1-for-1 business model
11.2 Designing the Business Model
8a certification
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership
Absolute capacity
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
9.3 Accounting Basics for Entrepreneurs
accounting equation
9.3 Accounting Basics for Entrepreneurs,
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
Accounts payable
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
accounts receivable
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
adaptive model
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
advisory board
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Air Jordan
7.2 Sharing Your Entrepreneurial Story
Air New Zealand
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset,
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
algae energy pavilion
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions
alumni association
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
Alzheimer's Association
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey,
2.4 Frameworks to Inform Your Entrepreneurial Path,
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity,
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
5.3 Competitive Analysis,
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions,
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
12 Case Questions,
13.2 Corporations,
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology,
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology,
14.1 Types of Resources,
14.1 Types of Resources,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
Amazon Instant Video
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
Amazon Mom
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
Amazon Web Services
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
American Association of Advertising Agencies
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
American Association of Franchisees and Dealers
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
American Micro Devices
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
American Red Cross
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
American Retirement Association
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
American Top 40
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
13.2 Corporations
13.2 Corporations
6.3 Design Thinking
anchoring strategies
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
Andreessen Horowitz
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals
angel investor
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
angel investors
2.3 Entrepreneurial Pathways,
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals,
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies,
14.1 Types of Resources
Anheuser-Busch InBev
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Antitrust laws
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
6.3 Design Thinking,
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals,
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback,
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
10.4 Managing, Following, and Adjusting the Initial Plan,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach,
14.1 Types of Resources,
14.1 Types of Resources,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Arm & Hammer
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
articles of formation
13.4 Limited Liability Companies
articles of incorporation
13.2 Corporations
articles of partnership
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals,
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions
assembly line
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
6.4 Lean Processes
9.3 Accounting Basics for Entrepreneurs,
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
14.1 Types of Resources
Association of American Educators
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
Association of Licensed Architects
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Automotive Maintenance Repair Association
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
avatar platform
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup
balance sheet
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
Bank loans
14.1 Types of Resources
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
Bayh-Dole Act
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Baylor University New Venture Competition
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions
Bed Bath & Beyond
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
Benchmark Capital
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
benefit corporation
13.2 Corporations
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions,
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
14.1 Types of Resources,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Birth Stage
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Birthday Party Project
11.2 Designing the Business Model
6.3 Design Thinking
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
board of directors
13.2 Corporations
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
14.1 Types of Resources
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey,
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
2.3 Entrepreneurial Pathways,
9.2 Special Funding Strategies,
9.2 Special Funding Strategies,
14.1 Types of Resources,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
born global
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
born versus made
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
Boston Beer Company
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
bottom-up approach
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals,
4.1 Tools for Creativity and Innovation,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions,
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
brand strategy
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding
breach of contract
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
breakeven point
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey,
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
breaking even
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
brief business plan
11.4 The Business Plan
6.3 Design Thinking
build-measure-learn loop
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
10.4 Managing, Following, and Adjusting the Initial Plan
build-measure-learn model
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
burn rate
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
15.2 Making Difficult Business Decisions in Response to Challenges
Burt’s Bees
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals
Burt’s Bees Corporation
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
Business accelerators
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
business ethics
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Business failure
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
Business for Social Responsibility
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Business incubators
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
Business learning
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
business lifecycle
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
business model
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
5.3 Competitive Analysis,
11.2 Designing the Business Model
business model canvas
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach,
11.2 Designing the Business Model,
11.4 The Business Plan
Business Model Canvas
8.5 Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Plan
business model canvas (BMC)
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals
Business Model Canvas (BMC)
2.4 Frameworks to Inform Your Entrepreneurial Path
Business model innovation
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
Business Network International
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
business plan
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey,
2.4 Frameworks to Inform Your Entrepreneurial Path,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
10.4 Managing, Following, and Adjusting the Initial Plan,
11.2 Designing the Business Model,
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis,
11.4 The Business Plan,
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan,
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
business process patent
14.1 Types of Resources
business purpose
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
Business Roundtable
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship,
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
business structure
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
buyback clause
15.1 Launching Your Venture
C corporation
13.2 Corporations
C corporations
13.2 Corporations
Cadabra, Inc.
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
calculated risk
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
California Pizza Kitchen
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
13.2 Corporations,
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
capital expense
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
capital improvements
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
capital purchase
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
career entrepreneur
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals
13.2 Corporations
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity
cash flow
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
cash management
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
cash on delivery
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
CB Insights
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
Census data
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
chamber of commerce
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Charitable organizations
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
14.1 Types of Resources
11.2 Designing the Business Model
4.1 Tools for Creativity and Innovation
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Chocolate Factory
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
8.6 Sales and Customer Service
Claritas Research
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
Clarke Inc.
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Clayton Act
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Clorox Co.
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
close corporation
13.2 Corporations
closed corporation
13.2 Corporations
closed group
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
Coastal Tractor
1 Case Questions
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals,
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding,
14.1 Types of Resources
code of ethics
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
codes of conduct
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
collaborative economy
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
collaborative methodologies
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies,
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions
13.4 Limited Liability Companies
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
Communication skills
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
Community Supported Agriculture
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
company culture
15.1 Launching Your Venture
competition laws
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
competitive advantage
5.3 Competitive Analysis,
8.6 Sales and Customer Service,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
competitive analysis grid
5.3 Competitive Analysis
competitive matrix
11.4 The Business Plan
computer-aided design
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
computer-aided manufacture
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
conflict of interest
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
conjoint analysis
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
Conrad Levinson
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
Content marketing
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
Continental Edison Company
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
14.1 Types of Resources
contribution margin
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
cooperative venture
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
corporate entrepreneurship
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
corporate narrative
7.2 Sharing Your Entrepreneurial Story
corporate social responsibility
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team,
13.2 Corporations,
13.4 Limited Liability Companies
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
13.2 Corporations
cost of goods sold
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Cost-led pricing
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals
Creative Commons
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
creative thinking process
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
Critical thinking
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
Croatia Airlines
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Cross-Disciplinary Team
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
current asset value
14.1 Types of Resources
current liabilities
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Current Population Survey
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
customer empathy map
11.2 Designing the Business Model
customer value
11.2 Designing the Business Model
customer value proposition
5.3 Competitive Analysis
Customer-led pricing
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
5.3 Competitive Analysis
da Silva
3 Case Questions
Dallas Cowboys
12 Case Questions
Data analysis
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
David Kelley Design
6.3 Design Thinking
Debt service
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
decision tree
14.1 Types of Resources
Decline Stage
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Decline/Rebirth Phase
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Deloitte Consulting LLP
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
Delphi method
15.3 Seeking Help or Support
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
Department of Commerce
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
Descriptive analytics
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
design patents
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions
design thinking
4.1 Tools for Creativity and Innovation,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
6.3 Design Thinking
design thinking process
6.3 Design Thinking
Design Thinking Process
2.4 Frameworks to Inform Your Entrepreneurial Path
design thinking tools
6.3 Design Thinking
diffusion chasm
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
diffusion of innovations
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
Digital marketing
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
Direct channels
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
Disney Corporation
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
Disruptive innovation
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
disruptive technology
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset
distributed partnership profits
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
distribution channels
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
divergent thinking
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Dodge Motor Company
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
doing business as
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
Dollar Shave Club
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
Dominion Harbor Group
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
11 Case Questions
Dow Chemical
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Draper Competition for Collegiate Women Entrepreneurs
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions
14.1 Types of Resources
Drexel Burnham Lambert
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
14.1 Types of Resources
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
due diligence
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today,
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
Dunkin’ Donuts
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
duty-based ethics
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
14.1 Types of Resources
Early adopters
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach,
12 Case Questions
11 Case Questions
Economic causes of risk
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
Economic factors
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
economic nexus
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
El Paso Disaster Room 915
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
elevator pitch
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals
Email marketing
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
Embrace Innovations
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
Emerging growth companies (EGCs)
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
employee handbook
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Empowerment Through Integration (ETI)
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability
enterprise risk management
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
entity selection
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today,
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals,
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset,
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback,
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions,
7 Case Questions,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
entrepreneurial contest
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions
entrepreneurial journey
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
entrepreneurial marketing
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
entrepreneurial mindset
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset,
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset,
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey,
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey,
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurial opportunity
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity,
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity,
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
Entrepreneurial problem solving
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
entrepreneurial process
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
environmental entrepreneurship
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
9.3 Accounting Basics for Entrepreneurs,
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
13.2 Corporations,
14.1 Types of Resources
Equity crowdfunding
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
equity financing
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies
equity investment
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
escalation of commitment
15.2 Making Difficult Business Decisions in Response to Challenges
11.4 The Business Plan
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship,
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Ethnographic research
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
2.3 Entrepreneurial Pathways,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
executive summary
8.5 Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Plan,
11.4 The Business Plan,
11.4 The Business Plan
Expeditionary marketing
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
Export-Import Bank
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
External communications
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
external environment
6.4 Lean Processes
external locus of control
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
13.2 Corporations
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity,
5.3 Competitive Analysis,
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process,
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding,
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership,
12 Case Questions,
13.2 Corporations,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
fail-safe points
15.2 Making Difficult Business Decisions in Response to Challenges
2.3 Entrepreneurial Pathways
Fairchild Semiconductor
2.3 Entrepreneurial Pathways
Fannie Mae
13.2 Corporations
Fashion 21
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding
fear of failure
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
Fear of missing out (FOMO)
7.2 Sharing Your Entrepreneurial Story
feasibility analysis
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Federal Communications Commission
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
Federal Express
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity
Federal Trade Commission Act
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Female Entrepreneur Association
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership
11 Case Questions
financial analysis
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
financial plan
11.4 The Business Plan
financial risk
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
financial statement
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
financial statements
9.3 Accounting Basics for Entrepreneurs,
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies,
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
financing activities
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
First Industrial Revolution
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
fishbone diagram
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
Fixed costs
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
flat organization
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
for-profit business
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
for-profit corporations
13.2 Corporations
Ford Motor Company
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Forever 21
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding
founders’ agreement
15.1 Launching Your Venture
Four Lenses Strategic Framework
2.4 Frameworks to Inform Your Entrepreneurial Path
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Freddie Mac
13.2 Corporations
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
friends and family financing
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies
3 Case Questions
functional skills
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
Funding resources
14.1 Types of Resources
Gantt chart
15.1 Launching Your Venture
Gearhead Outfitters
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies
14.1 Types of Resources
General Electric
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability,
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
General Electric (GE)
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup
general partner
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
general partnership
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
gig economy
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey,
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
gig worker
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
Global Entrepreneurship Index
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability,
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability
go-or-no-go decision
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
GoDaddy Bookkeeping
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
13.2 Corporations
Good Sports
11 Case Questions
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
12 Case Questions,
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs,
15.1 Launching Your Venture,
15.1 Launching Your Venture
Google Earth
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
Google Maps
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
grander purpose
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability,
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability
14.1 Types of Resources
graphic user interface (GUI)
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback
Gravity Payments
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
Great Depression
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
Green Business Network at Green America
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
growth phase
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
growth stage
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
guerrilla marketing
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
Guidewell Innovation Center
11 Case Questions
11.4 The Business Plan
GW New Venture Competition
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions
Harry’s Shave Club
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
Heart Move Collective
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership
13.2 Corporations
Hersey Company
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
Hewlett-Packard Corporation (HP)
7.2 Sharing Your Entrepreneurial Story
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Hippocratic Oath
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Hispanic, Black, and Asian American Chambers
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership
Honor societies
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
14.1 Types of Resources
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup
How I Built This
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
HQ Raleigh
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions
8.6 Sales and Customer Service
Human causes of risk
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
Human resources
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
human-centered design (HCD)
6.3 Design Thinking
human-centric design
4.1 Tools for Creativity and Innovation
hybrid groups
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
iceberg principle
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions
ID Two
6.3 Design Thinking
4.1 Tools for Creativity and Innovation,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
6.3 Design Thinking,
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
11 Case Questions
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals
Impact Hub
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
income statement
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
incremental innovation
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
independent contractor
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
Independent contractors
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Indirect channels
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
Individual investors
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals
IndUS Entrepreneurs
11.4 The Business Plan
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
information and communication technologies (ICTs)
7.2 Sharing Your Entrepreneurial Story
5.3 Competitive Analysis
initial public offering (IPO)
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies,
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
innovation accounting
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup
innovation flowchart
6.3 Design Thinking
innovative model
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
insurance premiums
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
Intangible resources
14.1 Types of Resources
Intel Corporation
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Intellectual property
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship,
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
14.1 Types of Resources,
14.1 Types of Resources
Internal communications
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
internal environment
6.4 Lean Processes
internal locus of control
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Internal Revenue Service
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
International Franchise Association
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
Internet Association
12 Case Questions
2.3 Entrepreneurial Pathways
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
Introductory offers
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
Inventory management
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
Investing activities
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
14.1 Types of Resources
invisible hand
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
14.1 Types of Resources
iterative development
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
11.4 The Business Plan
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
Jiffy Lube
12 Case Questions
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding
Jitterbug smartphone
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
14.1 Types of Resources
jobs-to-be-done theory
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
John Deere Company
7 Case Questions
Johnny Cupcakes
14.1 Types of Resources
Johnson & Johnson
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability,
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions
Johnson Security
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
joint venture
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures,
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
joint ventures (JVs)
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
12 Case Questions
15.5 Reflections: Documenting the Journey
Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
junior associates
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
just-in-time inventory system
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
6.3 Design Thinking
Kelley Blue Book
14.1 Types of Resources
Kentucky Fried Chicken
14.1 Types of Resources
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
11.4 The Business Plan
key performance indicators
8.5 Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Plan
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions,
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies,
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
Kirton Adaption-Innovation (KAI) Inventory
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
11 Case Questions
Ladies Who Launch
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
12 Case Questions
lateral thinking
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
Laughing Man Coffee
11.4 The Business Plan
Laughing Man Foundation
11.4 The Business Plan
leadership style inventory
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions
lean manufacturing
6.4 Lean Processes
lean manufacturing process
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup
lean methodology
10.4 Managing, Following, and Adjusting the Initial Plan
lean plan
10.4 Managing, Following, and Adjusting the Initial Plan,
10.4 Managing, Following, and Adjusting the Initial Plan
lean problem-solving process
6.4 Lean Processes
lean process
6.4 Lean Processes
lean startup
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup
Lean Strategy Canvas
2.4 Frameworks to Inform Your Entrepreneurial Path
Legal risk
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
9.3 Accounting Basics for Entrepreneurs
Library of Congress
14.1 Types of Resources
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
lifecycle stages
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
lifelong development plan
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability
lifestyle business
15.1 Launching Your Venture
lifestyle venture
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
Light and Motion
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
limited liability
13.4 Limited Liability Companies
limited liability companies (LLCs)
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
limited liability company
13.4 Limited Liability Companies
limited liability limited partnership (LLLP)
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
limited liability partnerships
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
limited liability partnerships (LLPs)
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
limited partner
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
limited partnership
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
limited personal liability
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
line of credit
14.1 Types of Resources
line of credit (LOC)
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Linear thinking
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
loan principal
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
Locus of control
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Long-term debts
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Loss leader pricing
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
Love Beyond Walls
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
15.1 Launching Your Venture
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
3 Case Questions
Lululemon Athletica
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
LUMA Institute
6.3 Design Thinking
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Madam C. J. Walker Hair Culturists Union of America
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
Mail Chimp
14.1 Types of Resources
majority stake
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
Man Crates
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
March of Dimes
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
market analysis
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
market opportunity
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
market research
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
marketing mix
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding,
8.5 Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Plan
marketing plan
8.5 Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Plan,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
marketing strategy
8.5 Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Plan
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset
13.2 Corporations
Maturity Phase
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Maturity Stage
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach,
11.2 Designing the Business Model,
11.2 Designing the Business Model
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan,
14.1 Types of Resources
Mechanical Turk
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
member-managed LLCs
13.4 Limited Liability Companies
13.4 Limited Liability Companies
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals,
15.4 Now What? Serving as a Mentor, Consultant, or Champion
mergers and acquisitions
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Merkadoteknia Research and Consulting
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding
Metropolitan Museum of Art
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability,
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions,
13.5 Sole Proprietorships,
14.1 Types of Resources
Microsoft Excel
14.1 Types of Resources
Microsoft PowerPoint
14.1 Types of Resources
Microsoft Teams
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions
Microsoft Word
14.1 Types of Resources
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
Mind mapping
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals
minimum viable product
11.2 Designing the Business Model
minimum viable product (MVP)
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup
Minority Business and Development Agency (MBDA)
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership
Minority Business Development Agency
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership
mission statement
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals,
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset,
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
moral compass
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship,
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability
Mosquito Squad
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD)
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
6.4 Lean Processes
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.4 Managing, Following, and Adjusting the Initial Plan
My Pasta Art
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
Nasdaq National Market System
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
Nasdaq SmallCap
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
14.1 Types of Resources
National Association for the Education of Young Children
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
National Association for Women Owners
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership
National Association of Broadcasters
11 Case Questions
National Association of Professional Women
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
National Kidney Foundation of Arizona
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
National Negro Cosmetics Manufacturers Association
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
National Science Foundation
14.1 Types of Resources
Natural causes of risk
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
nature versus nurture
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
need awareness
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
5.3 Competitive Analysis
6.3 Design Thinking
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions,
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
networking groups
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
New Balance Company
6.4 Lean Processes
New Belgium Brewing Company
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
New Story
14.1 Types of Resources,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
New York City Public Library
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
New York StartUP! Business Plan Competition
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
New York Stock Exchange
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies,
13.2 Corporations
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
Nic & Luc
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
7.2 Sharing Your Entrepreneurial Story,
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
14.1 Types of Resources,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Nintendo Games
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup
14.1 Types of Resources
Nominal Group
15.3 Seeking Help or Support
noncompete agreement
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback,
15.1 Launching Your Venture
nondisclosure agreement
15.1 Launching Your Venture
nondisclosure agreement (NDA)
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback,
11.4 The Business Plan
Nonlinear thinking
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
Nonprofit organization
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
normative ethical theories
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
Not-for-profit corporations
13.2 Corporations
not-for-profit organization (NFPO)
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
6.4 Lean Processes
Occupational Safety and Hazard Association
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
odd numbers strategy
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
5.3 Competitive Analysis
Office of the US Trade Representative
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
13.2 Corporations
open group
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
open innovation
4.1 Tools for Creativity and Innovation
operating activities
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
operational business plan
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Operational capacity
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
operational expenses
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
operational reserve
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Opportunity screening
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
opportunity-identifying perspective
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
organizational roadmap
11.4 The Business Plan
11.2 Designing the Business Model,
11.2 Designing the Business Model,
11.2 Designing the Business Model
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
Palm Computing
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team,
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures,
13.4 Limited Liability Companies
partnership agreement
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
pass-through entities
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions,
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback,
14.1 Types of Resources
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
15.1 Launching Your Venture
peer economy
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
penetration pricing
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
perceived value pricing
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
Personal selling
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
personally liable
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
PEST analysis
5.3 Competitive Analysis
PEST framework
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
Petitioner problem solvers
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
3 Case Questions
Pew Research Center
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
physical environment
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
piece price
14.1 Types of Resources
piercing the corporate veil
13.2 Corporations
pioneering innovation
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
Pipeline Angels
14.1 Types of Resources
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals,
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals
pitch competition
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals
pitch competitions
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions
pitch deck
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals,
7.3 Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals
planning fallacy
15.2 Making Difficult Business Decisions in Response to Challenges
plant patent
14.1 Types of Resources
Pokémon GO
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
Political factors
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
PopUp Business School
2.4 Frameworks to Inform Your Entrepreneurial Path
Potential Rating Index for Zip Markets (PRIZM)
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
Pre-launch costs
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
predictive analytics
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
premium pricing
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
Pretty Young Professionals (PYP)
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity
Primary research
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
Private equity investment
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies
private label
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
private-public partnerships
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
privately held corporation
13.2 Corporations
proactive approach
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability
probability value
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
Problem solving
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
problem-solution narrative
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
Process Excellence
6.4 Lean Processes
Procter & Gamble
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
product liability lawsuits
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
Product Life Cycle
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
product-based business
14.1 Types of Resources
production time
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
professional advisors
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
professional groups
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
profit margin
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
profit-and-loss statement
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
Program services
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
Projected cash flow
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act
2.4 Frameworks to Inform Your Entrepreneurial Path
8.6 Sales and Customer Service
Protestant work ethic
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
13.2 Corporations
public corporation
13.2 Corporations
Public relations
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
publicly held corporation
13.2 Corporations
publicly traded corporation
13.2 Corporations
Qualitative data
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback
Qualitative research
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
quantifiable manner
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals
Quantitative data
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback
Quantitative research
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
8.6 Sales and Customer Service
radical innovations
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
Rapid Brands
Real-time marketing
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
Rebirth or Death Stage
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Red Cross
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
Red Hen Bakery
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
relationship marketing
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
resource dependence theory (RDT) model
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
return on investment (ROI)
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
reward structure
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
Risk appetite
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks
Rogers Adoption Curve
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
3 Case Questions
royalty payment
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
SAB Miller
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
sales force
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Sales promotions
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
sales strategy
8.6 Sales and Customer Service
sales territory
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
8.6 Sales and Customer Service,
14.1 Types of Resources
Samsung Electronics
3 Case Questions
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions,
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks,
13.6 Additional Considerations: Capital Acquisition, Business Domicile, and Technology,
13.7 Mitigating and Managing Risks,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
6 Case Questions
scientific management
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
scientific method
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ
7.5 Reality Check: Contests and Competitions,
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks,
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle,
15.3 Seeking Help or Support
search engine optimization (SEO)
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
Second Industrial Revolution
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
secondary research
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
Securities and Exchange Commission
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies,
13.2 Corporations
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Self-regulating problem solvers
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
Senior Core of Retired Executives
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions,
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
service mark
14.1 Types of Resources
service-based business
14.1 Types of Resources
serviceable available market (SAM)
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
2.3 Entrepreneurial Pathways
shared economy
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
shareholder primacy
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship,
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations,
13.2 Corporations,
13.2 Corporations
sharing economy
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
Shark Tank
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
7.2 Sharing Your Entrepreneurial Story,
9.2 Special Funding Strategies,
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections,
11.4 The Business Plan,
13.2 Corporations
SharkBot 3D Printer
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
Sherman Act
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Shine Talks
Shockley Semiconductor
2.3 Entrepreneurial Pathways
2.3 Entrepreneurial Pathways
Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) Financial Group
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity
situation analysis
8.5 Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Plan
situational opportunity
2.3 Entrepreneurial Pathways
Six Sigma
6.4 Lean Processes
Six Thinking Hats
4.1 Tools for Creativity and Innovation
six-step sales process
8.6 Sales and Customer Service
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team
14.1 Types of Resources
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions,
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
7 Case Questions
Small Business Administration
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
Small Business Administration (SBA)
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions,
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies,
10.3 The Challenging Truth about Business Ownership,
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks,
15.3 Seeking Help or Support
Small Business Association (SBA)
14.1 Types of Resources
Small Business Development Center
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs)
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
Small Business Innovation Research Program
14.1 Types of Resources
Small Business Technology Transfer Program
14.1 Types of Resources
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity,
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Soccer Shots
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
social business model canvas
11.2 Designing the Business Model
social capital
15.4 Now What? Serving as a Mentor, Consultant, or Champion
Social clubs
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
social enterprises
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
social entrepreneur
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
Social entrepreneurship
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
Social impact
11.2 Designing the Business Model
social networking
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
social purpose businesses
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
Society for Human Resource Management
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability
sociocultural factors
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
soft skill
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
sole proprietor
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
sole proprietorship
12.2 Building the Entrepreneurial Dream Team,
13.4 Limited Liability Companies,
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
sole proprietorships
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions
South by Southwest
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions,
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
Spanx, Incorporated
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity
special interest group
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity
Stacy’s Pita Chips
15.2 Making Difficult Business Decisions in Response to Challenges
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship,
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Standard Industrial Classification/North American Industry Classification System (SIC/NAICS)
11.4 The Business Plan
Stanford Design School
6.3 Design Thinking
Star Alliance
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Startup Champions Network
15.4 Now What? Serving as a Mentor, Consultant, or Champion
startup phase
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
state of incorporation
13.2 Corporations
statement of cash flows
9.4 Developing Startup Financial Statements and Projections
statement starters
4.1 Tools for Creativity and Innovation
Stella & Dot
2.4 Frameworks to Inform Your Entrepreneurial Path
Stitch Fix
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
Strategic alliances
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
3 Case Questions
Subscribe & Save
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
SuperGlass Windshield Repair
12 Case Questions
superior value proposition
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
support network
1.2 Entrepreneurial Vision and Goals
Support Startup Businesses Act
2.4 Frameworks to Inform Your Entrepreneurial Path
5.3 Competitive Analysis
sustainable strategy
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
Sweet Beginnings
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
Taaluma Totes
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding
11.2 Designing the Business Model
Tangible resources
14.1 Types of Resources
target customer
11.2 Designing the Business Model
target market
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey,
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
tax-exempt status
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
Teach for America
7.1 Clarifying Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
Team creativity
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
Tech Talent South
11 Case Questions
technological factors
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship,
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
11 Case Questions
Tesla Electric Light
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Texas State Data Center
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
Textbooks for Change
11.4 The Business Plan
The Entrepreneur Next Door
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
The Wander Girls
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
The Wealth of Nations
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
Theorist problem solvers
6.1 Problem Solving to Find Entrepreneurial Solutions
Theta Omega Gamma
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
Think of Us
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
three circles tool
5.3 Competitive Analysis
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship,
9.2 Special Funding Strategies
Toms Shoes
11.2 Designing the Business Model
top-down approach
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market
total available market (TAM)
8.2 Market Research, Market Opportunity Recognition, and Target Market,
11.3 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
total costs of ownership (TCO)
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan
total user experience
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions
6.4 Lean Processes
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship,
6.4 Lean Processes,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
12.3 Designing a Startup Operational Plan,
13.3 Partnerships and Joint Ventures
Trade associations
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
trade secret
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur
Transparency International
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Turing Pharmaceuticals
Turkish Airlines
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
5.3 Competitive Analysis,
6.3 Design Thinking,
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs,
8.4 Entrepreneurial Branding,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.2 Why Early Failure Can Lead to Success Later,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
1.3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset,
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey,
2.2 The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur,
4.2 Creativity, Innovation, and Invention: How They Differ,
5.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity,
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities,
7 Case Questions,
9.1 Overview of Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting Strategies,
10.1 Launching the Imperfect Business: Lean Startup,
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions,
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach,
13.5 Sole Proprietorships
Uber Black
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
Uber Copter
11.1 Avoiding the “Field of Dreams” Approach
Under Armour
8.1 Entrepreneurial Marketing and the Marketing Mix
UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
UNESCO’s Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development
3.3 Developing a Workplace Culture of Ethical Excellence and Accountability,
8.3 Marketing Techniques and Tools for Entrepreneurs
unique selling proposition
5.3 Competitive Analysis
United Airlines
10.5 Growth: Signs, Pains, and Cautions
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
6.2 Creative Problem-Solving Process
Unity One Credit Union
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey,
13.5 Sole Proprietorships,
14.3 Managing Resources over the Venture Life Cycle
US Bureau of Labor
14.2 Using the PEST Framework to Assess Resource Needs
US Copyright Office
14.1 Types of Resources
US Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
13.1 Business Structures: Overview of Legal and Tax Considerations
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
14.1 Types of Resources
US Postal Service
13.2 Corporations
US Small Business Administration
5.2 Researching Potential Business Opportunities
US Small Business Administration (SBA)
2.1 Overview of the Entrepreneurial Journey
US Trade and Development Agency
12.1 Building and Connecting to Networks
useful life
14.1 Types of Resources
user interface
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions
user interface (UI)
7.4 Protecting Your Idea and Polishing the Pitch through Feedback
Utilitarian ethics
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
3.1 Ethical and Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship
Utility patents
4.3 Developing Ideas, Innovations, and Inventions