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Review Questions

c. The stage-sequential model of policy development is a process that uses five steps to create a policy: agenda setting, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation, and policy evaluation. In the policy formulation stage, the nurse is involved in making a plan and setting goals and objectives to solve an identified problem.
d. Public policies are aimed at improving health through local, state, or national regulations.
b. The cycle of poverty is a series of events that occur between generations. The main idea is that once a person or family becomes impoverished, it is almost impossible to change their economic status, and an external intervention is needed to break the cycle. One characteristic of a family in the cycle of poverty is the low level of education among the family members.
b. In the workplace, the nurse can engage in political action by serving on a committee that promotes a healthy community through screenings.
a. Three generalized groups participate in the creation of health policies: private institutions (micro-level), state- and regional-level agencies and lawmakers (meso-level), and federal agencies and lawmakers (macro-level). At the meso-level, health care policies concern the county, state, or larger geographical region, such as developing vaccination clinics at the state level.
c. Key community partners have an interest or expertise in an area of policy, such as a zoning official who can help the nurse with zoning regulations in the development of a hiking trail.
a. An information brief provides a concise summary of the current research on a policy method, approach, or other related concerns.
a. The nurse determines a policy’s effectiveness during the policy evaluation stage of the stage-sequential model of policy development.
a. The CDC’s HiAP is a collaboration across all sectors to integrate and articulate health considerations into policymaking to improve the health of all communities.
c. Nurses can influence local, state, and national social justice policies. At the state level, the nurse can influence social justice policies by educating members of Congress about the health needs of transgender individuals.

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