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Review Questions

c. Naloxone is specifically used to rapidly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, displacing other opioids and restoring normal breathing in individuals experiencing an overdose. This knowledge is crucial for community nurses involved in overdose response.
c. Primary prevention involves interventions that promote health and prevent the onset of diseases. Focusing on early childhood nutrition, education, and development is a primary prevention strategy aimed at establishing a strong foundation for lifelong health. This approach addresses health promotion and disease prevention from the early stages of life.
a. The nurse advocating for policies that improve air quality, promote physical activity, and encourage healthy eating is focusing on primary prevention. Primary prevention aims to prevent the onset of diseases by addressing risk factors and promoting healthy behaviors in the community.
b. Using assessment data to identify clients at risk for health problems so interventions may be implemented is an example of a secondary prevention strategy.
b. Working with the transit system to add bus routes to serve a disadvantaged population is an example of client advocacy.
a. Nurses must respect their clients’ values and uphold technology’s ethical and safe use. To achieve this, the nurse should educate clients about the benefits, risks, and potential implications of using specific technologies in their care. This empowers clients to make informed decisions based on their values and preferences.
d. The nurse working with community leaders as well as the transportation board to add sidewalks and bike paths to encourage physical activity is an example of a Health in All Policies approach
d. The shortage of health care providers hinders health equity and client access to care. Allowing advanced practice nurses full authority to practice expands the capacity of the health care workforce to treat clients.
b. Opioid use disorder often co-occurs with mental health disorders, making assessment and treatment complex.
c. Young people are drawn to tobacco products through peer pressure, social influences, and aggressive advertising. Launching a social media campaign that discourages smoking can use this social influence to promote positive health behaviors.

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