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Case Study

d. Famotidine is a medication used to treat peptic ulcer disease.
b. Famotidine is a histamine blocker that suppresses gastric acid by lowering the concentration of hydrogen ions. Alcohol, spicy foods, and NSAIDs increase gastric acid. Abruptly stopping a histamine blocker may cause rebound hyperacidity. Antacids should be taken 1–2 hours before or after other medications to avoid interfering with absorption. Histamine blockers often cause fatigue, not energy.

Review Questions

a. Aluminum hydroxide interferes with the absorption of many medications if taken at the same time.
d. Hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias are associated with the IV (parenteral) administration of cimetidine.
b. Omeprazole decreases pepsin, bile, and gastric acids.
a. Misoprostol can cause spontaneous abortion, premature birth, or birth defects.
b. Calcium carbonate may cause constipation and flatulence.
d. Calcium carbonate should be taken as needed when symptoms occur, after meals and before bedtime; it does not need to be taken every day.
a. Lansoprazole begins to reduce acid after approximately 2 hours, with ulcer symptom relief after about a week of use. The medication should be taken on an empty stomach and is typically used short-term (less than 6 months) for an ulcer.
a. Sucralfate adheres to the stomach lining for about 6 hours and will need to be repeated to ensure protection of the mucosal lining.
d. Antacids containing magnesium, such as magnesium hydroxide, can cause elevated magnesium levels.
c. The medication cannot be chewed and capsules cannot be opened, as the gastric acids will destroy the medication before it reaches the duodenum, where it is most effective.

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