6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography
Academic article databases
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography
Academic OneFile from Gale
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
Academic Search Complete
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources,
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture
Accurate Quotation
12.6 Editing Focus: Integrating Sources and Quotations
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
African American Vernacular English (AAVE)
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
Ain’t I a Woman
16.2 Textual Analysis Trailblazer: bell hooks
Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism
16.2 Textual Analysis Trailblazer: bell hooks
American Museum of Natural History
17.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically and Writing Persuasively About Images
American Notes for General Circulation
2.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically about How Identity Is Constructed Through Writing
American Psychological Association (APA)
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
Americans with Disabilities Act
19.2 Podcast Trailblazer: Alice Wong
10.6 Editing Focus: Paragraphs and Transitions
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.5 Writing Process: Reasoning Supported by Evidence
1.3 Glance at Critical Response: Rhetoric and Critical Thinking,
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting,
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis,
20.3 Glance at Genre: Purpose and Structure
analytical bibliography
14.4 Writing Process: Informing and Analyzing
analytical report
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
17.1 “Reading” Images,
17.3 Glance at Genre: Relationship Between Image and Rhetoric
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
annotated bibliography
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
19.7 Spotlight on … Delivery/Public Speaking
applied linguistics
15.8 Spotlight on … Applied Linguistics
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”,
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
19.7 Spotlight on … Delivery/Public Speaking
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present,
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates,
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
18.3 Glance at Genre: Genre, Audience, Purpose, Organization,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
Background information
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
Bait and switch
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies
9.1 Breaking the Whole into Its Parts,
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
Beautiful Struggle
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Best-first order
1.8 Portfolio: Tracing Writing Development
Between the World and Me
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
2.3 Glance at the Issues: Oppression and Reclamation,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
6.1 Proposing Change: Thinking Critically About Problems and Solutions,
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.1 Information and Critical Thinking,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
12.8 Spotlight on … Bias in Language and Research,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
Biodiversity Institute of Ontario
11.2 Reasoning Trailblazer: Paul D. N. Hebert
Biographical dictionaries
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
Black Classic Press
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Black English Vernacular
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
Black Leopard, Red Wolf
7.2 Review Trailblazer: Michiko Kakutani
Black Lives Matter
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
17.1 “Reading” Images,
17.1 “Reading” Images
Black Panther
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture,
9.2 Rhetorical Analysis Trailblazer: Jamil Smith
Black Panther Party
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
18.3 Glance at Genre: Genre, Audience, Purpose, Organization,
18.7 Spotlight on . . . Technology
10.2 Position Argument Trailblazer: Charles Blow,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
Boolean operators
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
Brigham Young University
3.2 Literacy Narrative Trailblazer: Tara Westover
British Grand Slam
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”
Call of the Wild
10.8 Spotlight on … Citation
Case for Reparations
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
case study
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
10.6 Editing Focus: Paragraphs and Transitions,
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.5 Writing Process: Reasoning Supported by Evidence,
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
causes and effects
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics
11.2 Reasoning Trailblazer: Paul D. N. Hebert
18.1 Mixing Genres and Modes
Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
6.2 Proposal Trailblazer: Atul Gawande
Chief Joseph
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison
19.7 Spotlight on … Delivery/Public Speaking
Chronological order
1.8 Portfolio: Tracing Writing Development,
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description,
10.6 Editing Focus: Paragraphs and Transitions,
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
circular argument
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
12.3 Glance at Genre: Introducing Research as Evidence,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
City University of New York
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Civil War
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”,
17.1 “Reading” Images,
17.8 Spotlight on … Video and Film
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”,
12.3 Glance at Genre: Introducing Research as Evidence,
18.5 Writing Process: Create a Multimodal Advocacy Project
10.6 Editing Focus: Paragraphs and Transitions
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.5 Writing Process: Reasoning Supported by Evidence
Clean Water Act
17.1 “Reading” Images
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation
6.2 Proposal Trailblazer: Atul Gawande,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates,
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates,
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
cognitive bias
6.1 Proposing Change: Thinking Critically About Problems and Solutions,
8.1 Information and Critical Thinking
College Composition and Communication
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
colonized self
2.8 Portfolio: Decolonizing Self
Columbia Encyclopedia
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
comma splice
common knowledge
13.6 Spotlight on … Ethical Research
Community Reading Room in Melbourne, Australia
18.2 Multimodal Trailblazer: Torika Bolatagici
Compare and contrast
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.6 Editing Focus: Paragraphs and Transitions,
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words
Comparison and Contrast
11.5 Writing Process: Reasoning Supported by Evidence
complex sentence
Compound objects
compound sentence
Compound subjects
compound-complex sentence
Concession or agreement
10.6 Editing Focus: Paragraphs and Transitions
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals,
conclusion statement
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
concrete nouns
17.1 “Reading” Images
Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC)
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
confirmation bias
6.1 Proposing Change: Thinking Critically About Problems and Solutions,
8.1 Information and Critical Thinking
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic
Contemporary Authors
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
1.1 "Reading" to Understand and Respond,
1.3 Glance at Critical Response: Rhetoric and Critical Thinking,
2.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically about How Identity Is Constructed Through Writing,
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description,
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
20.3 Glance at Genre: Purpose and Structure
15.6 Editing Focus: Words Often Confused
18.1 Mixing Genres and Modes
coordinating conjunction
17.1 “Reading” Images
Counterclaim (dissenting opinion)
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
12.3 Glance at Genre: Introducing Research as Evidence
Country Music
17.8 Spotlight on … Video and Film
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment
creative nonfiction
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present
credible sources
5.5 Writing Process: Focusing on the Angle of Your Subject
19.2 Podcast Trailblazer: Alice Wong
Critical race theory
2.3 Glance at the Issues: Oppression and Reclamation
Critical thinking
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
7.2 Review Trailblazer: Michiko Kakutani
Cultural appropriation
2.3 Glance at the Issues: Oppression and Reclamation
cultural considerations
19.7 Spotlight on … Delivery/Public Speaking
cultural critic
9.2 Rhetorical Analysis Trailblazer: Jamil Smith
cultural lens
2.1 Seeds of Self
cultural system
2.1 Seeds of Self
1.1 "Reading" to Understand and Respond,
1.3 Glance at Critical Response: Rhetoric and Critical Thinking,
2.3 Glance at the Issues: Oppression and Reclamation,
3.1 Identity and Expression,
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present,
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
18.2 Multimodal Trailblazer: Torika Bolatagici,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
Current Biography
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
Dance Dance Revolution: Poems
2.2 Identity Trailblazer: Cathy Park Hong
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
Deakin University
18.2 Multimodal Trailblazer: Torika Bolatagici
Death of Truth: Notes on Falsehood in the Age of Trump
7.2 Review Trailblazer: Michiko Kakutani
debatable issue
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument,
12.1 Introducing Research and Research Evidence
decolonized self
2.8 Portfolio: Decolonizing Self
deductive reasoning
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.5 Writing Process: Reasoning Supported by Evidence
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
Demonstrative pronouns
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
20.3 Glance at Genre: Purpose and Structure
descriptive annotations
14.4 Writing Process: Informing and Analyzing
descriptive language
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public
9.4 Annotated Student Sample: “Rhetorical Analysis: Evicted by Matthew Desmond” by Eliana Evans,
9.4 Annotated Student Sample: “Rhetorical Analysis: Evicted by Matthew Desmond” by Eliana Evans
Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto
10.2 Position Argument Trailblazer: Charles Blow
2.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically about How Identity Is Constructed Through Writing,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic
Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives
3.5 Writing Process: Tracing the Beginnings of Literacy,
3.8 Spotlight on … The Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives (DALN)
digital deserts
18.7 Spotlight on . . . Technology
Direct quotation
7.6 Editing Focus: Quotations,
13.5 Research Process: Making Notes, Synthesizing Information, and Keeping a Research Log
Disability Visibility Project (DVP)
19.2 Podcast Trailblazer: Alice Wong
Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century
19.2 Podcast Trailblazer: Alice Wong
Distorted Quotation
12.6 Editing Focus: Integrating Sources and Quotations
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.5 Writing Process: Reasoning Supported by Evidence
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation
3.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report
Du Bois
Educated: A Memoir
3.2 Literacy Narrative Trailblazer: Tara Westover
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words
2.8 Portfolio: Decolonizing Self
Emancipation Proclamation
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”
Emotional tax
2.3 Glance at the Issues: Oppression and Reclamation
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present,
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument
English variety
5.6 Editing Focus: Verb Tense Consistency
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
Environmental Protection Agency
17.1 “Reading” Images,
18.4 Annotated Sample Reading: “Celebrating a Win-Win” by Alexandra Dapolito Dunn
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
Equestrian Statue of Theodore Roosevelt
17.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically and Writing Persuasively About Images
Essential information
8.6 Editing Focus: Commas with Nonessential and Essential Information,
2.3 Glance at the Issues: Oppression and Reclamation,
18.3 Glance at Genre: Genre, Audience, Purpose, Organization
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
9.1 Breaking the Whole into Its Parts,
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
18.3 Glance at Genre: Genre, Audience, Purpose, Organization,
18.4 Annotated Sample Reading: “Celebrating a Win-Win” by Alexandra Dapolito Dunn,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
1.3 Glance at Critical Response: Rhetoric and Critical Thinking,
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting,
14.4 Writing Process: Informing and Analyzing,
20.3 Glance at Genre: Purpose and Structure
1.3 Glance at Critical Response: Rhetoric and Critical Thinking,
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”,
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument,
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
12.3 Glance at Genre: Introducing Research as Evidence,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
Ex Libris: 100+ Books to Read and Reread
7.2 Review Trailblazer: Michiko Kakutani
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
10.6 Editing Focus: Paragraphs and Transitions
exclamation point
1.6 Evaluation: Intention vs. Execution
executive summary
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports
Expert opinion
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation
Eye contact
19.7 Spotlight on … Delivery/Public Speaking
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic
facial expressions
19.7 Spotlight on … Delivery/Public Speaking
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
6.1 Proposing Change: Thinking Critically About Problems and Solutions,
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.1 Information and Critical Thinking,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
12.9 Portfolio: Why Facts Matter in Research Argumentation
Facts on File World News Digest
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
Factual information
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description
falling action
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation
false consensus effect
8.1 Information and Critical Thinking
Field notes
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description,
5.5 Writing Process: Focusing on the Angle of Your Subject
field observations
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description,
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
Field research
12.3 Glance at Genre: Introducing Research as Evidence,
13.2 The Research Process: How to Create Sources
Figurative language
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies
film reviews
Fire Shut Up in My Bones
10.2 Position Argument Trailblazer: Charles Blow
first-person narrator
4.6 Editing Focus: More on Characterization and Point of View
18.7 Spotlight on . . . Technology
Focused subject
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
17.8 Spotlight on … Video and Film
2.8 Portfolio: Decolonizing Self
fragmented sentences
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public
Gale in Context
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
5.2 Profile Trailblazer: Veronica Chambers,
16.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Text
17.1 “Reading” Images
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
General American English
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
general-interest database
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
Generic nouns
1.1 "Reading" to Understand and Respond,
3.3 Glance at Genre: The Literacy Narrative,
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present,
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies,
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument,
16.3 Glance at Genre: Print or Textual Analysis,
18.1 Mixing Genres and Modes,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
18.1 Mixing Genres and Modes
17.1 “Reading” Images
11.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Book VII of The Republic by Plato,
11.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Book VII of The Republic by Plato
Golden Globe Awards
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture
Google Scholar
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography
Grambling State University
10.2 Position Argument Trailblazer: Charles Blow
Great Lakes Institute at Windsor
11.2 Reasoning Trailblazer: Paul D. N. Hebert
Great Society
10.4 Annotated Sample Reading: "Remarks at the University of Michigan" by Lyndon B. Johnson
Green Book
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture
Hammond World Atlas
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
Harper’s Magazine
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present
Harvard Medical School
6.2 Proposal Trailblazer: Atul Gawande
hasty generalization
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership
7.2 Review Trailblazer: Michiko Kakutani
Historical Text Archive
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture
Hollywood Foreign Press Association
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture
15.6 Editing Focus: Words Often Confused
15.6 Editing Focus: Words Often Confused
House of My Own: Stories from My Life
20.2 Reflection Trailblazer: Sandra Cisneros
House on Mango Street
20.2 Reflection Trailblazer: Sandra Cisneros
Howard University
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban
3.3 Glance at Genre: The Literacy Narrative
I Have a Dream
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
3.1 Identity and Expression
imperative mood
In Its Immensely Satisfying Season Finale, Game of Thrones Became the Show It Had Always Tried Not to Be.
7.1 Thumbs Up or Down?
inciting incident
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation
Indiana University
19.2 Podcast Trailblazer: Alice Wong
indicative mood
inductive reasoning
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
17.1 “Reading” Images
informational text
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”
intellectual property
10.8 Spotlight on … Citation
Intellectual property laws
17.1 “Reading” Images
Interesting lead
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment
internal monologue
20.5 Writing Process: Looking Back, Looking Forward
International Barcode of Life
11.2 Reasoning Trailblazer: Paul D. N. Hebert
internment camps
5.8 Spotlight on … Profiling a Cultural Artifact
interpretive communities
16.3 Glance at Genre: Print or Textual Analysis
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
Into Thin Air
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison
20.8 Spotlight on … Pronouns in Context
Jim Crow laws
2.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically about How Identity Is Constructed Through Writing,
17.1 “Reading” Images
Joan of Arc
5.2 Profile Trailblazer: Veronica Chambers
John F. Kennedy Library Foundation
5.1 Profiles as Inspiration
10.4 Annotated Sample Reading: "Remarks at the University of Michigan" by Lyndon B. Johnson,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
journalist’s questions
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
9.1 Breaking the Whole into Its Parts,
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
16.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Text,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
2.8 Portfolio: Decolonizing Self
labyrinthine sentences
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public
language acquisition theory
15.8 Spotlight on … Applied Linguistics
Language and Linguistics Student Conference
15.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About How People and Language Interact
Letter of transmittal
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports
Library of Congress
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography
Life on the Mississippi
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
4.6 Editing Focus: More on Characterization and Point of View
limited point of view
4.6 Editing Focus: More on Characterization and Point of View
literacy narrative
literary allegory
11.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Book VII of The Republic by Plato
literature review
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description,
10.6 Editing Focus: Paragraphs and Transitions
logical fallacies
9.1 Breaking the Whole into Its Parts
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
9.1 Breaking the Whole into Its Parts,
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
18.3 Glance at Genre: Genre, Audience, Purpose, Organization,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
10.8 Spotlight on … Citation
Loyola University
20.2 Reflection Trailblazer: Sandra Cisneros
main clause
Make It Messy
5.2 Profile Trailblazer: Veronica Chambers
Mama’s Girl
5.2 Profile Trailblazer: Veronica Chambers
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture
Marvel Comics
9.2 Rhetorical Analysis Trailblazer: Jamil Smith
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
2.3 Glance at the Issues: Oppression and Reclamation
Microsoft Word
9.8 Spotlight on … Business and Law
Midlands Technical College
15.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About How People and Language Interact
Midwest American English
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison
Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning
2.2 Identity Trailblazer: Cathy Park Hong
Minority Achievement Committee (MAC)
9.2 Rhetorical Analysis Trailblazer: Jamil Smith
mixed sentence
Möbius strip
17.1 “Reading” Images
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
18.5 Writing Process: Create a Multimodal Advocacy Project
Modern Language Association (MLA)
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
Monthly Catalog of United States
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture
Mother Jones
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Naked Raygun
17.1 “Reading” Images
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words
Narrative structure
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
2.4 Annotated Sample Reading from The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois
National Council on Disability
19.2 Podcast Trailblazer: Alice Wong
National Geographic Atlas of the World
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
National Public Radio
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture
Natural Causes: An Epidemic of Wellness, the Certainty of Dying, and Killing Ourselves to Live Longer
8.2 Analytical Report Trailblazer: Barbara Ehrenreich
Natural History Museum
11.2 Reasoning Trailblazer: Paul D. N. Hebert
2.3 Glance at the Issues: Oppression and Reclamation
New Encyclopædia Britannica
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
New Republic
2.2 Identity Trailblazer: Cathy Park Hong,
9.2 Rhetorical Analysis Trailblazer: Jamil Smith
New York Times
7.2 Review Trailblazer: Michiko Kakutani
New York Times Magazine
5.2 Profile Trailblazer: Veronica Chambers
Nez Percé
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
4.8 Spotlight on … Multilingual Writers
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America
8.2 Analytical Report Trailblazer: Barbara Ehrenreich
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
Nonessential information
8.6 Editing Focus: Commas with Nonessential and Essential Information,
13.2 The Research Process: How to Create Sources
nonstandard dialects
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
12.2 Argumentative Research Trailblazer: Samin Nosrat,
12.2 Argumentative Research Trailblazer: Samin Nosrat
Numerical data
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies
Unit 1 Unit Introduction
17.2 Image Trailblazer: Sara Ludy,
17.4 Annotated Student Sample: “Hints of the Homoerotic” by Leo Davis
2.1 Seeds of Self,
2.8 Portfolio: Decolonizing Self,
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates,
9.8 Spotlight on … Business and Law,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.2 Podcast Trailblazer: Alice Wong
Oberlin College
2.2 Identity Trailblazer: Cathy Park Hong
object distinction
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
object of the preposition
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
object personal pronoun
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
object personal pronouns
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals
Objective stance
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
20.3 Glance at Genre: Purpose and Structure
observation environment
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
On Rhetoric
6.1 Proposing Change: Thinking Critically About Problems and Solutions,
8.1 Information and Critical Thinking
Opposing Viewpoints in Context from Gale
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
paperwork reduction
9.8 Spotlight on … Business and Law
19.7 Spotlight on … Delivery/Public Speaking
Parallel structure
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals,
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak,
1.3 Glance at Critical Response: Rhetoric and Critical Thinking,
12.5 Writing Process: Integrating Research,
13.5 Research Process: Making Notes, Synthesizing Information, and Keeping a Research Log,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
participant observer
13.2 The Research Process: How to Create Sources
Past tense
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
5.6 Editing Focus: Verb Tense Consistency
9.1 Breaking the Whole into Its Parts,
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
18.3 Glance at Genre: Genre, Audience, Purpose, Organization,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
17.1 “Reading” Images
peer review
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography
Peer-reviewed source
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
17.4 Annotated Student Sample: “Hints of the Homoerotic” by Leo Davis
Perfect Storm
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present
personal pronouns
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument,
12.1 Introducing Research and Research Evidence,
17.3 Glance at Genre: Relationship Between Image and Rhetoric
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
persuasive arguments
17.1 “Reading” Images
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals
10.8 Spotlight on … Citation
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”,
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report
11.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Book VII of The Republic by Plato,
11.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Book VII of The Republic by Plato,
11.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Book VII of The Republic by Plato,
11.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Book VII of The Republic by Plato
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words
Point of view
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
17.1 “Reading” Images,
17.3 Glance at Genre: Relationship Between Image and Rhetoric,
Politico 50
9.4 Annotated Student Sample: “Rhetorical Analysis: Evicted by Matthew Desmond” by Eliana Evans
Pollution Prevention (P2) Act
18.4 Annotated Sample Reading: “Celebrating a Win-Win” by Alexandra Dapolito Dunn
position arguments
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument,
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument
possessive case
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
possessive pronouns
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic
present tense
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
5.6 Editing Focus: Verb Tense Consistency
preview statement
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
primary data sources
12.1 Introducing Research and Research Evidence
primary research
5.5 Writing Process: Focusing on the Angle of Your Subject
primary sources
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
Primary Sources
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation
Princeton University
9.4 Annotated Student Sample: “Rhetorical Analysis: Evicted by Matthew Desmond” by Eliana Evans
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.5 Writing Process: Reasoning Supported by Evidence,
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
professional email
5.5 Writing Process: Focusing on the Angle of Your Subject
Profiles in Courage
5.1 Profiles as Inspiration
6.2 Proposal Trailblazer: Atul Gawande
Pulitzer Prize
7.2 Review Trailblazer: Michiko Kakutani
1.1 "Reading" to Understand and Respond,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
18.5 Writing Process: Create a Multimodal Advocacy Project,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals,
20.3 Glance at Genre: Purpose and Structure
purpose statement
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
qualitative research
15.1 Tracing a Broad Issue in the Individual,
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
quantitative research
15.1 Tracing a Broad Issue in the Individual,
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
Queen’s University
11.2 Reasoning Trailblazer: Paul D. N. Hebert
question mark
quick write
1.8 Portfolio: Tracing Writing Development
1.2 Social Media Trailblazer: Selena Gomez
Rachel Maddow Show
9.2 Rhetorical Analysis Trailblazer: Jamil Smith
Raisin in the Sun
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment
Random House Encyclopedia
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
Rate of speech
19.7 Spotlight on … Delivery/Public Speaking
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”,
10.1 Making a Case: Defining a Position Argument,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
12.3 Glance at Genre: Introducing Research as Evidence,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
reasoning strategies
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports
17.1 “Reading” Images
2.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically about How Identity Is Constructed Through Writing,
3.5 Writing Process: Tracing the Beginnings of Literacy,
5.5 Writing Process: Focusing on the Angle of Your Subject,
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
11.5 Writing Process: Reasoning Supported by Evidence,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
18.5 Writing Process: Create a Multimodal Advocacy Project,
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak,
14.4 Writing Process: Informing and Analyzing,
17.1 “Reading” Images,
17.3 Glance at Genre: Relationship Between Image and Rhetoric
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting,
20.3 Glance at Genre: Purpose and Structure
Reflective writing
20.3 Glance at Genre: Purpose and Structure
Reflexive pronouns
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
Refutation of counterclaims
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
regional dialect
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals,
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
reporters’ questions
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
Reporting structure
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description
research behaviors
research log
13.2 The Research Process: How to Create Sources,
13.3 Glance at the Research Process: Key Skills
Research question
12.3 Glance at Genre: Introducing Research as Evidence,
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
Resist: 40 Profiles of Ordinary People Who Rose Up against Tyranny and Injustice
5.1 Profiles as Inspiration
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation
Reverse chronological order
1.8 Portfolio: Tracing Writing Development
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography
review genre
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
12.5 Writing Process: Integrating Research
1.3 Glance at Critical Response: Rhetoric and Critical Thinking,
9.1 Breaking the Whole into Its Parts,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
Rhetorical analysis
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies
Rhetorical appeals
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
Rhetorical devices
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
Rhetorical question
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence
rhetorical situation
1.3 Glance at Critical Response: Rhetoric and Critical Thinking,
3.1 Identity and Expression,
3.5 Writing Process: Tracing the Beginnings of Literacy,
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
Rhodes Scholarship
6.2 Proposal Trailblazer: Atul Gawande
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
rising action
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation
Roanoke College
17.8 Spotlight on … Video and Film
Rockefeller University
8.2 Analytical Report Trailblazer: Barbara Ehrenreich
Rolling Stone
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present,
9.2 Rhetorical Analysis Trailblazer: Jamil Smith
17.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically and Writing Persuasively About Images,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
Royal Shakespeare Company
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words
run-on sentence
Rutgers University
2.2 Identity Trailblazer: Cathy Park Hong
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking
12.2 Argumentative Research Trailblazer: Samin Nosrat
5.2 Profile Trailblazer: Veronica Chambers
Sarah Lawrence College
2.2 Identity Trailblazer: Cathy Park Hong
Scholarly journal articles
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
School of Art and Design, University of New South Wales
18.2 Multimodal Trailblazer: Torika Bolatagici
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
17.2 Image Trailblazer: Sara Ludy
script writing
Second Life
17.2 Image Trailblazer: Sara Ludy
second-person narration
4.6 Editing Focus: More on Characterization and Point of View
second-person point of view
4.6 Editing Focus: More on Characterization and Point of View,
4.6 Editing Focus: More on Characterization and Point of View
secondary research
5.5 Writing Process: Focusing on the Angle of Your Subject
secondary sources
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
12.1 Introducing Research and Research Evidence,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
2.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically about How Identity Is Constructed Through Writing
Sensory language
9.1 Breaking the Whole into Its Parts
Sentence combining
3.6 Editing Focus: Sentence Structure
sentence fragment
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words
2.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically about How Identity Is Constructed Through Writing
sexist language
12.8 Spotlight on … Bias in Language and Research
signal phrase
7.6 Editing Focus: Quotations,
12.6 Editing Focus: Integrating Sources and Quotations,
Signpost language
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words
simple sentence
Slippery slope
9.1 Breaking the Whole into Its Parts
social dialect
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
social justice
10.4 Annotated Sample Reading: "Remarks at the University of Michigan" by Lyndon B. Johnson
Société d’Anthropologie de Paris
15.4 Annotated Sample Reading: Case Study on Louis Victor "Tan" Leborgne
Society of Professional Journalists
9.2 Rhetorical Analysis Trailblazer: Jamil Smith
11.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Book VII of The Republic by Plato,
11.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Book VII of The Republic by Plato,
11.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Book VII of The Republic by Plato,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words
5.1 Profiles as Inspiration
Souls of Black Folk
2.4 Annotated Sample Reading from The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois
Southeastern Conference athletics organization
17.1 “Reading” Images
18.1 Mixing Genres and Modes
Spatial structure
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description
Specific details
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment
Specific evidence
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation
Specific topic
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment
20.3 Glance at Genre: Purpose and Structure
Sports Illustrated
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present
stage directions
19.7 Spotlight on … Delivery/Public Speaking
1.1 "Reading" to Understand and Respond,
12.5 Writing Process: Integrating Research
Standard dialect
2.7 Spotlight on … Variations of English
Stanford University
6.2 Proposal Trailblazer: Atul Gawande,
16.2 Textual Analysis Trailblazer: bell hooks,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison
6.1 Proposing Change: Thinking Critically About Problems and Solutions,
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.1 Information and Critical Thinking,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
6.6 Editing Focus: Subject-Verb Agreement,
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns,
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
subject-verb agreement
6.6 Editing Focus: Subject-Verb Agreement
8.1 Information and Critical Thinking
20.6 Editing Focus: Pronouns
subjunctive mood
Subordinate clauses
Sugarhill Gang
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic
1.3 Glance at Critical Response: Rhetoric and Critical Thinking,
10.6 Editing Focus: Paragraphs and Transitions,
13.5 Research Process: Making Notes, Synthesizing Information, and Keeping a Research Log,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting,
14.4 Writing Process: Informing and Analyzing
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
13.2 The Research Process: How to Create Sources,
15.3 Glance at Genre: Observation, Description, and Analysis
Sydney University
11.2 Reasoning Trailblazer: Paul D. N. Hebert
2.1 Seeds of Self
Table of contents
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports
technical manipulations
17.1 “Reading” Images
TED Talks
3.8 Spotlight on … The Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives (DALN),
15.2 Case Study Trailblazer: Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison,
16.4 Annotated Student Sample: "Artists at Work" by Gwyn Garrison
Tertiary sources
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment
textual analysis
16.1 An Author’s Choices: What Text Says and How It Says It,
16.1 An Author’s Choices: What Text Says and How It Says It
the personal vs. the universal
17.8 Spotlight on … Video and Film
The Washington Post
7.2 Review Trailblazer: Michiko Kakutani
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
7.1 Thumbs Up or Down?,
7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
12.3 Glance at Genre: Introducing Research as Evidence,
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
thesis statement
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.3 Glance at Genre: Informal and Formal Analytical Reports,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
9.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically about Rhetoric,
17.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically and Writing Persuasively About Images,
thesis-first organization
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
Thick description
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description,
5.5 Writing Process: Focusing on the Angle of Your Subject,
5.5 Writing Process: Focusing on the Angle of Your Subject
Things They Carried
Unit 1 Unit Introduction
Third-person narration
4.6 Editing Focus: More on Characterization and Point of View
third-person point of view
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal
Thirty two (32) Yolks
5.2 Profile Trailblazer: Veronica Chambers
16.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Text,
16.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Text
Times Atlas of the World
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
1.3 Glance at Critical Response: Rhetoric and Critical Thinking,
2.1 Seeds of Self,
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description,
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description,
5.5 Writing Process: Focusing on the Angle of Your Subject,
7.3 Glance at Genre: Criteria, Evidence, Evaluation,
17.1 “Reading” Images,
18.3 Glance at Genre: Genre, Audience, Purpose, Organization,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
12.3 Glance at Genre: Introducing Research as Evidence,
19.3 Glance at Genre: Language Performance and Visuals
Topic sentence
6.3 Glance at Genre: Features of Proposals,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
Topical structure
5.3 Glance at Genre: Subject, Angle, Background, and Description
transatlantic slave trade
2.3 Glance at the Issues: Oppression and Reclamation
transition statements
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
Transitional words or phrases
10.3 Glance at Genre: Thesis, Reasoning, and Evidence,
10.6 Editing Focus: Paragraphs and Transitions,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
18.6 Evaluation: Transitions,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
Translating Mo’um
2.2 Identity Trailblazer: Cathy Park Hong
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”,
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”
Turabian Style
14.2 Glance at Form: Citation Style, Purpose, and Formatting
4.4 Annotated Sample Reading: from Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public,
4.6 Editing Focus: More on Characterization and Point of View,
4.6 Editing Focus: More on Characterization and Point of View,
17.6 Editing Focus: Descriptive Diction
U.S. Army
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
U.S. Department of Transportation
19.4 Annotated Student Sample: “Are New DOT Regulations Discriminatory?” by Zain A. Kumar
Unconscious bias
2.3 Glance at the Issues: Oppression and Reclamation
Underground Railroad
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
9.3 Glance at Genre: Rhetorical Strategies
17.1 “Reading” Images
United Nations
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography
University of Alberta
15.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About How People and Language Interact
University of California
11.3 Glance at Genre: Reasoning Strategies and Signal Words,
12.2 Argumentative Research Trailblazer: Samin Nosrat,
15.2 Case Study Trailblazer: Vilayanur S. Ramachandran,
19.2 Podcast Trailblazer: Alice Wong
University of Cambridge
11.2 Reasoning Trailblazer: Paul D. N. Hebert,
15.2 Case Study Trailblazer: Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
University of Central Oklahoma
15.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About How People and Language Interact
University of Guelph
11.2 Reasoning Trailblazer: Paul D. N. Hebert
University of North Carolina
15.9 Portfolio: Your Own Uses of Language
University of Oxford
6.2 Proposal Trailblazer: Atul Gawande
University of Pennsylvania
9.2 Rhetorical Analysis Trailblazer: Jamil Smith
University of Windsor
11.2 Reasoning Trailblazer: Paul D. N. Hebert
7.8 Spotlight on … Language and Culture
17.1 “Reading” Images
verb tenses
5.6 Editing Focus: Verb Tense Consistency
verbal fillers
19.7 Spotlight on … Delivery/Public Speaking
2.1 Seeds of Self
6.5 Writing Process: Creating a Proposal,
8.5 Writing Process: Creating an Analytical Report,
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
18.1 Mixing Genres and Modes
Vivid details
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation
2.1 Seeds of Self
2.1 Seeds of Self,
4.3 Glance at Genre: Conflict, Detail, and Revelation,
4.5 Writing Process: Making the Personal Public
1.8 Portfolio: Tracing Writing Development
16.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Text,
16.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Text
Wall Street Journal
4.1 Exploring the Past to Understand the Present
Washington Monthly
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Water Dancer
4.2 Memoir Trailblazer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
We Real Cool
16.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Text
Web of Science from Clarivate Analytics
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
Who’s Who in America
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
Wizards of Waverly Place
1.2 Social Media Trailblazer: Selena Gomez
Woman’s Rights Convention
16.2 Textual Analysis Trailblazer: bell hooks
11.1 Developing Your Sense of Logic
working thesis statement
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument
Working topic sentence
11.5 Writing Process: Reasoning Supported by Evidence
Works Cited or References
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography
World Almanac and Book of Facts
13.1 The Research Process: Where to Look for Existing Sources
World Health Organization
6.2 Proposal Trailblazer: Atul Gawande,
14.1 Compiling Sources for an Annotated Bibliography
World War I
10.5 Writing Process: Creating a Position Argument,
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
World War II
1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”,
19.1 Writing, Speaking, and Activism,
19.5 Writing Process: Writing to Speak
Writers’ Workshop
2.2 Identity Trailblazer: Cathy Park Hong,
20.2 Reflection Trailblazer: Sandra Cisneros
writing process
3.5 Writing Process: Tracing the Beginnings of Literacy