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Unfolding Case Study

c. Tanesha may be developing a respiratory infection. However, managing her hypertension, blood sugar, and mental health should also be rapidly assessed. When working with communities, it is important to address their most pressing issues first. When there are many issues, it is important to identify and manage the most life-threatening conditions first.
d. Clients like Tanesha require medical care to regulate their immediate health concerns. They also need social services to help them obtain housing, food, mental health care, and Medicaid insurance to help them to meet their health care needs.
b. Tanesha has experienced domestic and intimate partner trauma, and the shelter may ignite fear related to a possible recurrence. Nutritional and sleep assessments are also important. She has not shown signs of potential suicide risk.
d. Knowledge and access to health care could have prevented Tanesha’s situation from devolving into homelessness.

Review Questions

b. Nurses can advocate for the profession by talking about their work and the scope of nursing practice so the public learns about the professional role of nursing. A good place for new nurses to begin this advocacy is by educating their clients and families about the nursing profession.
b. Research shows that during the COVID-19 pandemic a lack of adequate nurse staffing led to an increase in hospital mortality, length of stay, and readmissions.
a. When speaking with community partners about a need for change, the nurse should stay on point and succinctly communicate key information within the first minute of a conversation.
c. Global disparities in maternal and infant mortality are higher among BIPOC populations, with Black women five times more likely to die from pregnancy-related cardiomyopathy and eclampsia than White women.
a. A coalition is a group of people with shared vision or concerns who collaborate to support a cause. Nurses may form coalitions to maximize resources to improve the chances of successfully achieving these goals.
c. The National Academy of Medicine developed the Future of Nursing Report 2020–2030, which set goals for public health and emerging health policies. One of its goals is to attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death.
a. PACs form to generate and spend funds to elect political candidates that align with a particular agenda.
c. NOBC collaborates with other associations and health care and business partners to provide nursing leadership as members on the boards of directors for organizations. NOBC provides mentors to help nurses develop leadership skills and advance in organizations.
d. A coalition is a formal group with a defined leadership team, such as a chairperson, facilitator, individual members, staff, a steering committee, a lead agency, and member organizations.
b. The Campaign for Action coalition brings together nurses, providers, consumers, educators, and businesses at the state level to implement strategies that support the Future of Nursing report, such as increasing diversity in the nursing profession.

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