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Case Questions

EntrepreneurshipCase Questions


The team at AMD, the manufacturer of a chip processor, has a good grasp on how software giants build products around its processors. The teams at AMD design processors to feature attractive capabilities to the software giants by seeking input from researchers and designers on the AMD team who possess knowledge of current and upcoming trends. New processors will incorporate these trends in design. After identifying what type of problem-solving style this would be an example of, incorporate the key skills entrepreneurs must have according to the chapter and apply them in terms of the AMD team.


Tamika, a young entrepreneur, has been purpose-driven toward social change in their rural community. They have created solutions for pesticide runoff, erosion problems, and toxic well water. Tamika has decided to focus more on energy conservation and local air quality. Their first client is interested in wind as a power source. Tamika is unfamiliar with wind power and needs to learn about innovative solutions for residential application. How might Tamika use creative problem solving methods to develop solutions for the client’s request?


Based on input from his second-grade students, New York teacher Michael Schurr was able to redesign his classroom to better serve the students’ needs. In the book Design Thinking for Educators, he redesigned the cubby space to make the room semi-private and lowered the boards so that students could see the content. He made all of these changes after asking the students for input. What are some ways you could improve your classroom if your instructor asked your opinion, using design thinking tools?


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