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A community/public health nurse is organizing an outreach program to educate the community on the availability of over-the-counter naloxone. Which response by a community member indicates to the nurse that the person understands the indication for naloxone?
  1. “Naloxone is a long-term treatment for opioid addiction.”
  2. “Naloxone prevents opioid cravings in individuals with substance use disorders.”
  3. “Naloxone is used to rapidly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.”
  4. “Naloxone is a preventive medication to reduce the risk of opioid misuse.”
A community health nurse has been assigned to develop health promotion and disease prevention interventions for the local community. Which of the following is an example of a primary prevention?
  1. Scheduling mammogram screenings for uninsured women
  2. Assessing medication adherence during home visits
  3. Offering free breakfasts to school-age children
  4. Instructing clients with arthritis how to modify their home to decrease the risk of falls
A nurse is advocating for policies that create walkable communities, green spaces, and healthier food environments. Which level of prevention does this target?
  1. Primary prevention
  2. Secondary prevention
  3. Tertiary prevention
  4. Quaternary prevention
A nurse working in a community health clinic is caring for a middle-aged client who is being seen for a routine check-up. The nurse assesses the clients’ vital signs, height, and weight and performs point-of-care glucose and cholesterol tests. After reviewing the results with the provider, the client is identified as being at an increased risk for developing diabetes. Which level of prevention does this visit reflect?
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternary
A community health nurse who lobbies for the local transit system to add additional bus routes between a low-income neighborhood and the local clinic is demonstrating which type of leadership behavior?
  1. Education and mentorship
  2. Client advocacy
  3. Policy engagement
  4. Practice advocacy
Which action will the nurse take to ensure the ethical and safe use of a mobile health app by a client who needs help in managing their medications?
  1. Clarifying for the client the potential risks and benefits of this technology
  2. Ensuring that this technology will protect the client’s confidentiality
  3. Explaining that this is the only way to monitor the client’s medication regimen
  4. Reinforcing that this technology will reduce the time the nurse needs to monitor the client
Which of the following is the best example of a Health in All Policies approach?
  1. The local health department plans to expand its services to additional locations in the community.
  2. A school system expands its school nursing staff to offer more services to students.
  3. The nurse helps a manufacturing plant collaborate with the local health system to expand its employee assistance program.
  4. The nurse lobbies community leaders to collaborate with the transportation board to add sidewalks and bike paths to road maintenance projects.
Which of the following actions would improve health care access for clients?
  1. Shifting health care reimbursement models to focus on health promotion initiatives
  2. Implementing strategies to address health care provider burnout
  3. Expanding a team-based approach to health care
  4. Allowing advanced practice nurses full practice authority in all 50 states
A community health nurse works in a clinic that treats clients who lack insurance and have a history of opioid use disorder. Which of the following approaches should the nurse use when working with these clients?
  1. The nurse should treat these clients the same as other clients.
  2. The nurse should recognize these clients are at high risk for having symptoms related to both mental illness and substance use disorders.
  3. The nurse should focus only on the client’s physical needs related to the opioid use disorder.
  4. The nurse should discourage the use of harm reduction approaches such as needle exchange programs and help the client focus on eliminating their drug use.
A nurse is conducting a health promotion campaign aimed at reducing smoking rates in a community with a high prevalence of smoking among teenagers and young adults. Which intervention is more likely to be effective with this population?
  1. Distributing informational pamphlets about the harmful effects of smoking
  2. Hosting a community event for families to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking
  3. Implementing a social media campaign that discourages smoking
  4. Providing financial incentives to teens who quit smoking

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