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“butterfly” cannula 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
abductor pillow 9.4 Positioning in Bed
abnormal posture 16.4 Pain Assessment
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 2.1 Changing with Trends
absolute refractory period 24.1 Cardiovascular System
abstract thinking 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
accommodation 26.2 Physical Assessment
acetylsalicylic acid 15.4 Temperature
acidosis 15.6 Respiration
acromegaly 22.1 Head and Neck
active immunity 6.1 Infection Cycle
active-assisted ROM 9.2 Assessing Mobility
activity of daily living (ADL) 9.1 Assessing Functional Ability
acute radiation syndrome (ARS) 8.4 Burn Injuries and Management
acute renal failure 13.4 Blood Transfusions
adenosine diphosphate (ADP) 17.1 Nutritional Concepts
adipose tissue 9.2 Assessing Mobility
adjuvant analgesic 16.5 Pain Management
administering blood and blood products 13.4 Blood Transfusions, 13 Summary
administering eye medications 14.1 Administering Eye Medications, 14 Summary
advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) 18.2 Cardiovascular System
advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) 2.1 Changing with Trends
affective learning domain 3.3 Patient Education and Teaching
affective response 16.2 Responses to Pain
airborne transmission 6.1 Infection Cycle
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test 20.2 Substance Use Disorder Assessment
alkalosis 15.6 Respiration
alternating pressure mattress 9.4 Positioning in Bed
amblyopia (also, lazy eye) 22.2 Eyes
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) 2.1 Changing with Trends
American Heart Association 9.1 Assessing Functional Ability
American Indian healing 5.1 Understanding Cultural Differences
American Psychiatric Association 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
American Psychological Association (APA) 5.2 Ethical Practice in Culture and Diversity
anisocoria 22.2 Eyes
anti-arrhythmics 11.2 Dosing
antibodies 6.1 Infection Cycle
antiepileptics 11.2 Dosing
antimanics 11.2 Dosing
antimicrobial filter 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
antipyretic 15.4 Temperature
apical pulse 15.5 Heart Rate
apothecary system 11.2 Dosing, 11.2 Dosing
arterial blood sampling 10.4 Blood Sampling, 10.4 Blood Sampling
arthrofibrosis 8.3 Wound Management
Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) 2.3 Practice Standards
astigmatism 22.2 Eyes
Asymptomatic carriers 6.1 Infection Cycle
asystole 15.5 Heart Rate
atrial fibrillation 15.5 Heart Rate
atrial gallop 24.3 Nursing Assessment
attention deficit disorder 7.2 Factors Influencing Personal Hygiene
auscultatory gap 15.7 Blood Pressure
autolytic debridement 8.3 Wound Management
axillary temperature 15.4 Temperature
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) 2.3 Practice Standards
bacitracin ophthalmic ointment 14.1 Administering Eye Medications
bacterial reaction 13.4 Blood Transfusions
Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA) 11.1 Rights of Medication Administration
basal metabolic rate (BMR) 17.1 Nutritional Concepts
Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT) 8.2 Wound Assessment
beclomethasone inhalation 14.4 Administering Inhaled Medications
bedside swallow screen 22.4 Mouth, Throat, Nose, and Sinuses
Bell palsy 22.1 Head and Neck
benign prostatic hyperplasia 14.4 Administering Inhaled Medications
blood-brain barrier 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
brachial pulse 15.5 Heart Rate
brain lateralization 26.1 Structure and Function
bronchoscopy collection 10.3 Sputum Collection, 10 Summary
budesonide inhalation suspension 14.4 Administering Inhaled Medications
butterfly needle 10.4 Blood Sampling
candidiasis (also, thrush) 22.4 Mouth, Throat, Nose, and Sinuses
capillary blood collection 10.4 Blood Sampling, 10.4 Blood Sampling
capillary exchange 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
capillary wall 13.3 Intravenous Infusion
Caput medusae 27.2 Physical Assessment
carbon dioxide 15.6 Respiration
cardiac anomalies 15.5 Heart Rate
cardiac output 15.5 Heart Rate
cardiogenic shock 15.7 Blood Pressure
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 18.2 Cardiovascular System
carotid pulse 15.5 Heart Rate
cataract 22.2 Eyes
catheter-associated thrombus 13.1 Principles of Intravenous Therapy
catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) 19.4 Nursing Management of Elimination
catheterized urine sample 10.1 Urine Specimen
cauliflower ear 22.3 Ears
cellular respiration 17.1 Nutritional Concepts
central line–associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) 13.3 Intravenous Infusion
central nervous system (CNS) 26.1 Structure and Function
cerebral hemispheres 26.1 Structure and Function
cerebrovascular accident 15.7 Blood Pressure
cervical vertebrae 22.1 Head and Neck
Chalazion 22.2 Eyes
chemical restraint 9.5 Limited Movement Devices
Child Protective Services (CPS) 20.3 Abuse and Neglect Assessment
chronic glomerulonephritis 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
chronic liver disease 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
ciliary muscle 22.2 Eyes
circadian rhythm 15.4 Temperature
circulating blood volume 15.5 Heart Rate
circumstantial thinking 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
clavicular notch 23.1 Structure and Function
clean-catch urine sample 10.1 Urine Specimen
clinical nurse specialist 2.1 Changing with Trends
cochlea 22.3 Ears
cognitive learning domain 3.3 Patient Education and Teaching
collaborative model 2.4 Collaborative Care
collaborative nursing intervention 1.3 Nursing Process
color blindness 22.2 Eyes
communication barriers 20.1 Mental Health Assessment, 20 Summary
compartment syndrome 25.2 Physical Assessment
compassion fatigue 2.1 Changing with Trends
competitive listening 3.1 Therapeutic Communication
complete urinalysis 10.1 Urine Specimen
comprehensive assessment 1.3 Nursing Process
computed tomography 22.1 Head and Neck
computerized provider order entry (CPOE) 11.1 Rights of Medication Administration
concrete thinking 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
concussion 22.1 Head and Neck
conduction 15.4 Temperature
conductive hearing loss 22.3 Ears
cone 22.2 Eyes
confidentiality 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
confrontation test 22.2 Eyes
congenital abnormality 9.2 Assessing Mobility
congenital ear pit 22.3 Ears
congenital ear tag 22.3 Ears
connective tissue disease 22.1 Head and Neck
continuous capillaries 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
continuous multiple infusions 13.3 Intravenous Infusion, 13 Summary
convalescent period 6.1 Infection Cycle
convection 15.4 Temperature
corneal abrasion 22.2 Eyes
corneal scar 22.2 Eyes
coronavirus 6.2 Asepsis and PPE
corpus callosum 26.1 Structure and Function
corticobulbar tract 26.1 Structure and Function
critical care 2.1 Changing with Trends
critical thinking indicators (CTIs) 28.2 Developing Critical Thinking Skills
critical-care pain observation tool 25.2 Physical Assessment
Cultural awareness 3.1 Therapeutic Communication
Cultural Formulation Interview 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
cultural self-awareness 5.3 Cultural Practice in Nursing
culturally responsive care 5.1 Understanding Cultural Differences
Culture Care Theory (CCT) 5.3 Cultural Practice in Nursing
Cushing syndrome 22.1 Head and Neck
cutaneous pain 16.1 The Pain Process
data sharing 2.4 Collaborative Care
degenerative disk disease 25.2 Physical Assessment
degenerative joint disease (DJD) 25.3 Recognizing Common Musculoskeletal Disorders
dependent nursing intervention 1.3 Nursing Process
descriptive theory 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
developmental theory 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
diaphoresis 15.4 Temperature
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) 17.1 Nutritional Concepts
dimensional analysis 11.2 Dosing
direct care activity 1.3 Nursing Process
discolored teeth 22 Summary
diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) 2.1 Changing with Trends
dorsal venous network 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
dorsalis pedis pulse 15.5 Heart Rate
dorsiflexors 9.4 Positioning in Bed
droplet transmission 6.1 Infection Cycle
dry powder inhaler (DPI) 14.4 Administering Inhaled Medications
ear assessment 22.3 Ears, 22.3 Ears, 22.3 Ears
earwax impaction 22.3 Ears
eccentric muscle contractions 9.1 Assessing Functional Ability
Ectropion 22.2 Eyes
ejection fraction (EF) 18.2 Cardiovascular System
emotion-focused coping 1.1 Principles of Nursing Practice
end-systolic volume 24.1 Cardiovascular System
environmental control 5 Summary
Environmental Theory 2.1 Changing with Trends
equilibrium 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
Erikson’s psychosocial development theory 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice, 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
erythromycin ophthalmic ointment 14.1 Administering Eye Medications
esophageal duodenostomy (EGD) 17.4 Nutritional Assessment
Ethical guidelines and standards 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
ethmoid bone 22.1 Head and Neck
etiology of pain 16.1 The Pain Process
eustachian tube 22.3 Ears
evaporation 15.4 Temperature
Exophthalmos 22.2 Eyes
external auditory canal 22.3 Ears
external ear 22.3 Ears
external factor 9.2 Assessing Mobility
external fixation 9.5 Limited Movement Devices
external stimulus 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
extracellular fluid (ECF) 19.1 Fluid and Electrolytes
extraocular movement 22.2 Eyes
eye assessment 22.2 Eyes
eye medication disks 14.1 Administering Eye Medications
eyebrow 22.2 Eyes
eyelashes 22.2 Eyes
eyelid 22.2 Eyes
facial bones 22.1 Head and Neck
facial drooping 22.1 Head and Neck
false vocal cords 18.1 Respiratory System
fecal occult blood card 10.2 Stool Collection
fecal occult blood test (FOBT) 10.2 Stool Collection
femoral pulse 15.5 Heart Rate
fenestrated capillaries 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder 20.2 Substance Use Disorder Assessment
fibroelastic membrane 23.1 Structure and Function
fibrous connective tissue 9.2 Assessing Mobility
fight-or-flight response 16.2 Responses to Pain
first line therapy 16.5 Pain Management
first morning void (FMV) sample 10.1 Urine Specimen
flash 22.2 Eyes
floater 22.2 Eyes
fluid volume deficit (FVD) 19.1 Fluid and Electrolytes
fluid volume excess (FVE) 19.1 Fluid and Electrolytes
fluticasone propionate nasal spray 14.3 Administering Nasal Medications
fluticasone-salmeterol inhalation powder 14.4 Administering Inhaled Medications
foam mattress 9.4 Positioning in Bed
focused assessment 1.3 Nursing Process
foot drop syndrome 9.4 Positioning in Bed
forensic nurse examiners 20.3 Abuse and Neglect Assessment
formed elements 24.1 Cardiovascular System
formula method 11.2 Dosing, 11.2 Dosing
foul purulent 8.2 Wound Assessment
four-point walkers 9.3 Transferring Patients
framework of nursing theory 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
frontal bone 22.1 Head and Neck
Full-thickness (third-degree) 8.4 Burn Injuries and Management
functional blockage 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
functional brace 9.5 Limited Movement Devices
functional urinary incontinence 19.4 Nursing Management of Elimination
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) 22.4 Mouth, Throat, Nose, and Sinuses
gate control theory 16.1 The Pain Process, 16 Summary
gel overlay mattress 9.4 Positioning in Bed
general systems theory 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
glucagon nasal powder 14.3 Administering Nasal Medications
glycerin rectal suppositories 14.5 Administering Other Medications
Grey Turner sign 27.2 Physical Assessment
halo 22.2 Eyes
Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act 4.3 Informatics
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 4.1 Foundations for a Complete Electronic Health Record: Accurate Health History
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 4.1 Foundations for a Complete Electronic Health Record: Accurate Health History
healthcare informatics 4.3 Informatics, 4.3 Informatics
healthcare-associated infection (HAI) 6.1 Infection Cycle
heat stroke 15.4 Temperature
heat transfer 15.4 Temperature
heel protector 9.4 Positioning in Bed
hemoglobin 15.6 Respiration
hemoglobinuria 13.4 Blood Transfusions
hemorrhagic stroke 15.7 Blood Pressure
herniated disk 16.1 The Pain Process
Hildegard Peplau 2.1 Changing with Trends
Hordeolum (also, stye) 22.2 Eyes
household system 11.2 Dosing
hyperactive bowel sounds 27.2 Physical Assessment
hypercortisolism 22.1 Head and Neck
hypermagnesemia 19.1 Fluid and Electrolytes
hyperopia (farsightedness) 22.2 Eyes
hyperosmolar hyperglycemia 13.3 Intravenous Infusion
hyperphosphatemia 19.1 Fluid and Electrolytes
hypophosphatemia 19.1 Fluid and Electrolytes
hypoproteinemia 8.1 Wound Classification
hypotonic hyponatremia 19.1 Fluid and Electrolytes
ideal body weight (IBW) 17.1 Nutritional Concepts
illness period 6.1 Infection Cycle
immobilization device 9.5 Limited Movement Devices
immunosuppressants 11.2 Dosing
impaired mobility 9.2 Assessing Mobility
improved patient outcomes 2.2 Patient-Centered Care
inadequate nutrition 7.1 Hygiene Practices
inappropriate affect 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
incubation period 6.1 Infection Cycle
incus 22.3 Ears
independent nursing intervention 1.3 Nursing Process
indirect care activity 1.3 Nursing Process
indirect transmission 6.1 Infection Cycle
induced sputum collection 10.3 Sputum Collection
infection control 6.1 Infection Cycle
inflammatory response 6.1 Infection Cycle
informed consent 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
inhalation injuries 8.4 Burn Injuries and Management
Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) 11.1 Rights of Medication Administration
integrated scheduling 2.4 Collaborative Care
interdisciplinary theory 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice, 1 Summary
intermediate-acting insulin 12.3 Preparing Unit-Dose Packaged Medications
intermittent catheterization 19.4 Nursing Management of Elimination
intermittent claudication 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System, 24 Summary
internal factor 9.2 Assessing Mobility
internal stimulus 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
International Association for the Study of Pain Introduction
International Nonproprietary Names 11.1 Rights of Medication Administration
interpersonal violence 20.3 Abuse and Neglect Assessment
interprofessional education (IPE) 2.1 Changing with Trends
intracellular fluid (ICF) 19.1 Fluid and Electrolytes
intravascular volume 18.2 Cardiovascular System
iris 22.2 Eyes
irritable bowel syndrome 16.1 The Pain Process, 16.1 The Pain Process
isokinetic exercise 9.1 Assessing Functional Ability
isometric contraction 24.1 Cardiovascular System
isovolumetric contraction 24.1 Cardiovascular System
isovolumetric relaxation 24.1 Cardiovascular System
labyrinthitis 22.3 Ears
lacrimal gland 22.2 Eyes
laryngeal edema 13.4 Blood Transfusions
Lawton-Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale 9.1 Assessing Functional Ability
left lower quadrant (LLQ) 27.1 Structure and Function
left upper quadrant (LUQ) 27.1 Structure and Function
Leininger’s theory of culture care diversity and universality 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
lens 22.2 Eyes
levator scapulae 22.1 Head and Neck
levothyroxine 22.1 Head and Neck
lice 7 Summary
linear scleroderma 22.1 Head and Neck
liquefaction necrosis 8.4 Burn Injuries and Management
local signaling molecule 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
localized wound healing factor 8.3 Wound Management
lockout time 16.5 Pain Management
loss of sensation 7.1 Hygiene Practices
low air loss mattress 9.4 Positioning in Bed
macrotia 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
macula 22.2 Eyes
macular degeneration 22.2 Eyes
Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Theory 2.1 Changing with Trends
malleus 22.3 Ears, 22.3 Ears
mandatory reporting 20.3 Abuse and Neglect Assessment
Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) 12.4 Administering Intradermal Injections
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
mastoid process 22.3 Ears, 22.3 Ears
McCaffrey Initial Pain Assessment Tool 16.4 Pain Assessment
median antebrachial 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
medical isolation gown 6.2 Asepsis and PPE
Medication Safety Program 11.1 Rights of Medication Administration
Ménière disease 22.3 Ears
mental status examination 20.1 Mental Health Assessment, 20 Summary
metered-dose inhaler (MDI) 14.4 Administering Inhaled Medications
metric system 11.2 Dosing
microorganism 6.1 Infection Cycle
microtia 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
Mini-Mental State Exam 26.2 Physical Assessment
miosis 22.2 Eyes
mobility disability 9.2 Assessing Mobility
modification of pain 16.1 The Pain Process
modified barium swallow study (MBSS) 17.4 Nutritional Assessment
Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) 15.1 Performing a General Survey
Montgomery straps 8.3 Wound Management
moral distress 2.1 Changing with Trends
mucous membrane 6.1 Infection Cycle
multidrug-resistant organisms 6.4 Infection Control and Patient Safety
multiple-draw needle 10.4 Blood Sampling
mydriasis 22.2 Eyes
myocardial infarction 15.7 Blood Pressure
myopia (nearsightedness) 22.2 Eyes
myringitis 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
N95 respirator mask 6.2 Asepsis and PPE
narrowed pulse pressure 15.7 Blood Pressure
nasal turbinates 18.1 Respiratory System
nasotracheal suction collection 10.3 Sputum Collection, 10 Summary
National Center for Health Statistics 20.2 Substance Use Disorder Assessment
National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) 2.3 Practice Standards
National Crime Victimization Survey 20.3 Abuse and Neglect Assessment
National Domestic Violence Hotline 20.3 Abuse and Neglect Assessment
National Institute for Aging 9.2 Assessing Mobility
National Survey on Drug Use and Health 20.2 Substance Use Disorder Assessment
nephrotic syndrome 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
neurotransmitter 16.1 The Pain Process
night blindness 22.2 Eyes
Nightingale Training School for Nurses 2.1 Changing with Trends
nociception 16.1 The Pain Process
nociceptive pain 16.1 The Pain Process
non-weight-bearing 9.3 Transferring Patients
nonpharmacological therapy 16.5 Pain Management
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 16.5 Pain Management
nontherapeutic communication 3.1 Therapeutic Communication
nontunneled percutaneous central venous catheter 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion, 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
normal flora 6.1 Infection Cycle
North American Nursing Diagnosis Association 1.3 Nursing Process
nurse anesthetist 2.1 Changing with Trends
nurse practitioner 2.1 Changing with Trends
nurse-midwives 2.1 Changing with Trends
Nurses’ Associated Alumnae of the United States and Canada 2.1 Changing with Trends
nursing care plan 1.3 Nursing Process, 1 Summary
Nursing Code of Ethics 4.2 Data Collection and Documentation
nursing judgment 15.3 Vital Signs
Nursing Licensure Compact (NLC) 2.1 Changing with Trends
nursing metaparadigm 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
nursing shortage 2.1 Changing with Trends
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) 23.3 Breath Sounds and Lung Assessment
occipital bone 22.1 Head and Neck
occlusive blockage 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 9.3 Transferring Patients
opioid analgesic 16.5 Pain Management
optic atrophy 22.2 Eyes
optic disc 22.2 Eyes
optic nerve 22.2 Eyes
oral cancer 22 Summary
oral temperature 15.4 Temperature
oral trauma 15.4 Temperature
oral ulcers 22 Summary
orthostatic hypotension 9.2 Assessing Mobility
ossicles 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
otitis media 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
over-the-counter medication 4.2 Data Collection and Documentation
oxymetazoline nasal spray 14.3 Administering Nasal Medications
palliative care 16.4 Pain Assessment
palpating 15.5 Heart Rate
papilledema 22.2 Eyes
parasitic skin infection 21.2 Factors Affecting Skin Integrity
parietal bones 22.1 Head and Neck
parietal pleura 23.1 Structure and Function
Parkland burn formula 8.4 Burn Injuries and Management
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND) 23.3 Breath Sounds and Lung Assessment
passive immunity 6.1 Infection Cycle
passive listening 3.1 Therapeutic Communication
passive range of motion 25.2 Physical Assessment
passive range of motion ROM 9.2 Assessing Mobility
patient satisfaction 2.2 Patient-Centered Care
patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) 16.5 Pain Management
Patricia Benner 2.1 Changing with Trends
pectus excavatum 24.3 Nursing Assessment
pediatric collection device 10.1 Urine Specimen
perforated eardrum 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
pericardial friction rub 24.3 Nursing Assessment
peripheral intravenous (PIV) line 13.1 Principles of Intravenous Therapy
Peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
peripheral nervous system (PNS) 26.1 Structure and Function
peripheral neuropathy 26.2 Physical Assessment
peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN) 13.1 Principles of Intravenous Therapy
peripheral pulse 15.5 Heart Rate
peripheral vision 22.2 Eyes
peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
personal protective equipment (PPE) 6.1 Infection Cycle, 6.2 Asepsis and PPE
phagocytosis 8.3 Wound Management
pharmacokinetics 11.2 Dosing
pharmacological therapy 16.5 Pain Management, 16 Summary
physical dependence 16.5 Pain Management
physical restraint 9.5 Limited Movement Devices
physiologic response 16.2 Responses to Pain, 16 Summary
physiological diversity 5.1 Understanding Cultural Differences
physiological factors 16.3 Factors Affecting Pain
piloerection 15.4 Temperature
polysaccharides 13.3 Intravenous Infusion
popliteal pulse 15.5 Heart Rate
portal of entry 6.1 Infection Cycle, 6 Summary
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 16.3 Factors Affecting Pain
post-void residual (PVR) 19.4 Nursing Management of Elimination
postcapillary venule 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
posterior auricular 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
posterior tibial pulse 15.5 Heart Rate
postinflammatory hyperpigmentation 21.1 Structure and Functions of the Skin
precaution 6.2 Asepsis and PPE
presbycusis 22.3 Ears
presbyopia 22.2 Eyes
prescriptive theory 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
Primary intention healing 8.3 Wound Management, 8.3 Wound Management
problem-focused coping 1.1 Principles of Nursing Practice
prodromal period 6.1 Infection Cycle
psychological trauma 20.3 Abuse and Neglect Assessment
psychomotor agitation 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
psychomotor retardation 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
psychosocial factor 16.3 Factors Affecting Pain
pterygium 22.2 Eyes
Ptosis 22.2 Eyes
pulmonary complications 15.6 Respiration
pulmonary embolism 24.3 Nursing Assessment
pulse pressure 15.7 Blood Pressure
pulse rate 15.5 Heart Rate
pulselessness 25.2 Physical Assessment
pupil 22.2 Eyes
radiant warmer 15.4 Temperature
radiation 15.4 Temperature
random stool sample 10.2 Stool Collection
random urine sample 10.1 Urine Specimen
ratio 11.2 Dosing
ratio proportion method 11.2 Dosing
rebound tenderness 27.2 Physical Assessment
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) 17.1 Nutritional Concepts
rectal temperature 15.4 Temperature
Reference Daily Intake (RDI) 17.1 Nutritional Concepts
reference range 10.4 Blood Sampling, 10 Summary
Registered nurse (RN) 2.2 Patient-Centered Care
relative refractory period 24.1 Cardiovascular System
resource allocation 2.2 Patient-Centered Care
respiratory capacity 23.1 Structure and Function
respiratory depression 15.3 Vital Signs, 15.6 Respiration
respiratory volume 23.1 Structure and Function
restricted affect 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
retina 22.2 Eyes
rheumatic disease 22.1 Head and Neck
Right circumstance 2.3 Practice Standards
Right communication 2.3 Practice Standards
Right supervision 2.3 Practice Standards
right upper quadrant (RUQ) 27.1 Structure and Function
Rinne test 22.3 Ears
rod 22.2 Eyes
Roy’s adaptation model 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
rubrospinal tracts 26.1 Structure and Function
sanguineous 8.2 Wound Assessment
sanitization 6.2 Asepsis and PPE
scalene muscles 22.1 Head and Neck
scleroderma (also, systemic sclerosis) 22.1 Head and Neck
Scope of Nursing Practice 2.3 Practice Standards, 2.3 Practice Standards
secondary intention healing 8.3 Wound Management
self-advocacy 2.1 Changing with Trends
sensorineural hearing loss 22.3 Ears, 22.3 Ears, 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
serum drug level dosing 11.2 Dosing
Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire 20.2 Substance Use Disorder Assessment
sexually transmitted infections 7.3 Assisting with Hygiene and Health Promotion
simple goiter (also, endemic goiter) 22.1 Head and Neck
simplified referral 2.4 Collaborative Care
sinoatrial (SA) node 24.1 Cardiovascular System
sinus headache 22.1 Head and Neck
sinusoid capillaries 24.2 Peripheral Vascular System
Sister Callista Roy 2.1 Changing with Trends
skeletal muscle 25.1 Structure and Function
skeletal system 25.1 Structure and Function
skeletal traction 9.5 Limited Movement Devices
sling transfer 9.3 Transferring Patients
somatic pain 16.1 The Pain Process
somatostatin analog 22.1 Head and Neck
specialized areas of nursing 2.1 Changing with Trends
specialty mattress 9.4 Positioning in Bed
sphenoid bone 22.1 Head and Neck
spina bifida occulta 25.2 Physical Assessment
spontaneous depolarization (also, prepotential depolarization) 24.1 Cardiovascular System
spontaneous sputum collection 10.3 Sputum Collection
Stable eschar 8.1 Wound Classification
Stahl ear 22.3 Ears
stand and pivot 9.3 Transferring Patients
Standards of Professional Nursing Practice 1.3 Nursing Process, 2.3 Practice Standards
Standards of Professional Performance 2.3 Practice Standards
stapes 22.3 Ears
steatorrhea 10.2 Stool Collection
sterilization 6.3 Sterile Technique
sternoclavicular joint 23.1 Structure and Function
sternocleidomastoid 22.1 Head and Neck
stool for Clostridium difficile (C. diff) toxin 10.2 Stool Collection
stool for ova and parasites (O&P) 10.2 Stool Collection
stool specimen 10.2 Stool Collection
strabismus 22.2 Eyes
subarachnoid space 26.1 Structure and Function
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 20.2 Substance Use Disorder Assessment
sudden infant death syndrome 20.2 Substance Use Disorder Assessment
Suicide Prevention Resource Center 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
sumatriptan nasal powder 14.3 Administering Nasal Medications
Superficial (first-degree) 8.4 Burn Injuries and Management
superficial temporal 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) 13.1 Principles of Intravenous Therapy
superinfection 8.3 Wound Management
supine position 9.2 Assessing Mobility
suprapubic aspiration 10.1 Urine Specimen, 10 Summary
surgical asepsis 6.2 Asepsis and PPE, 6 Summary
surgical gown 6.2 Asepsis and PPE
Surgical Site Event Risk Assessment (SSERA) model 8.2 Wound Assessment
swimmer’s ear 7.1 Hygiene Practices, 7 Summary
systemic wound healing factor 8.3 Wound Management
systems of measurement 11.2 Dosing
tangential thinking 20.1 Mental Health Assessment
teach-back method 3.1 Therapeutic Communication
telehealth nursing hotlines 2.1 Changing with Trends
temporal bones 22.1 Head and Neck
temporal pulse 15.5 Heart Rate
tension-type headaches 22.1 Head and Neck
tertiary intention healing 8.3 Wound Management, 8.3 Wound Management
The National Institute on Aging 6.1 Infection Cycle
therapeutic drug monitoring 11.2 Dosing
therapeutic exercise 9.1 Assessing Functional Ability
therapeutic range 10.4 Blood Sampling
thoracic vertebrae 9.2 Assessing Mobility
three-day stool collection 10.2 Stool Collection
throat cancer 22 Summary
timed urine collection 10.1 Urine Specimen
tinnitus 22.3 Ears, 22.3 Ears
tissue necrosis 8.2 Wound Assessment
tobramycin inhalation powder 14.4 Administering Inhaled Medications
total body surface area (TBSA) 8.4 Burn Injuries and Management
total lung capacity (TLC) 23.1 Structure and Function
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 5.1 Understanding Cultural Differences
transcellular fluid 19.1 Fluid and Electrolytes
transcultural nursing 5.3 Cultural Practice in Nursing
Transcultural Nursing Society 5.3 Cultural Practice in Nursing, 5 Summary
transdermal administration 21.1 Structure and Functions of the Skin
transduction of pain 16.1 The Pain Process
transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) 26.3 Recognizing Common Neurological Disorders
transmission of pain 16.1 The Pain Process
transmission-based precautions 6.4 Infection Control and Patient Safety
transparent communication 2.2 Patient-Centered Care
trapezius 22.1 Head and Neck
traumatic brain injury (TBI) 22.1 Head and Neck, 22.1 Head and Neck
true vocal cords 18.1 Respiratory System
tunneled central venous catheter 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
twenty-four-hour urine collection 10.1 Urine Specimen
tympanic membrane retraction 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
tympanosclerosis 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
type AB blood 13.4 Blood Transfusions
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 17.1 Nutritional Concepts
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 11.1 Rights of Medication Administration
U.S. Health and Human Services 9.2 Assessing Mobility
unintentional wound 8.1 Wound Classification
United States Adopted Names (USAN) Council 11.1 Rights of Medication Administration
unlicensed assistive personnel 12.1 Administering Oral Medications
urinary casts 10.1 Urine Specimen
urinary incontinence (UI) 19.4 Nursing Management of Elimination
usability 4.3 Informatics
vacutainer adapter 10.4 Blood Sampling
vacutainer needle 10.4 Blood Sampling
vascular access device 13.2 Intravenous Device Insertion
vasculature 15.7 Blood Pressure
vasoconstriction 15.7 Blood Pressure
vasodilation 15.7 Blood Pressure
vector transmission 6.1 Infection Cycle
venous stasis 9.2 Assessing Mobility
ventilator-associated pneumonia 14.4 Administering Inhaled Medications, 14 Summary
ventricle 15.5 Heart Rate
ventricular ejection 24.1 Cardiovascular System
ventricular fibrillation 15.5 Heart Rate
ventricular gallop 24.3 Nursing Assessment
vestibular function 9.2 Assessing Mobility
vestibular system 22.2 Eyes, 22.3 Ears, 22.3 Ears, 22 Summary
Vestibulospinal tracts 26.1 Structure and Function
victim-offender overlap 20.3 Abuse and Neglect Assessment
virtual consultations 2.1 Changing with Trends
visceral pleura 23.1 Structure and Function
visual acuity 22.2 Eyes
visual field 22.2 Eyes
visual pathways 22.2 Eyes, 22 Summary
visual perception 9.2 Assessing Mobility
visual reflex 22.2 Eyes
vitreous humor 22.2 Eyes
voluntary guarding 27.2 Physical Assessment
Wagner Ulcer Classification System 8.2 Wound Assessment, 8 Summary
Watson’s theory of human caring 1.2 Evidence-Based Practice
weak pulse 15.5 Heart Rate
wearable devices 2.1 Changing with Trends
Weber test 22.3 Ears
wedge pillow 9.4 Positioning in Bed
widened pulse pressure 15.7 Blood Pressure
Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale 16.2 Responses to Pain, 16.4 Pain Assessment
wound thickness 8.2 Wound Assessment

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