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Review Questions

b. Learning material should be presented in an organized manner from simple to complex.
d. A needs assessment is an important first step in planning a community health program. This assessment will identity strengths, resources, and current needs of the community.
a. Adult learning theory builds upon what is already known about a topic and applies new knowledge to past and current experiences.
c. A lack of trust among team members can be a barrier to team communication. A lack of trust impedes communication and planning because team members feel like they cannot have an open dialogue.
c. The six steps for planning health education interventions include identify learning needs, establish goals and objectives, select appropriate education methods, design and implement the educational program, evaluate the educational process and effects of the program, and determine if revisions to the plan are needed. During the evaluation step, the nurse determines the extent to which learners have met the program objectives of identifying and reducing cardiac risk factors.
d. TeamSTEPPS® is an evidence-based program that aims to eliminate preventable medication errors related to unproductive team communication, thus improving client safety. The five key principles in this program are team structure, communication, leadership, situation monitoring, and mutual support. The team structure consists of multiple backgrounds and disciplines.
a. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs begins with basic human needs and moves up to higher levels of achievement: physiological, security, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Providing a safe space for teenagers after school addresses the need for security.
c. Behaviorism considers behavior as learned from the environment and focuses on observable behavior; it often develops a contract for behavior change.
d. One principle of planning a community health education program is to include members of the target audience as part of the planning.
d. Nurses should consider how developmental level may affect how the population receives information. Peer influence is stronger as adolescents’ autonomy increases, so nurses may incorporate peer activities into the learning process for this population.

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