Problem Set A
Read this seminal article about microservices and report on the pros and cons based on its content.
Demonstrate how the twelve-factor application principles may be used to develop cloud-native applications.
Read this article about serverless architectures and report on the pros and cons of FaaS/serverless based on its content.
Read this article documenting several use cases for FaaS/serverless deployment and think about when to use it. Perform some research on the Internet and provide additional use cases that make a case for selecting FaaS/serverless deployment technology as opposed to Containers/CaaS or PaaS.
In the first example we built, you worked with Kubernetes, which required you to create deployment and service manifest files. These manifest files are YAML files. Read the IBM tutorial to enhance your knowledge on the structure of YAML files.
Follow this IBM tutorial or this IBM tutorial or to create and deploy an application in Kubernetes.