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agent group
those with dominant social status either by birth or acquisition who may knowingly or unknowingly take advantage of their position over the target group
blind spots
unconscious or implicit biases that individuals are unaware of
confirmation bias
a tendency to notice and remember information confirming one’s existing beliefs; can reinforce and strengthen those beliefs over time
conscious impermeability
when the nurse recognizes cultural humility’s importance but struggles to demonstrate it in practice
conscious permeability
the mindful act of learning to become culturally humble and use a cultural lens throughout the entire encounter with the client
counter-stereotypic imaging
the deliberate representation of individuals or groups that challenges or counters traditional stereotypes associated with them
cultural adaptability
adapting one’s behaviors, communication styles, and approaches to fit different cultural environments
cultural autobiography
a written account of an individual’s cultural experiences, upbringing, and identity development
cultural genogram
a genogram depicting family members’ cultural identities, traditions, and migration histories
cultural immersion
proactively engaging with people from diverse racial, ethnic, gender, and sexual orientation groups
cultural intelligence (CQ)
an individual’s ability to understand, appreciate, and adapt to different cultural contexts
cultural knowledge
understanding different cultural norms, values, beliefs, practices, and historical contexts
cultural sensitivity
the awareness, understanding, and consideration of clients and their families’ diverse cultural backgrounds, beliefs, practices, and preferences
cultural skills
the possession of interpersonal and communication skills to effectively interact and communicate across cultures
cultural understanding
the recognition and appreciation of cultural differences and similarities without judgment or bias
a process of critically examining and deconstructing the Eurocentric and colonial ideologies that have influenced nursing
emotional intelligence (EI)
the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s emotions and effectively interact with the emotions of others; involves self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills
the capability to understand and share the feelings and perspectives of others, demonstrating sensitivity and compassion
evaluative conditioning
a psychological concept that explains how repeated pairing with positive or negative stimuli can influence or modify people’s attitudes or evaluations toward a particular stimulus
in-group bias
a psychological phenomenon referring to people’s tendency to favor members of their own social or cultural in-group
the process of seeing individuals as unique and distinct, rather than lumping them into broad categories or stereotypes
mindful awareness
being present in the moment and observing thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment
harnessing emotions to set and achieve goals
perspective taking
empathizing with others by putting oneself in their shoes and trying to comprehend their thoughts, emotions, and experiences
power imbalances
imbalances in the nurse-client relationship within the health care setting that stem from the differing roles, knowledge, and authority that nurses and clients hold
the advantages, entitlements, or prospects bestowed upon individuals based on their social identities, such as race, gender, and economic status, among other factors
the ability to recognize and understand one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values
the capacity to manage and regulate one’s emotions, impulses, and behaviors in various situations
social skills
proficiency in building and maintaining positive relationships, effective communication, conflict resolution, and teamwork
stereotype replacement
consciously challenging and replacing stereotypical beliefs and assumptions with more accurate and nuanced understandings
systemic oppression
the dominant group’s ability to impose their version of reality and dictate what is considered normal, true, and right
target group
individuals belonging to social identity groups who experience discrimination, marginalization, oppression, or exploitation at the hands of the agent and the institutionalized system that they represent
unconscious impermeability
a lack of recognition that cultural humility is necessary to become culturally competent
unconscious permeability
spontaneously operating from a place of cultural humility

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