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Review Questions

b. The client in the preparation stage is planning for behavior change in the next 30 days. Setting realistic goals is appropriate at this stage.
a. The nurse selects activities in Step 3 of the Intervention Mapping framework. Step 4, develop program materials, includes writing program communication, messaging, and resources.
c. Proportionality states the program or action is equitable and fair. It also refers to decreasing inequities that already exist so that health outcomes are more proportional.
c. A conference room is an example of a physical resource.
b. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. The program objective of “Reported alcohol use by county youth will decrease from five percent to four percent by December 31, 2025” meets all of these requirements.
b. Step 3, develop partnership agreements, includes determining the roles and responsibilities of all partners and creating a contract or agreement specifying each.
d. Process objectives direct activities to be completed in a specific time frame and describes participants, interactions, and activities.
a. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) ensures that participants in a research study have the choice to participate or withdraw from a study at any time and that they must give informed consent to participate.
d. Determinants of health are factors that affect the health of individuals and communities. Social determinants of health include economic stability, education access and quality, health care access and quality, neighborhood and built environment, and social and community context.
a. An individual is ready for a change in health behavior when they believe they are susceptible to the health problem, they believe the health problem has serious consequences, they believe taking action will reduce the risk of the health problem, they believe the benefits of change outweigh the costs, they are exposed to factors that prompt change, and they are confident in their ability to make a change.

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