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Review Questions

d. Medicare is a government health insurance program that covers Americans 65 years of age and older, regardless of their health. It may also cover some individuals with disabilities, end-stage renal disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
c. The Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program bases Medicare payments on quality of care rather than services performed. The development of a pressure injury while in the hospital is considered a negative outcome, leading to decreased reimbursement. Therefore, hospitals are incentivized to focus on health care quality.
c. The use of telehealth can provide care remotely to individuals who live in care deserts where there is limited access to health care services.
b. Care delivery models refer to how health care providers work together to provide health care to clients. In the integrated service lines, hospitals and health care systems organize around specific disease states such as heart failure throughout the continuum of client care.
c. A marginalized community is one that is excluded from the dominant group’s cultural, economic, educational, or social life. Marginalized communities are likely to face barriers to accessing health care, such as a lack of health insurance or a paucity of health care providers within the community.
c. LHIs are a subset of high-priority Healthy People 2030 objectives aimed at improving health and well-being across the lifespan and topic areas.
c. Community health nurses need to recognize the impact of high drug prices on their clients who may not take their medications if they cannot afford them. Among other options, nurses should contact the prescribers to identify less costly alternatives for the client.
b. Mechanisms for delivering public health policy interventions include fiscal policy, regulation, education, preventative treatment, and screening. Screening involves testing to detect diseases or other issues before symptoms are apparent, such as screening for elevated lipid levels that can detect coronary artery disease before symptoms of heart disease develop.
c. The medical home model of care uses an integrated team approach to provide care for the whole person, including physical and social needs.
b. The IHI Triple Aim is a framework developed by the IHI that aims to improve health care system performance using five components. The component of Population Health Management is involved in prevention and health promotion.

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