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A community health nurse is working at a community event to help individuals obtain health insurance. For which individual would the nurse most likely recommend Medicare?
  1. A 62-year-old client with heart failure
  2. A 54-year-old client who is employed
  3. A 28-year-old client with two children and no income
  4. A healthy retired 67-year-old client
An older adult client has developed a pressure injury while in the hospital for the treatment of pneumonia. The nurse understands that the development of the pressure ulcer will affect Medicare reimbursement for this client in what way?
  1. There will be no reimbursement for this client’s hospital stay.
  2. Reimbursement will be increased due to the development of complications.
  3. Reimbursement will be reduced as a result of the development of a pressure injury.
  4. There will be no change in reimbursement.
The nurse is discussing homecare instructions with a client who was treated on a medical unit for an exacerbation of heart failure. The client tells the nurse that follow-up care will be difficult since they live 30 miles away and do not drive. Which intervention by the nurse can best meet the immediate needs of this client for follow-up care?
  1. Meeting with community leaders about the need for medical facilities in the rural community
  2. Providing the client with agencies that may be able to assist with transportation
  3. Arranging for home monitoring and telehealth follow-up
  4. Reinforce that follow-up is important and that the client needs to find rides to appointments
A nurse works at a clinic that provides care to clients through all stages of heart failure and coordinates transitions of care. Which care delivery model is the clinic using to provide care to clients?
  1. Collaborative care
  2. Integrated service line
  3. Provider-sponsored health plan
  4. Medical home
A community health nurse provides health care to a marginalized community. Which factor will guide the nurse’s health programming?
  1. Most members of this community are eligible for Medicaid.
  2. Community members are likely to seek preventative health care.
  3. Barriers to accessing health care may be present.
  4. Laws and policies protect the health of this community.
Which concept concerning LHIs will the nurse use to develop programs to improve health outcomes in the community?
  1. LHIs are primarily aimed at reducing childhood illnesses.
  2. LHIs should be included in the plan of care for every individual.
  3. LHIs improve health and well-being across the lifespan.
  4. LHIs provide standardized guidelines for caring for certain diseases.
Which action can the community health nurse take to help an unemployed client without health insurance mitigate the high cost of prescription drugs?
  1. Assist the client to reduce the amount spent on food and other items.
  2. Ask the client which medications they feel are not necessary.
  3. Speak with the provider about lower-cost alternatives.
  4. Explain that all medications must be taken to improve health outcomes.
Which category of public health policy is the nurse engaged in while performing lipid profile testing at a community health fair?
  1. Regulation
  2. Screening
  3. Education
  4. Preventative treatment
A client in a community health center is receiving team-based care for primary care needs and management of heart failure. When the nurse assesses that the client is missing appointments due to difficulties with transportation, the nurse refers the client to the team social worker. Which care delivery model is this client experiencing?
  1. Accountable care organization
  2. Integrated service line
  3. Medical home
  4. Provider-sponsored health plan
Which component of the IHI Triple Aim is the nurse performing when working with the community to develop programs to reduce teenage smoking?
  1. System Integration and Execution
  2. Population Health Management
  3. Redesign of Primary Care Services and Structures
  4. Cost Control and Platform

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