Problem Set B
Implement a simple website using the Flask framework. How does Flask rank as compared to the latest web and web application frameworks?
See the Flask documentation for more information.
Using Bootstrap and Django, if the categories in the Todo web application cannot be updated or deleted, what is the likely problem?
Using Bootstrap and Django, why is the View function vital for the Todo web application?
Another technology that is often paired with Postman is OpenAPI’s Swagger UI. Research what OpenAPI’s Swagger can do and how it can be paired with Postman.
Research how we can automate API testing with Postman. Explain why automated API testing is useful.
Explain how React Native and Node are used to build a Todo mobile application.
Develop a sample hello world Web 3.0 application and deploy it on Ethereum. Follow the steps described earlier in this subsection to optimize your application using the various technologies suggested in addition to the standard blockchain platform.