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capital asset budget 7.3 Prepare Financial Budgets
capital expenditure budget 7.3 Prepare Financial Budgets
cash collections schedule 7.3 Prepare Financial Budgets
cash payments schedule 7.3 Prepare Financial Budgets
Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP) 1.3 Explain the Primary Roles and Skills Required of Managerial Accountants
cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis 3.2 Calculate a Break-Even Point in Units and Dollars
direct labor budget 7.2 Prepare Operating Budgets
direct labor rate variance 8.3 Compute and Evaluate Labor Variances
direct labor time variance 8.3 Compute and Evaluate Labor Variances
direct materials budget 7.2 Prepare Operating Budgets
direct materials price variance 8.2 Compute and Evaluate Materials Variances
direct materials quantity variance 8.2 Compute and Evaluate Materials Variances
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 1.2 Distinguish between Financial and Managerial Accounting
fixed factory overhead variance 8.4 Compute and Evaluate Overhead Variances
manufacturing overhead budget 7.2 Prepare Operating Budgets
Operating budgets 7.2 Prepare Operating Budgets
production budget 7.2 Prepare Operating Budgets
Selling and administrative (S&A) expenses 5.1 Compare and Contrast Job Order Costing and Process Costing
selling and administrative expense budget 7.2 Prepare Operating Budgets
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) 13.3 Discuss Examples of Major Sustainability Initiatives
total direct labor variance 8.3 Compute and Evaluate Labor Variances
total direct materials cost variance 8.2 Compute and Evaluate Materials Variances
total variable overhead cost variance 8.4 Compute and Evaluate Overhead Variances

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