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A nurse, concerned that unconscious bias might hinder their cultural humility in providing care to clients with backgrounds different from their own, completes the Social Identity Wheel. Which statement describes the nurse’s purpose for using this assessment tool?
  1. To learn about the client’s cultural identity
  2. To learn to ignore biases and focus on client care
  3. To assess how the nurse’s identity influences client care
  4. To confirm that the nurse is culturally sensitive
What action by a nurse demonstrates cultural humility in client-centered care?
  1. Using complex medical terminology to show expertise
  2. Assuming that the nurse’s cultural practices are universally applicable
  3. Adapting care practices to align with the client’s cultural preferences
  4. Disregarding the client’s input and family’s opinions in decision making
Which action by a nurse represents the practice of decolonization?
  1. Enforcing Eurocentric ideologies to maintain cultural uniformity
  2. Prioritizing certain cultural perspectives over others
  3. Recognizing and challenging dominating colonial influences
  4. Eliminating all traditional healing practices to standardize care
A community health nurse critically examines their practice to decrease the influence of privilege when providing care to clients in a low-income area. Which statement does the nurse understand to be a critical aspect of privilege in nursing?
  1. The nursing profession is not influenced by privilege.
  2. Privilege is solely determined by socioeconomic status.
  3. Acknowledging one’s privilege is critical to addressing unjust systems.
  4. Privilege has no impact on health disparities or health outcomes.
Which action by a nurse demonstrates conscious impermeability in the continuum of developing cultural humility?
  1. The nurse spontaneously operates from a place of cultural humility.
  2. The nurse is aware of social inequities but struggles to demonstrate cultural humility in practice.
  3. The nurse performs a mindful act of learning how to become culturally humble.
  4. The nurse synergistically combines cultural competence and humility.
Which outcome is a potential consequence of power imbalances in nurse-client interactions?
  1. Increased client autonomy and decision making
  2. Enhanced trust and rapport between the nurse and client
  3. Unequal treatment and compromised client autonomy
  4. Improved communication and understanding between parties
According to Campinha-Bacote’s “Process of Cultural Competemility in the Delivery of Healthcare Services” model, which question by a nurse represents the “E” in the mnemonic “A-S-K-E-D” for self-examination?
  1. “Am I aware of my prejudices and biases and the presence of racism and other ‘isms’?”
  2. “Do I know how to conduct a culturally specific history, physical, mental health, medication, and spiritual assessment in a culturally sensitive manner?”
  3. “Do I have knowledge regarding different cultures’ worldviews, the field of biocultural ecology, and the importance of addressing social determinants of health?”
  4. “Do I have sacred and unremitting encounters with people from cultures different from mine, and am I committed to resolving cross-cultural conflicts?”
Which action can a nurse take to cultivate mindful awareness in interactions with clients?
  1. Practicing active listening and seeking to understand the speaker’s perspective without interruptions
  2. Making quick judgments and forming opinions based on automatic biases and assumptions
  3. Avoiding reflection and self-awareness to maintain a detached approach in client care
  4. Embracing a fixed mindset and resisting new information or diverse experiences
Which action is the nurse performing when they show a preference for members of their social identity group, leading to a more positive evaluation of individuals within their own group?
  1. Out-Group Homogeneity
  2. Confirmation Bias
  3. In-Group Favoritism
  4. Limited Interactions
What action can a nurse take to reduce biases in nurse-client interactions?
  1. Providing care based on past encounters with individuals of the same background
  2. Explaining the nurse’s values and beliefs to the client
  3. Reflecting on how their background influences their perception of others
  4. Limiting interactions with individuals from certain social identity groups

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