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Discussion Questions

EntrepreneurshipDiscussion Questions


Which method do you think applies more to entrepreneurship, the innovative or adaptive problem-solving method? Do you see yourself as using one method more than the other in your entrepreneurial endeavors? If so, which one and why?


Do you think it is important for the entrepreneur to understand and develop all the problem-solving skills to manage a successful startup? Why or why not?


Which of the three types of entrepreneurs relies more on the innate skill of the entrepreneur?


How does the fishbone process aid entrepreneurs in finding the root cause to problems worth solving?


Discuss the different methodologies an entrepreneur might use when experiencing creativity block.


Discuss the crowdsourcing process, including how contributors to the solution are rewarded and how different platforms fit with different types of businesses.


Why is empathy needed in defining problems?


Why is it important to continuously ask for feedback and improve the current design?


What are some ways you can determine the true root cause of a problem and not just its symptoms?


What are the best ways to implement lean thinking in your company?


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