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Unfolding Case Study

d. Focus groups gather qualitative data from participants who have experience with the topic. Participants provide their perspectives of the issue in a discussion-based setting. It would be appropriate to gather this information from local emergency responders because they have firsthand experience responding to drug overdoses. Additionally, these data are not consistently reported by methods that the team could easily access in another way.
a. A drug rehabilitation center is located in the community. Enabling factors are characteristics of the environment and community that make it easier for community members to change their behavior or their environment. This includes community programs, services, and resources. Media is a reinforcing factor to motivate specific behaviors. Knowledge, beliefs, values, and attitudes of the individual are predisposing factors. Attaining knowledge in high school and values learned from family are predisposing factors.
a. The nursing diagnosis includes all parts. The other responses do not contain all parts and/or do not align with community perceptions and needs.
b. Availability of appointments at the local drug rehabilitation center could be a barrier to program implementation. Promoting drug rehabilitation would be ineffective if appointments were not available.

Review Questions

b. A client with interactive health literacy has skills that have advanced beyond the functional, or basic, health literacy level. This client is able to use a variety of sources to answer health questions and apply that information to real-life scenarios.
a. Benchmarking involves comparing local information to other measures or standards. Healthy People 2030 provides national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade.
d. Community nursing diagnoses must include “risk of” to describe the health need or problem, “among” to describe the aggregate or population that is affected, and “related to” to describe community characteristics or factors that influence the health need.
c. Community systems are services and resources that are available to community members. The number and location of health care providers falls under community systems and is used to determine access to health care providers.
b. After data is collected and reviewed, the team analyzes the data in order to prioritize community health problems. The team plans implementation strategies after the top health priorities are chosen. Results are shared with the community after the data is analyzed. Evaluation occurs after the CHIP has been implemented.
a. A client with functional health literacy has basic health literacy skills and is able to obtain relevant information and apply it to prescribed activity, such as reading a prescription label and taking the medication accordingly.
c. The psychomotor domain is the performance of skills that require neuromuscular coordination. An example is self-administration of insulin.
b. In constructivist learning theory, learners actively use experiences and reflection to build upon preexisting knowledge rather than passively taking in information.
d. Auditory learners process information and learn best through listening; appropriate educational methods are verbal lecture, discussion, music, podcasts, and reading aloud.
a. During the Continuously Improve the Community phase of MAPP, power analyses and partner profiles are completed.

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