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Case Study

b. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors such as hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and overweight/obesity.
d. Class III obesity is 40+ kg/m2.

Review Questions

d. Overweight and obesity are determined by BMI. The BMI is calculated using height and weight.
b. BMI is calculated by dividing the client’s weight by their height in inches squared and multiplying by 703: 278 ÷ 69 2 = 278 ÷ 4761 = 0.0584 × 703 = 41.05 , rounded to 41.1.
b. Obesity and overweight are not the same; the distinguishing factor is a person’s client’s BMI. Overweight, with a BMI of 25–29, may lead to obesity. Obesity has a higher BMI ( 30) and is associated with serious consequences.
a. Benzphetamine should not be given to clients who are pregnant; clients of childbearing age should be counseled to practice strict birth control methods to avoid pregnancy while on the medication.
d. Concurrent use of phenelzine, an MAOI, is contraindicated with phentermine. MAOIs should not be used 14 days before or after phenelzine use.
c. The dosage of phentermine/topiramate is usually readjusted every 14 days based on effectiveness.
a. The drug orlistat is available by prescription under the brand name Xenical or OTC under the brand name Alli.
c. Orlistat is not systemically absorbed and does not affect the cardiovascular and neurological systems. Common side effects are specific to the GI system—abdominal discomfort, flatus, nausea, oily rectal discharge, fecal urgency, fatty stool, and diarrhea.
d. Bupropion is an antidepressant, and naltrexone is an opioid antagonist; when combined, they have been effective in weight management.
c. Orlistat works by inhibiting the action of pancreatic lipase, an enzyme responsible for breaking down dietary fat in the small intestine. By blocking fat absorption, it reduces the number of calories absorbed from dietary fat, thus promoting weight loss.

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