card numbers to enumerate. The combinatorial explosion is the exponential number of solutions to a combinatorial problem that makes brute-force algorithms unusable in practice. Despite continual improvements to how quickly computers can execute programs, exponential time brute-force algorithms are impractical except for very small problem input data.

Industry Spotlight

Protein Folding

Proteins are one of the fundamental building blocks of biological life. The 3-D shape of a protein defines what it does and how it works. Given the string of a protein’s amino acids, a protein-folding problem asks us to compute the 3-D shape of the resulting protein.

Protein folding has been studied since the first images of their structures were created in 1960. In 1972, Christian Anfinsen won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his research into the “protein-folding problem,” which involved algorithms to predict the structure of proteins. Because of the huge number of possible formations of proteins, computational studies and algorithms are better able to predict the structures. Given that a brute-force algorithm cannot solve this problem in a reasonable amount of time, computational biologists have developed algorithms that generate high-quality approximations or potential solutions that typically are not quite correct, but run in a more reasonable amount of time.

Modern protein-folding algorithms, such as Google’s DeepMind AlphaFold machine-learning algorithm,4 use machine learning to identify protein-folding patterns from millions of input amino acid sequences and corresponding output 3-D conformations. Rather than utilizing a simple rule for selecting the next element to include in the solution, these machine learning algorithms learn highly complicated rulesets from subtle patterns present in the data.

Improving our understanding of protein folding can lead to massive improvements only in medical health contexts such as drug and vaccine development, but also enable us to design biotechnologies such as enzymes for composting plastic waste, and even limit the impact of global warming by sequestering greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.5 In 2024, the Nobel Prize Committee recognized the impact of this work by granting the Chemistry prize to Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper for their work on DeepMind and Alphafold6, as well as David Baker for using a similar tool, Rosetta, to create entirely new proteins.

Greedy Algorithms

A greedy algorithm solves combinatorial problems by repeatedly applying a simple rule to select the next element to include in the solution. Unlike brute-force algorithms that solve combinatorial problems by generating all potential solutions, greedy algorithms instead focus on generating just one solution. These algorithms are greedy because they select the next element to include based on the immediate benefit.

For example, a greedy interval scheduling algorithm might choose to work on the task that takes the least amount of time to complete; in other words, the cheapest way to mark one task as completed (Figure 3.18). If the tasks are scheduled in advance and we can only work on one task at a time, choosing the task that takes the least amount of time to complete might prevent us from completing multiple other (longer) tasks that just so happen to overlap in time. This greedy algorithm does not compute the right output—it finds a solution but not the optimal solution.

“Optimal” has 1 at the top; branches into 5 (with arrow) and 15. 5 branches into 50 (with arrow) and 6. 15 branches into 9 and 11. “Greedy” has 1 at the top; branches into 5 and 15 (with arrow). 5 branches to 50 and 6; 15 branches out to 9 and 11 (with arrow).
Figure 3.18 Greedy interval scheduling will not work if the simple rule repeatedly selects the shortest interval. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

The majority of greedy algorithms do not always compute the best solution. But there are also certain scenarios in which cleverly crafted greedy algorithms guarantee finding optimal solutions. The problems they solve are formulated to ensure that the greedy algorithm never makes a mistake when repeatedly applying the simple rule to select the next element.

Consider the municipal broadband planning problem or, more formally, the minimum spanning tree problem, of finding a lowest-cost way to connect all the vertices in a connected graph to each other. If we want to minimize the sum of the selected edge weights, one idea is to repeatedly select the next edge (connections between vertices) with the lowest weight so long as it extends the reach of the network. Or, in the context of the municipal broadband planning problem, we want to ensure that the next-cheapest connection that we choose to build reaches someone who needs access to the Internet (Figure 3.19).

Minimum Spanning Tree with points f, a, b, c, e, d, g connected by numbered red and gray lines. Red lines labeled 1 connect points c to b, e to d. Red lines labeled 2 connect points f to a, a to b. Red line labeled 3 connects points b to e. Gray lines labeled 4 connect points f to c, c to e, b to d. Gray lines labeled 5 connect points d to g, f to b. Gray lines labeled 7 connect points a to d, e to g.
Figure 3.19 Municipal broadband planning can be represented as a minimum spanning trees graph problem where the weight of each edge represents the cost of building a connection between two vertices or places. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Global Issues in Technology

Municipal Broadband as a Public Utility

The municipal broadband planning problem is just one component of the larger public policy issue of Internet access. As the Internet and the use of digital platforms becomes the standard mode for communication, many people are viewing municipal broadband as a fundamental public utility and civil right. “Municipal broadband can solve access and affordability problems in areas where private ISPs [Internet service providers] have not upgraded networks to modern speeds, fail to provide service to all residents, and/or charge outrageous rates.”7

While a minimum spanning tree algorithm can solve the municipal broadband planning problem, the challenges of deploying municipal broadband for everyone is more political rather than algorithmic. But other algorithms can also directly contribute to the way in which society understands the problem. For example, we might use algorithms to better visualize and understand who currently has access to affordable and reliable high-speed Internet. We can design algorithms to ensure equitable distribution, deployment, and integration of new technologies so that marginalized communities can realize the positive economic benefits first. Or we can reconfigure the minimum spanning trees problem model to take specifically account for expanding network access in an equitable fashion.

Computer scientists have designed algorithms that repeatedly apply this simple rule to find an optimal minimum spanning tree:

  • Kruskal’s algorithm, a greedy algorithm which sorts the list of edges in the graph by weight.
  • Prim’s algorithm, a greedy algorithm that maintains a priority queue of vertices in the graph ordered by connecting edge weight.

For most problems, greedy algorithms will not produce the best solution. Instead, algorithm designers typically turn to another algorithmic paradigm called dynamic programming. Still, greedy algorithms provide a useful baseline starting point for understanding problems and designing baseline algorithms for generating potential solutions.

Reduction Algorithms

Algorithm designers spend much of their time modeling problems by selecting and adapting relevant data structures and algorithms to represent the problem and a solution in a computer program. This process of modeling often involves modifying an algorithm design pattern so that it can be applied to the problem. But there is also a different approach to algorithm design that solves problems by changing the input data and output data to fit a preexisting problem. Rather than solve the problem directly, a reduction algorithm solves problems by transforming them into other problems (Figure 3.20).

  1. Preprocess: Transform the input data so that it is acceptable to an algorithm meant for the other problem.
  2. Apply the algorithm meant for the other problem on the preprocessed data.
  3. Postprocess: Transform the output of the algorithm meant for the other problem so that it matches the expected output for the original problem.
Algorithm for X displayed. Algorithm starts with m connected by right facing arrow to Preprocess, then through n to Algorithm for Y, then through Y(n) to Postprocess and then to X(m).
Figure 3.20 A reduction algorithm preprocesses the input data, passes it to another algorithm, and then postprocesses the algorithm’s output to solve the original problem. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Consider a slightly different version of the municipal broadband planning problem, where instead of only considering connections (edges), we expand the problem to consider the possibility of installing broadband nodes directly to each address without relying on potentially expensive neighboring connections. That is, all vertices installed with broadband nodes are inter-connected with each other through another broadband network. If we were to run an algorithm for solving the minimum spanning tree problem on this graph directly, then our result would never consider installing broadband nodes directly, since minimum spanning tree algorithms do not consider vertex weights (Figure 3.21).

Minimum Spanning Tree with points f, a, b, e, d, g connected by red lines. Point c connected from b. #1 connects points c-b, e-d. #2 connects points f-a, a-b. #3 connects points b-e. #4 connects points f-c, c-e, b-d. #5 connects points d-g, f-b. #7 connect points a-d, e-g.
Figure 3.21 The problem of finding a minimum spanning tree in a graph with vertex weights can be reduced to the problem of finding a minimum spanning tree in a graph without vertex weights. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

We say that this more complicated municipal broadband planning problem reduces to the minimum spanning tree problem because we can design a reduction algorithm consisting of preprocessing and postprocessing procedures.

  • Preprocess: Introduce an extra vertex that does not represent a real location but connects to every address (vertex) in the city. The edge weight of each connection is the cost of installing the broadband node directly at that location.
  • Postprocess: After computing a minimum spanning tree for the preprocessed graph, remove the extra vertex that we added during the processing step. Any edges connected to the extra vertex represent a direct broadband node installation, while other edges between real locations are just the same network connections that we saw earlier.

Reduction algorithms enable algorithm designers to solve problems without having to modify existing algorithms or algorithm design patterns. Reduction algorithms allow algorithm designers to rely on optimized canonical algorithms rather than designing a solution by composing algorithm design patterns, which can lead to performance or correctness bugs. Reduction algorithms also enable computer scientists to make claims about the relative difficulty of a problem. If we know that a problem A reduces to another problem B, B is as difficult to solve as A.


  • 4W. D. Haven, “DeepMind’s protein-folding AI has solved a 50-year-old grand challenge of biology,” 2020.
  • 5Google DeepMind, “AlphaFold: A solution to a 50-year-old grand challenge in biology,” 2020."
  • 6Google DeepMind, “AlphaFold: Demis Hassabis & John Jumper awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry,” 2024."
  • 7J. Broken, “Victory for municipal broadband as Wash. state lawmakers end restrictions,” 2021. Ars Technica,

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