Abbasid Caliphate
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
Abbasid dynasty
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
Abbasid Translation Movement
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East
Abrahamic faiths
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
Abu Bakr
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam
Abu Hureyra
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution
Abu Karib As’ad
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
Abu Muhammad Abdullah
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East
Abu Sa’id
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
6.2 Ancient Greece
1.2 Primary Sources
Acheulean tools
2.1 Early Human Evolution and Migration
6.2 Ancient Greece
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
African Horn
9.1 Africa’s Geography and Climate
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution,
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution,
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations
6.5 The Age of Augustus
Agrippina the Younger
7.1 The Daily Life of a Roman Family
Ai Khanum
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
Ain Ghazal
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
Akkadian cuneiform
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
15.3 The People of the Sahel
6.2 Ancient Greece
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
15.3 The People of the Sahel
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
al-Zahir Barquq
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Alauddin Khilji
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Alexander the Great
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
Alexandrian Library
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
13.4 The Crusading Movement
Alexios I
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam
Allah al-Din Muhammad
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire
Almohad Caliphate
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Almohad Empire
15.3 The People of the Sahel
15.3 The People of the Sahel
Almoravid Empire
15.3 The People of the Sahel
15.3 The People of the Sahel
Along the River During the Qingming Festival
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
Alp Arslan
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East
5.1 Ancient China,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.2 Ancient Greece
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.3 The People of the Sahel
Amazigh (Berber)
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
Amenhotep I
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
Amenhotep III
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas,
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
An Lushan rebellion
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas,
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas,
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
3.1 Early Civilizations,
3.2 Ancient Mesopotamia,
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Ancient Mesopotamia
3.2 Ancient Mesopotamia
Ancient Near East
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
Andean region
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
Andes Mountains
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia
10.1 The Eastward Shift
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Angra Mainu
4.3 The Persian Empire
5.1 Ancient China
2.2 People in the Paleolithic Age,
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution,
9.1 Africa’s Geography and Climate
6.2 Ancient Greece
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
Antiochus II
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
5.1 Ancient China
Apennine Mountains
6.4 The Roman Republic
6.2 Ancient Greece
7.2 Slavery in the Roman Empire
Arab Bedouins
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
Arab-Muslim conquest
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
Arab-Muslim conquests
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Arch of Constantine
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Arch of Titus
7.5 The Regions of Rome
Archaic period
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
Arian Christianity
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
Arian Christians
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
6.2 Ancient Greece
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Arnolfini Portrait
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Arrian of Nicomedia
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
as-Salih Ayyub
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
Assembly of Spartiates
6.2 Ancient Greece
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes,
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes,
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes,
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes,
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
6.2 Ancient Greece
Athenian Assembly
6.2 Ancient Greece
6.2 Ancient Greece,
6.2 Ancient Greece,
6.2 Ancient Greece,
6.2 Ancient Greece,
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Atlas Mountains
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Augustine of Hippo
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade
6.5 The Age of Augustus,
6.5 The Age of Augustus,
7.1 The Daily Life of a Roman Family,
7.3 The Roman Economy: Trade, Taxes, and Conquest
10.4 The Margins of Empire
Auspicious Cranes
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
2.1 Early Human Evolution and Migration
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
Avenue of the Dead
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
Avignon papacy
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
Ayar Manco
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Ayyubid Sultanate
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
babassu palm
2.2 People in the Paleolithic Age
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
Babylonian Empire
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
Babylonian exile
4.4 The Hebrews
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia
Bactrian kingdom
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
Baljuna Covenant
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
Bantu migration
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
Bantu migrations
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations
4.3 The Persian Empire
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution
Battle of Actium
6.5 The Age of Augustus,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections
Battle of Adrianople
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Battle of Aegospotami
6.2 Ancient Greece
Battle of Ain Jalut
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China,
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age,
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
Battle of Ankara
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
Battle of Cannae
6.4 The Roman Republic
Battle of Chaeronea
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
Battle of Cumae
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
Battle of Cynoscephalae
6.4 The Roman Republic
Battle of Dannoura
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
Battle of Köse Dağ
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Battle of Kosovo
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Battle of Lechfeld
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
Battle of Leuctra
6.2 Ancient Greece
Battle of Magnesia
6.4 The Roman Republic
Battle of Mantinea
6.2 Ancient Greece
Battle of Manzikert
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Battle of Marathon
6.2 Ancient Greece
Battle of Megiddo
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
Battle of Milvian Bridge
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Battle of Nicopolis
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Battle of Pharsalus
6.5 The Age of Augustus
Battle of Philippi
6.5 The Age of Augustus
Battle of Plataea
6.2 Ancient Greece
Battle of Pydna
6.4 The Roman Republic
Battle of Qadisiyya
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
Battle of Remini
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections
Battle of Salamis
6.2 Ancient Greece
Battle of Talas River
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
Battle of the Camel
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
Battle of the Horns of Hattin
13.4 The Crusading Movement
Battle of Thermopylae
6.2 Ancient Greece
Battle of Tumu Fortress
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
Battle of Varna
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Battle of Yarmuk
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
Battle of Zama
6.4 The Roman Republic,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
Bayezid II
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
Beja peoples
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia
Belt and Road Initiative
5.2 The Steppes
Benedict of Nursia
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
Benguela Current
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
Bernard of Clairvaux
13.4 The Crusading Movement
Beta Israel
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
Bhagavad Gita
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
Bibi Khanum Mosque
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Bishop Cyril
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Black Death
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
Black Sea
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
Borgund Stave Church
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
7.5 The Regions of Rome
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes,
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations
Bronze Age
3.2 Ancient Mesopotamia,
3.2 Ancient Mesopotamia,
3.3 Ancient Egypt,
3.3 Ancient Egypt,
5.1 Ancient China,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.2 Ancient Greece
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
6.5 The Age of Augustus
bubonic plague
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
Buddha, the Word
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
10.4 The Margins of Empire,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia
Byzantine Dark Age
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
Byzantine Empire
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia,
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia,
10.4 The Margins of Empire,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Byzantine Neoplatonism
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
6.5 The Age of Augustus,
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire,
7.5 The Regions of Rome,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
calculated frightfulness
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Caliphate of Cordoba
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East
Cambyses II
4.3 The Persian Empire
4.4 The Hebrews
Canterbury Tales
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments
cap-rank system
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
7.5 The Regions of Rome
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Carolingian Renaissance
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.4 The Roman Republic,
6.4 The Roman Republic,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.3 The People of the Sahel
Casas Grandes
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
6.5 The Age of Augustus
caste system
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
Catholic Christianity
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
Catholic Church
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade
Cave of Altamira
2.1 Early Human Evolution and Migration
cave paintings
2.1 Early Human Evolution and Migration
Central Africa
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations
7.5 The Regions of Rome
Chagatai Khanate
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
chain-driven pump
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
Chan Buddhism
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
Charles IV
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
chattel slavery
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments
Chavín culture
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
Chavín de Huántar
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution,
5.1 Ancient China,
5.2 The Steppes,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.4 The Margins of Empire,
10.4 The Margins of Empire,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China,
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
Chinggis Khan
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Christian Church
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
4.3 The Persian Empire,
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire,
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire,
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.4 The Margins of Empire,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
chronological approach
1.1 Developing a Global Perspective
6.4 The Roman Republic
City of God
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
3.2 Ancient Mesopotamia,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.2 Ancient Greece,
6.2 Ancient Greece,
6.2 Ancient Greece,
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
6.4 The Roman Republic,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
5.2 The Steppes,
5.2 The Steppes,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
Classic period
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
Classical Age Greek
6.2 Ancient Greece
Claudia Quinta
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire
6.2 Ancient Greece
Clement VI
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
Cleopatra I
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
Cliff Palace
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
climate change
5.2 The Steppes,
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration,
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
Clovis culture
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
Clovis points
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
Code of Justinian
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia
6.2 Ancient Greece
Colossus of Constantine
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Column of Constantine
10.1 The Eastward Shift
concept of zero
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments
5.1 Ancient China,
5.1 Ancient China,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
Congo rainforest
9.1 Africa’s Geography and Climate
Congo River
9.1 Africa’s Geography and Climate
Congo River Basin
9.1 Africa’s Geography and Climate
Conrad III
13.4 The Crusading Movement
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire,
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Constantine XI Palaeologus
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols,
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
Constantius Chlorus
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Constantius II
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
Constitution of Medina
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
Constitutions of Melfi
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Convent of the Order of Saint John on Rhodes
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Coptic Church
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
6.2 Ancient Greece
7.1 The Daily Life of a Roman Family
1.2 Primary Sources
Council of Carthage
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Council of Chalcedon
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Council of Constance
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
Council of Nicaea
10.1 The Eastward Shift
County of Edessa
13.4 The Crusading Movement
County of Tripoli
13.4 The Crusading Movement
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
Crusader States
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.4 The Crusading Movement
3.1 Early Civilizations
3.2 Ancient Mesopotamia,
3.2 Ancient Mesopotamia,
3.2 Ancient Mesopotamia,
3.2 Ancient Mesopotamia,
3.4 The Indus Valley Civilization
6.2 Ancient Greece
Cyrus the Great
6.2 Ancient Greece
da Vinci
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Dancing Girl
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
5.1 Ancient China,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
6.2 Ancient Greece
Darius III
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
4.4 The Hebrews
5.1 Ancient China
Day of Infamy
1.2 Primary Sources
de Mussis
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
de Rachewiltz
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
de Trokelowe
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire
Delhi Sultanate
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
6.2 Ancient Greece
6.2 Ancient Greece
Desert Fathers
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
7.3 The Roman Economy: Trade, Taxes, and Conquest,
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire,
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Diodorus of Sicily
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
Djinguereber Mosque
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
3.3 Ancient Egypt
15.3 The People of the Sahel
Dome of the Rock
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution,
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution,
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations
6.5 The Age of Augustus
Donatist controversy
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Dong Son
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
6.2 Ancient Greece
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
Dyophysite position
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Early Classic period
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
Early Horizon
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
East Africa
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages
Eastern Orthodox Church
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Eastern Roman Empire
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
Eastern Woodlands
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas,
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas,
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas,
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
Edict of Caracalla
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire
Edict of Milan
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire,
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Edict of Thessalonica
10.1 The Eastward Shift
2.2 People in the Paleolithic Age
2.2 People in the Paleolithic Age,
2.2 People in the Paleolithic Age,
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution,
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution
3.3 Ancient Egypt,
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes,
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom,
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom,
4.3 The Persian Empire,
4.4 The Hebrews,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.2 Ancient Greece,
7.3 The Roman Economy: Trade, Taxes, and Conquest,
7.5 The Regions of Rome,
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush,
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush,
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush,
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
Egypt’s Middle Kingdom
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
Egyptian Mamluk
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Eightfold Path
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
El Paraiso
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
El Riego Cave
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
6.2 Ancient Greece
Empty Quarter
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
epidemic diseases
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution
6.4 The Roman Republic
Era of the Thirty Tyrants
6.2 Ancient Greece
5.1 Ancient China
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
Eurasian Steppe
5.2 The Steppes
6.2 Ancient Greece
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
10.1 The Eastward Shift
4.4 The Hebrews
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations
Fatih Mosque
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Fatimid Caliphate
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
15.3 The People of the Sahel
feudal system
5.1 Ancient China
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
Fifth Crusade
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
First Council of Constantinople
10.1 The Eastward Shift
First Crusade
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
13.4 The Crusading Movement
First Intermediate Period
3.3 Ancient Egypt
First Punic War
6.4 The Roman Republic
First Triumvirate
6.5 The Age of Augustus
Five Pillars of Islam
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
Flavian Amphitheater
7.2 Slavery in the Roman Empire
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Four Noble Truths
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
Fourth Crusade
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
Frederick II
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Fu Hao
5.1 Ancient China
15.3 The People of the Sahel
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
10.4 The Margins of Empire
Ganges River
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
15.3 The People of the Sahel
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
Garcilasco de la Vega
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
7.5 The Regions of Rome,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Gennadius II
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
9.1 Africa’s Geography and Climate
Germanic groups
10.1 The Eastward Shift
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
15.3 The People of the Sahel
10.4 The Margins of Empire
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
10.1 The Eastward Shift
2.2 People in the Paleolithic Age
7.2 Slavery in the Roman Empire,
7.2 Slavery in the Roman Empire,
7.2 Slavery in the Roman Empire
global citizen
1.1 Developing a Global Perspective
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
Golden Horde
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
Grand Canal
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
Great Colonnade
10.4 The Margins of Empire
Great Enclosure
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
Great Famine of 1315–1317
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration
Great Interregnum
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Great Lakes region
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations
Great Library of Baghdad
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East
great man theory
1.3 Causation and Interpretation in History
Great Plague of London
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
Great Plains
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
Great Pyramid at Giza
3.3 Ancient Egypt
Great Reform
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
Great Schism of 1054
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade
Great Temple at Abu Simbel
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
Great Western Schism
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
Great Yu
5.1 Ancient China
Great Zimbabwe
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
7.5 The Regions of Rome,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia
Greek pantheon
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire
Gregory IX
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Gregory of Nazianzus
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Gregory the Great
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
guild membership
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
Guitarrero Cave
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
Gupta Empire
10.4 The Margins of Empire
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Hadrian’s villa
7.1 The Daily Life of a Roman Family
Hadrian’s Wall
7.5 The Regions of Rome
Hagia Sophia
1.2 Primary Sources,
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration
Hammurabi’s Code
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
5.1 Ancient China,
5.1 Ancient China,
5.2 The Steppes,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments
Han Chinese
5.1 Ancient China
Han Feizi
5.1 Ancient China
Han Zhao
5.2 The Steppes
5.1 Ancient China
3.4 The Indus Valley Civilization,
3.4 The Indus Valley Civilization,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
3.4 The Indus Valley Civilization
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
Hattusilis II
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom
Hebrew Bible
4.4 The Hebrews
4.4 The Hebrews
Heian Court
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
6.2 Ancient Greece
Hellenic League
6.2 Ancient Greece
7.5 The Regions of Rome
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
6.4 The Roman Republic
Hellenistic period
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
6.2 Ancient Greece
5.1 Ancient China
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States
Herodian of Antioch
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire
3.3 Ancient Egypt,
4.3 The Persian Empire,
4.3 The Persian Empire,
6.2 Ancient Greece,
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
3.3 Ancient Egypt
3.3 Ancient Egypt
Hill Complex
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
10.4 The Margins of Empire
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages
historical climatology
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration
historical context
1.2 Primary Sources
historical empathy
1.3 Causation and Interpretation in History
1.2 Primary Sources
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
10.1 The Eastward Shift
History of the Peloponnesian Wa
6.2 Ancient Greece
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Hohokam tradition
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
Holy Roman Empire
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
Holy Sepulchre
13.4 The Crusading Movement
Homo erectus,
2.1 Early Human Evolution and Migration
Homo sapiens
2.1 Early Human Evolution and Migration,
2.1 Early Human Evolution and Migration,
2.1 Early Human Evolution and Migration,
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas
5.1 Ancient China
Hopewell tradition
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
5.2 The Steppes
Huaisheng Mosque
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
5.1 Ancient China
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
human rights
1.1 Developing a Global Perspective
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Hundred Schools of Thought
5.1 Ancient China
Hundred Years’ War
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age,
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
hunter-gatherer group
2.2 People in the Paleolithic Age
2.1 Early Human Evolution and Migration
hunting and gathering
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution
Iberian Peninsula
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
Ibn Battuta
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration
Ibn Tumart
15.3 The People of the Sahel
Ibn Yasin
15.3 The People of the Sahel
1.2 Primary Sources
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
Imad al-Din Zengi
13.4 The Crusading Movement
3.3 Ancient Egypt
imperial cult
7.4 Religion in the Roman Empire
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas,
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas,
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas,
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas,
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
Inca Quipu
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
Indian Ocean
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages
Indigenous peoples of Australia
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution
Indus River
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
Indus valley civilization
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
Inner Asian Steppe
5.2 The Steppes,
5.2 The Steppes,
5.2 The Steppes,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
Innocent III
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Innocent IV
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
intellectual history
1.3 Causation and Interpretation in History
1.3 Causation and Interpretation in History,
1.3 Causation and Interpretation in History
Ionian Rebellion
6.2 Ancient Greece
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
Iron Age
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.2 Ancient Greece,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections
6.2 Ancient Greece
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation,
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Islamic East
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments
11.3 Islamization and Religious Rule under Islam ,
15.3 The People of the Sahel,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
Island of Meroe
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
Ispah Rebellion
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
17.3 Gunpowder and Nomads in a Transitional Age
4.4 The Hebrews,
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration
10.1 The Eastward Shift
Jewish diaspora
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
Jewish people
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
5.1 Ancient China
13.3 Patriarch and Papacy: The Church and the Call to Crusade,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
5.1 Ancient China,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire
Jingkang incident
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
Journal of Late Antiquity
10.1 The Eastward Shift
4.4 The Hebrews
4.3 The Persian Empire,
4.4 The Hebrews,
6.3 The Hellenistic Era,
7.5 The Regions of Rome,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.4 The Margins of Empire,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
13.4 The Crusading Movement
6.4 The Roman Republic
10.1 The Eastward Shift
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
10.4 The Margins of Empire
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush
5.2 The Steppes
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century
Khmer empire
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
King Agamemnon
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
King Minos
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
Kingdom of Aksum
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
12.2 East-West Interactions in the Early Middle Ages
Kingdom of Dali
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
Kingdom of Jerusalem
13.4 The Crusading Movement
Kingdom of Kush
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush,
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush,
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush,
9.3 The Kingdom of Kush,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
Kingdom of Macedon
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
Kipchak Turks
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
Kiyomihara Codes
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
5.3 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
Koumbi Saleh
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
Krak des Chevaliers
13.4 The Crusading Movement
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
15.3 The People of the Sahel
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire,
14.2 Chinggis Khan and the Early Mongol Empire
10.4 The Margins of Empire
6.2 Ancient Greece
Lake Texcoco
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
Lake Victoria
9.1 Africa’s Geography and Climate,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations
10.4 The Margins of Empire
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam
15.3 The People of the Sahel
7.2 Slavery in the Roman Empire
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
5.1 Ancient China
Late Antiquity
10.1 The Eastward Shift,
10.2 The Byzantine Empire and Persia,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar,
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
Late Bronze Age Collapse
4.1 From Old Babylon to the Medes,
4.2 Egypt’s New Kingdom,
4.4 The Hebrews,
9.2 The Emergence of Farming and the Bantu Migrations
Later Iron Age
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
Later Zhao
5.2 The Steppes
Latin Rights
7.5 The Regions of Rome
6.4 The Roman Republic
Lecture on Heroes
1.3 Causation and Interpretation in History
leisure time
2.3 The Neolithic Revolution
Leo Africanus
15.3 The People of the Sahel
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
6.2 Ancient Greece
6.5 The Age of Augustus
3.1 Early Civilizations,
3.3 Ancient Egypt,
3.3 Ancient Egypt,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples,
6.2 Ancient Greece,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa
5.1 Ancient China
Liao kingdom
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples
5.1 Ancient China
10.1 The Eastward Shift
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
Limpopo River
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
Linear A
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
Linear B
6.1 Early Mediterranean Peoples
lish Peasants’ Revolt of 1381
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
Little Ice Age
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration,
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration
Liu Bang
5.1 Ancient China
Liu Yuan
5.2 The Steppes
5.1 Ancient China
logographic script
5.1 Ancient China
10.4 The Margins of Empire
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
Lord Shang
5.1 Ancient China
Louis the Pious
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
Louis VII
13.4 The Crusading Movement
6.4 The Roman Republic
5.1 Ancient China
6.2 Ancient Greece
6.2 Ancient Greece
6.3 The Hellenistic Era
Macedonian Renaissance
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East
Machu Picchu
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
9.4 North Africa’s Mediterranean and Trans-Saharan Connections,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.3 The People of the Sahel
Magna Carta
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia
Magna Graecia
6.2 Ancient Greece
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages,
13.1 The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
10.4 The Margins of Empire
Mahayana Buddhism
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
8.1 Populating and Settling the Americas,
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas,
8.3 The Age of Empires in the Americas
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.3 The People of the Sahel
Mamluk Sultanate
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
13.2 The Seljuk Migration and the Call from the East,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
14.4 Christianity and Islam outside Central Asia,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China,
17.2 From the Mamluks to Ming China
5.1 Ancient China
Mandate of Heaven
5.1 Ancient China,
14.1 Song China and the Steppe Peoples,
14.3 The Mongol Empire Fragments,
16.1 Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century,
16.3 The Black Death from East to West
11.2 The Arab-Islamic Conquests and the First Islamic States,
12.3 Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
Mansa Musa
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
Manuel II
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
7.2 Slavery in the Roman Empire
Mapela Hill
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa
6.2 Ancient Greece
Marc Antony
6.5 The Age of Augustus
Marib Dam
10.3 The Kingdoms of Aksum and Himyar
6.4 The Roman Republic
15.3 The People of the Sahel
17.1 The Ottomans and the Mongols
Masai Mara Reserve
9.1 Africa’s Geography and Climate
6.2 Ancient Greece
3.3 Ancient Egypt
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire
Mauryan Empire
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
5.4 Vedic India to the Fall of the Maurya Empire,
12.1 The Indian Ocean World in the Early Middle Ages
10.1 The Eastward Shift
10.1 The Eastward Shift
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas,
8.2 Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
11.1 The Rise and Message of Islam,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
13.4 The Crusading Movement,
15.1 Culture and Society in Medieval Africa,
15.2 Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa,
16.4 The Long-Term Effects of Global Transformation
Medieval Warm Period
16.2 Famine, Climate Change, and Migration