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Review Questions

c. Primary prevention for childbearing clients refers to activities aimed at preventing health problems before they occur, such as providing education about healthy nutrition and exercise.
b. Promoting self-care involves providing the client with the ability to take an active role in maintaining or improving their own health. Education allows the client to actively address their gestational diabetes.
a. To prevent SUID, the nurse teaches parents to place the baby on their back on a firm sleep surface that is free from pillows, blankets, or other soft bedding.
b. Effective family engagement involves actively involving the family in the planning and implementation of health promotion interventions. By collaborating with each family, the nurse can gain a deeper understanding of their cultural practices, values, and beliefs related to health. This understanding enables the nurse to tailor interventions that are respectful, culturally appropriate, and aligned with the family’s preferences, leading to better engagement and improved health outcomes.
c. Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in children age 5 to 9 years.
b. Support from family is a relationship factor that can protect against suicide.
b. When comparing health outcomes between adult men and adult women in the United States, it is important to consider potential disparities. Cerebrovascular disease is a major disease in both genders, but adult women tend to have higher rates compared to adult men.
a. Prevention of the onset of disease occurs through primary prevention, such as vaccinating according to the recommended schedules.
c. A particular area of focus by Healthy People 2030 is reducing falls in older adults. One way the nurse can work to prevent falls in this population is by reducing use of inappropriate medication.
d. Elder abuse is an intentional act or failure to act that causes or creates a risk of harm to an older adult. Older adults with mental illness are at increased risk for elder abuse due to their diminished capacity to recognize and report mistreatment, understand their rights, or protect themselves from harm.

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