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Thought Provokers

1 .
In the beginning of this chapter, we noted that as TechWorks’ organizers made decisions about their system architecture, they asked these questions: How will they manage their budget so that the application can be effectively deployed and maintained? What if the application has a lot of customer data to traffic daily and it is expected to grow rapidly? Is deploying a single cloud or local environment infrastructure enough to execute now and in the future? How will they respond to data breach and systems maintenance? Ultimately, TechWorks decided to choose the best multicloud architecture that allows them to divide their responsibilities onto different cloud systems: application communications, customer services, access control, and resource management. Do you think TechWorks made the best choice for their cloud solution? If you were advising TechWorks, what would you do differently and why?
2 .
Describe how TechWorks could use big cloud IaaS services to create products that would generate business. Give some precise examples and explain how the start-up would be able to scale client businesses.
3 .
Describe how TechWorks could use big cloud PaaS services to create products that would generate business. Give some precise examples and explain how the start-up would be able to scale businesses.
4 .
Assume you teach carpentry to students attending a vocational/technical school. How might you incorporate XR applications into your teaching tools? List at least three different ways you will use XR apps to help your students learn carpentry skills.
5 .
You are designing robots using biomimetic robotics. The robots will be used to assist individuals with mobility issues as they perform gardening tasks, such as watering and weeding flowers. Be creative and discuss two animals whose habits you will use as guidance as you develop the principles of design for this robot gardener.
6 .
To develop fully functioning supersocieties, we need a better understanding of what drives human reasoning and planning. Provide at least three suggestions for how we can gain this understanding and how we can apply this understanding to artificial intelligence.

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