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Review Questions

c. Completing the Social Identity Wheel is a strategy to promote self-awareness and recognize the various facets of one’s identity. By understanding how one’s own identity influences viewpoints and actions, the nurse can become more culturally competent and address any unconscious biases that might impact client interactions.
c. Adapting care practices to align with the client’s cultural preferences and needs demonstrates cultural humility. It recognizes the importance of valuing the client’s cultural background and adjusting care to ensure it is respectful and appropriate based on the client’s cultural beliefs and practices.
c. Decolonization in nursing practice entails acknowledging and addressing the historical impact of colonial ideologies. It involves challenging privilege, embracing cultural humility, and promoting equitable care that respects diverse perspectives and backgrounds.
c. Acknowledging privilege is crucial to promoting fairness and advocating for change. Nurses should recognize their social privileges and actively work to address disparities and inequalities within the health care system. According to the ANA, nurses must acknowledge their social privileges and take responsibility to address unjust systems and structures.
b. Conscious impermeability refers to being aware of the importance of cultural humility but facing challenges in applying it in practice. The nurse recognizes power imbalances but may struggle to demonstrate cultural humility effectively.
c. In nursing, power imbalances can create conflicts and hinder effective communication between nurses and clients due to differing roles, knowledge, and authority. Power imbalances can lead to unequal treatment, where nurses may make decisions without considering client preferences. This compromises client autonomy and can result in decisions that may not align with the client’s wishes or values.
d. The “E” in the mnemonic stands for encounters. This question prompts the nurse to reflect on their commitment to engaging in meaningful interactions and resolving conflicts with individuals from different cultures.
a. Mindful awareness involves actively listening to others and seeking to understand their perspectives without interruptions or judgments.
c. In-group favoritism refers to individuals’ preference for members of their own social identity groups, leading to positive evaluations within the group.
c. Reflection and critical thinking about one’s values, beliefs, and cultural heritage can help nurses understand how their background influences their perceptions, decisions, and interactions.

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