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Introduction to Computer Science

3.5 Sample Algorithms by Problem

Introduction to Computer Science3.5 Sample Algorithms by Problem

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Discover algorithms that solve data structure problems
  • Understand graph problems and related algorithms

Earlier, we introduced several computing problems, like searching for a target value in a list or implementing an abstract data type (lists, sets, maps, priority queues, graphs). Although every computational problem is unique, these types of problems often share significant similarities with other problems. Computer scientists have identified many canonical problems that represent these common problem templates. Although each of these canonical problems may have many algorithmic solutions, computer scientists have also identified canonical algorithms for solving these problems. In this section, we will introduce canonical problems and survey canonical algorithms for each problem.

Data Structure Problems

Data structure problems are not only useful for implementing data structures, but also as fundamental algorithm design patterns for organizing data to enable efficient solutions to almost every other computing problem.


Searching is the problem of retrieving a target element from a collection of elements. Searching in a linear data structure, such as an array list, can be done using either sequential search or binary search.

Sequential Search Algorithm

A sequential search algorithm is a searching algorithm that sequentially checks the collection element-by-element for the target. The runtime of sequential search is in O(N) with respect to N, the number of elements in the list (Figure 3.22).

Table with Index row cells: 0 to 8. Data row cells: San Diego, San Francisco, San Antonio, Seaside, Seattle, Springfield, Spokane, St. Paul, Syracuse. Arrows point down to and connect columns 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Figure 3.22 Sequential search is a search algorithm that checks the collection element by element to find a target element. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Binary Search Algorithm

A binary search algorithm recursively narrows down the possible locations for the target in the sorted list. Initially, the algorithm has no information—the target can be anywhere in the entire range of the sorted list. By comparing the target to the middle element of the range, we can rule-out half of the elements in the range. This process can be repeated until we have found the expected location of the target in the sorted list. The runtime of binary search is in O(log N) with respect to N, the number of elements in the sorted list, so long as indexing is a constant-time operation (see Figure 3.11).

Although the sequential search algorithm works with any collection type such as lists, sets, dictionaries, and priority queues, the binary search algorithm relies on a sorted list with access to elements by index. Consequently, binary search is efficient on array lists that provide constant-time access to the element at any index and inefficient on linked lists, which do not enable constant-time access to elements by index. Binary search relies on the structure of the sorted list to repeatedly rule-out half of the remaining elements.

Binary search trees represent the concept of binary search in a tree data structure by arranging elements in the tree in sorted order from left to right. Ideally, the root node represents the middle element in the sorted tree and each child roughly divides each subtree in half. But, in the worst case, a binary search tree can look exactly like a linked list where each node contains either zero children or one child. Although such a tree still arranges its elements in sorted order from left to right, comparing the target to each node only reduces the size of the problem by one element rather than ruling out half of the remaining elements—the worst-case binary search tree degrades to sequential search. Balanced binary search trees, such as AVL trees, addressed this worst-case scenario by maintaining the AVL property of balance between left and right subtrees.


Sorting is the problem of rearranging elements into a logical order, typically from least-valued (smallest) to greatest-valued (largest). Sorting is a fundamental problem not only because of the tasks that it directly solves, but also because it is a foundation for many other algorithms such as the binary search algorithm or Kruskal’s algorithm for the minimum spanning tree problem.

The most common type of sorting algorithm solves the problem of comparison sorting, or sorting a list of elements where elements are not assigned numeric values but rather defined in relation to other elements. For simplicity, the data are typically assumed to be stored in an array list for indexed access, and the sorting algorithm can either return a new sorted list or rearrange the elements in the array list so that they appear in sorted order.

Merge Sort Algorithm

A merge sort algorithm recursively divides the data into sublists until sublists are one element long—which we know are sorted—and then merges adjacent sorted sublists to eventually return the sorted list. The merge operation combines two sorted sublists to produce a new, larger sorted sublist containing all the elements in sorted order. The actual rearranging of elements occurs by repeatedly applying the merge operation on pairs of adjacent sorted sublists, starting with the smallest single-element sublists, to larger two-element sublists, and eventually reaching the two halves of the entire list of elements. The runtime of merge sort is in O(N log N) with respect to N, the number of elements (see Figure 3.17).

Quicksort Algorithm

A quicksort algorithm recursively sorts data by applying the binary search tree algorithm design pattern to partition data around pivot elements. Whereas the merge sort algorithm rearranges elements by repeatedly merging sorted sublists after each recursive subproblem, the quicksort algorithm rearranges elements by partitioning data before each recursive subproblem. The partition operation takes a pivot and rearranges the elements into three sections, from left to right: the sublist of all elements less than the pivot, the pivot element, and the sublist of all elements greater than (or equal to) the pivot. Each of the two sublists resulting from the partition operation is a recursive quicksort subproblem; when both of the sublists are sorted, the entire list will be sorted. The runtime of quicksort depends on the choice of each pivot element during the execution of the recursive algorithm, but in practice, for most of the inputs, the runtime is in O(N log N) with respect to N, the number of elements (Figure 3.23).

A row with cells 21, 13, 1, 82, 92, 10, and 15 at top. Cell 15 is colored purple. “select last element (15) as pivot” reads below. This row branches into a <15 group (13, 1, 10) and a >15 group (21, 82, 92). A cell with 15 is in between both. <15 divides from between 13 and 1 to a <10 >10 group with 1, 10, 13. >15 divides into <92 (21, 82) and then 21 leads to lt;82 (21). A cell with 92 is at level with <92, standing alone.
Figure 3.23 Quicksort is a divide and conquer sorting algorithm that sorts elements by recursively partitioning elements around a pivot. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Heapsort Algorithm

A heapsort algorithm adds all elements to a binary heap priority queue data structure using the comparison operation to determine priority value, and returns the sorted list by repeatedly removing from the priority queue element by element. The runtime of heapsort is in O(N log N) with respect to N, the number of elements. The logarithmic time factor is due to the time it takes to add or remove each element from the binary heap (Figure 3.24).

Start: numbers listed: 6, 5, 2, 4, 1, 3. 6 at top branches to 5 (then 4) and 3 (then 2 and 1). Step 1, 2: numbers listed: 2, 4, 1, 3. 6 branches to 5. Step 3,4: numbers listed: 1, 3. 6 at top, branches to 5 (then 4) and 2. Step 5, 6: 6 at top, branches to 5 (then 4) and 3 (then 2 and 1). Step 7: numbers listed: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 6 at top, connects to 5 (then 4 and 1) and 3 (then to 2).
Figure 3.24 Heapsort uses the binary heap data structure to sort elements by adding and then removing all elements from the heap. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Many comparison sorting algorithms share the same O(N log N) runtime bound with respect to N, the number of elements. Computer scientists have shown with a combinatorial proof that, in the worst case, a comparison sorting algorithm cannot do better than O(N log N) comparisons. It is impossible to design a worst-case O(N) runtime comparison sorting algorithm. In fact, a commonly used version of heapsort (which is also asymptotically faster) is to first build a binary heap (i.e., first arrange the input numbers in an array, then repeatedly call a function to turn the original array into a binary heap; one can show that the running time of this part is linear in N, which is why this is faster than constructing the heap by adding numbers one by one), then remove elements one by one from the end of the heap.

But not all sorting problems are comparison sorting problems. In fact, a commonly used version of heapsort (which is also asymptotically faster) is to first build a binary heap (i.e., first arrange the input numbers in an array, then repeatedly call a function to turn the original array into a binary heap. One can show that the running time of this part is linear in N, which is why this is faster than constructing the heap by adding numbers one by one), then remove elements one by one from the end of the heap as explained previously.

Another type of sorting problem that is not restricted to pairwise comparisons is known as count sorting, or sorting a list of elements by organizing elements into categories and rearranging the categories into a logical order. For example, the problem of sorting a deck of cards can be seen as a count sorting problem if we put the cards into numeric stacks and then rearrange the stacks into a logical order. By changing the assumptions of the problem, count sorting algorithms can run in O(N) time by first assigning each element to its respective category and then unpacking each category so that elements appear in sorted order.


Hashing is the problem of designing efficient algorithms which map each object to an integer so that most (if not all) objects will be assigned distinct integers. Although hashing algorithms are often specific to each data type, there exist some general approaches for designing hashing algorithms. The hash value of a simple data type such as an integer can just be the value of the integer itself. The hash value of a string of text can be some mathematical combination of the numeric value of each character in the string. Likewise, the hash value of a collection such as a list can be some combination of the underlying numeric data within each element in the collection.

Hashing has a variety of applications spanning computer systems, database systems, computer security, and searching algorithms. For example, hashing algorithms are often used designing secure systems for protecting stored passwords even after a security breach occurs. In the context of data structure problems, hashing offers a different approach than binary search. Instead of relying on pairwise comparisons to narrow down the expected location of an element in a sorted list in logarithmic time, hashing search algorithms can instead directly index an element by hash value in constant time. If binary search trees implement sets and maps by applying the concept of binary search, a hash table implements sets and maps by applying the concept of hashing (Figure 3.25). Rather than organize elements in sorted order from left to right as in a binary search tree, hash tables store and retrieve elements in an array indexed by hash value.

Hash table with hash row (2, 0 3, 2) and key row (a, b, c, d). Second table includes index row (0, 1, 2, 3), hash row (0, blank, 2, 3), key row (b, blank, a, c), unnamed row (pqr, blank, tuv, ijk). Column 2 displays a collision with cells 2, d, and efg.
Figure 3.25 Hash tables data structures apply hashing to implement abstract data types such as sets and maps, but must handle collisions between elements that share the same hash value. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Hashing search algorithms are often preferred over binary search algorithms for their runtime benefits, but they come with unique drawbacks. Ideally, different objects would hash to different hash values. But the combinatorial explosion of possibilities for unique strings or collections of complex data means that a collision, or a situation in which multiple objects hash to the same integer index value, is inevitable since integers in a computer can typically only represent a certain, fixed range of integer numbers. Combinatorial explosion is not only a problem for the design of efficient algorithms, but also the design of efficient data structures too.

Graph Problems

While data structure problems focus primarily on storage and retrieval of elements in a collection, graph problems include a wide variety of computing problems involving the graph data structure. Unlike other data structures, graphs include not only elements (vertices) but also relationships between elements (edges). Graph problems often ask algorithm designers to explore the graph in order to answer questions about elements and the relationships between elements.


Traversal is the problem of exploring all the vertices in a graph. Graph data structures differ from tree data structures in that there is no explicit root node to begin the traversal and edges can connect back to other parts of the graph. In general, there is no guarantee of hierarchy in a graph. Graph traversal algorithms such as depth-first search and breadth-first search begin at an arbitrary start vertex and explore outwards from the start vertex while keeping track of a set of explored vertices.

Depth-First Search

A depth-first search is a graph traversal algorithm that recursively explores each neighbor, continuing as far possible along each subproblem depth-first (Figure 3.26). Explored vertices are added to a global set to ensure that the algorithm only explores each vertex once. The runtime of depth-first search is in O(|V| + |E|) with respect to |V|, the number of vertices, and |E|, the number of edges.

Set of diagrams with numbers 1 through 5 connected. In the first diagram, number 1 is highlighted. Right arrow leads to second diagram with line between 1 and 2 highlighted. Right arrow leads to third diagram with 1, 2, and 3 connected and, then fourth diagram with 1-4, then 1-5, and 1-6 (going back to 1) all connected.
Figure 3.26 Depth-first search is a graph traversal algorithm that continues as far down a path as possible from a start vertex before backtracking. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Breadth-First Search

A breadth-first search iteratively explores each neighbor, expanding the search level-by-level breadth-first (Figure 3.27). Explored vertices are also added to a global set to ensure that the algorithm explores each vertex once and in the correct level-order. The runtime of breadth-first search is also in O(|V| + |E|) with respect to |V|, the number of vertices, and |E|, the number of edges.

Graph traversal algorithms are the foundational algorithm design patterns for most graph processing algorithms. Many algorithms require some amount of exploration, and that exploration typically starts at some vertex and continues processing each reachable vertex at most once. A reachable vertex can be reached if a path or sequence of edges from the start vertex exists. As opposed to depth-first search, breadth-first search has the benefit of exploring vertices closer to the start before exploring vertices further from the start, which can be useful for solving problems such as unweighted shortest paths.

Set of diagrams with numbers 1 through 5 connected. In the first diagram, the number 1 is highlighted. Right arrow leads to same algorithm with 1,2 connected. Right arrow leads to next algorithm with 1, 2, 5 connected and, then algorithm with 1, 2, 5, 6, then 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, and 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4 connected.
Figure 3.27 Depth-first search is a graph traversal algorithm that continues as far down a path as possible from a start vertex before backtracking. Breadth-first search is a graph traversal algorithm that explores level by level expanding outward from the start vertex. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Minimum Spanning Trees

Minimum spanning trees is the problem of finding a lowest-cost way to connect all the vertices to each other, where cost is the sum of the selected edge weights. The two canonical greedy algorithms for finding a minimum spanning tree in a graph are Kruskal’s algorithm and Prim’s algorithm. Both algorithms repeatedly apply the rule of selecting the next lowest-weight edge to an unconnected part of the graph. The output of a minimum spanning tree algorithm is a set of |V| - 1 edges connecting all the vertices in the graph with the least total sum of edge weights, where |V| is the number of vertices.

Kruskal’s Algorithm

Kruskal’s algorithm begins by considering each vertex as an independent "island," and the goal of the algorithm is to repeatedly connect islands by selecting the lowest-cost edges. A specialized data structure (called disjoint sets) is typically used to keep track of the independent islands. The runtime of Kruskal’s algorithm is in O(|E| log |E|) with respect to |E|, the number of edges (Figure 3.28).

Kruskal’s algorithm displayed with edges 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and decimal numbers in between. First algorithm shows 6,0 connected with red line. Next algorithm displays 6, 0, and 4,2. Next displays 3, 6, 0, and 4, 2. Last one displays 3, 6, 0, 5, and 4, 2.
Figure 3.28 Kruskal’s algorithm repeatedly selects the next lightest edge that connects two independent "islands." (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Prim’s Algorithm

Prim’s algorithm grows a minimum spanning tree one edge at a time by selecting the lowest-weight edge to an unexplored vertex. The runtime of Prim’s algorithm is in O(|E| log |V| + |V| log |V|) with respect to |V|, the number of vertices, and |E|, the number of edges (Figure 3.29).

Prim’s algorithm displayed with edges 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and decimal numbers in between. First algorithm shows 6,0 connected with red line. Next algorithm displays 0, 6, 3. Next displays 4, 2, 3, 6, 0, and back to 2. Last one displays 4, 2, 3, 6, 0, and back to 2, with a branch out to 5 from 0.
Figure 3.29 Prim’s algorithm expands outward from the start vertex by repeatedly selecting the next lightest edge to an unreached vertex. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Shortest Paths

The output of a shortest paths algorithm is a shortest paths tree, the lowest-cost way to get from one vertex to every other vertex in a graph (Figure 3.30). The unweighted shortest path is the problem of finding the shortest paths in terms of the number of edges. Given a start vertex, breadth-first search can compute the unweighted shortest paths tree from the start vertex to every other reachable vertex in the graph by maintaining a map data structure of the path used to reach each vertex.

G: t at top, branches out to (1)a, (2)b, and (2)c. a branches to (2)d, and 3(s). b(3) branches to e, then connects with (1)s. c connects to 3(e) and then to 1(s).  T1: t at top, branches out to (1)a, (2)b, and (2)c. a branches to (2)d, and 3(s). b(3) branches to (3)e. c does not connect to anything. T2: t at top, branches out to (1)a, (2)b, and (2)c. a branches to (2)d. b(3) branches to e, then (1)s. c does not connect to anything.
Figure 3.30 Three shortest paths trees of the lowest-cost way to get from the start vertex to every other vertex in the graph are shown. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

Weighted Shortest Path

A weighted shortest path is the problem of finding the shortest paths in terms of the sum of the edge weights. Earlier, we introduced Prim’s algorithm, a minimum spanning tree algorithm that maintains a priority queue of edges in the graph ordered by weight and repeatedly selects the next lowest-cost edge to an unconnected part of the graph.

Think It Through

Weighted Shortest Paths for Navigation Directions

One of the most direct applications of the shortest paths problem is to provide recommended routes for navigation directions in real-world mapping. Many applications use distance as the metric for edge weight, so the shortest path between two points represents the real-world route with the smallest distance between the two places.

What does a distance metric not consider when providing a recommended route? What values are centered and emphasized by even using a shortest paths algorithm for recommending routes?

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm maintains a priority queue of vertices in the graph ordered by distance from the start and repeatedly selects the next shortest path to an unconnected part of the graph. Dijkstra’s algorithm is almost identical to Prim’s algorithm except processing shortest paths (sequences of edges) rather than individual edges. Dijkstra’s algorithm grows a shortest paths tree one shortest path at a time by selecting the next shortest path to an unexplored vertex. The runtime of Dijkstra’s algorithm is in O(|E| log |V| + |V| log |V|) with respect to |V|, the number of vertices, and |E|, the number of edges (Figure 3.31).

Dijkstra’s algorithm displayed with edges 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and decimal numbers in between. First algorithm shows 6,0 connected with red line. Next algorithm displays 0, 6, 3, 2. Next displays 0, 6, 3, 2, 4. Last one displays 5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 0.
Figure 3.31 Dijkstra’s algorithm expands outward from the start vertex by repeatedly selecting the next lowest-cost path to an unreached vertex. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

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