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Review Questions

c. To assess health literacy in culturally diverse clients, the nurse should perform a health literacy assessment using a validated tool before developing a teaching plan.
a. This self-assessment checklist is designed to enhance one’s awareness and sensitivity of cultural and linguistic diversity and to provide concrete examples of practices that foster an environment of cultural and linguistic competence, allowing the nurse to reflect and engage in self-improvement.
a. Leadership commitment refers to the active involvement and support of organizational leadership in promoting cultural competence. This includes developing and implementing policies and practices that prioritize cultural competence and diversity, such as developing policies for the use of trained interpreters.
c. Creating a welcoming environment is part of the Promoting Cultural and Linguistic Competency Self-Assessment Checklist. The nurse can help create a welcoming environment by displaying posters, brochures, and other materials that represent the diversity of the client population.
b. The ACCESS model consists of six key components: assessment, communication, cultural negotiation and compromise, establishing respect and rapport, sensitivity, and safety. In this model, the nurse tailors the plan of care so it is respectful of the client’s beliefs and values. This is accomplished by developing the plan of care with the client.
b. Developing partnerships to support organizational cultural and linguistic competence is a dynamic and multifaceted process that involves collaborating with key community partners to determine their needs, goals, and resources.
c. When evaluating the effectiveness of a cultural competence training program, a nurse is likely to measure for an improvement in client satisfaction scores because that is an indication if clients feel heard, understood, and respected.
a. To show its strong commitment to cultural competence, the organization should have a mission statement that reflects its commitment to cultural and linguistic competence.
b. According to National CLAS Standards, clients with LEP should be offered language assistance in their preferred language in a timely manner and at no cost to them.
b. One way that health care facilities can be made more welcoming to LGBTQIA+ individuals to include nonbinary choices on all forms, allowing individuals to identify in their own way.

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