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A nurse assesses a client’s health literacy prior to providing education. The client is able to use interactive websites, identify multiple resources to gather health information, and assist others in health decision-making. Which health literacy level describes the client’s skills?
  1. Functional health literacy
  2. Interactive health literacy
  3. Critical health literacy
  4. Organizational health literacy
Which secondary data source would the public health nurse utilize to benchmark local health patterns to national (U.S.) patterns?
  1. Healthy People 2030
  2. Key informant interview
  3. U.S. Census data
  4. Focus group report
Which community nursing diagnosis has the nurse written appropriately?
  1. Ineffective coping related to multiple stressors as evidenced by the client crying and stating she has no support system
  2. Risk of ineffective health maintenance among individuals who do not have access to a primary care provider
  3. Risk of cardiovascular disease related to poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and lack of access safe places to exercise
  4. Risk of obesity among school-age children related to lack of access to healthy food choices and opportunities for physical activity
Which of the following would the community health nurse include in an assessment of community systems?
  1. Age, gender, and race
  2. Water quality reports
  3. Health care providers
  4. Morbidity patterns
A team is using the American Hospital Association Community Health Assessment (CHA) toolkit to conduct a CHA. They have defined the community and gathered data from multiple sources. According to the toolkit, what is the next step?
  1. Share results with the community
  2. Prioritize community health problems
  3. Evaluate progress
  4. Plan implementation strategies
Which health literacy skill would the nurse anticipate in a client with functional health literacy skills?
  1. Understanding a prescription label
  2. Following blood glucose trends
  3. Recognizing personal health risks for cardiovascular disease
  4. Following directions to reduce radon levels in the home
The nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client newly diagnosed with diabetes. Which action by the nurse focuses on the psychomotor domain of learning?
  1. Providing reinforcement for efforts toward self-care
  2. Teaching about the relationship between insulin and blood glucose levels
  3. Instructing the client on self-administration of insulin
  4. Discussing the symptoms of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
Which action will the nurse take when utilizing constructivist theory to teach a community health education program about smoking cessation?
  1. Reward positive behaviors toward smoking cessation
  2. Encourage reflection about smoking cessation
  3. Model desired behaviors needed for smoking cessation
  4. Assess knowledge to build upon what is already known about smoking cessation
Which method will the nurse use when teaching a client who is an auditory learner?
  1. Pictures and images
  2. Videos
  3. Interactive activities
  4. Discussion
Which activity will the nurse perform during the continuously improve the community phase of the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP) framework to improve the health of a community?
  1. Complete partner profiles
  2. Strengthen community engagement
  3. Perform Community Partners Assessment
  4. Establish Community Health Improvement (CHI) leadership

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