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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

A nurse is presenting a workshop on weight management. The nurse explains overweight and obesity are determined by:
  1. Weight in pounds
  2. Height in centimeters
  3. Genetics
  4. Body mass index (BMI)
A nurse performs an initial assessment of a client with a height of 5’9” and a weight of 278 pounds. What BMI does the nurse calculate for this client?
  1. 51.2 kg/m2
  2. 41.1 kg/m2
  3. 31.2 kg/m2
  4. 21.1 kg/m2
A nurse is providing education to a group of adults about the differences between overweight and obesity. Which statement by one of the participants demonstrates an accurate understanding of these terms?
  1. “Overweight and obesity are essentially the same, just different terms for having excess body fat.”
  2. “Overweight refers to having a BMI between 25 and 29.9, whereas obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher.”
  3. “Obesity is a medical condition, whereas overweight is merely a cosmetic concern.”
  4. “Being overweight is a more severe health condition than obesity due to the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.”
The clinic nurse is teaching a 25-year-old female client about her new prescription for benzphetamine. What statement by the client indicates understanding?
  1. “It is best to use a method of birth control because the medication can be harmful to a fetus.”
  2. “This medication will make me very sleepy.”
  3. “I will be hungry on this medication.”
  4. “This medication is best taken right before bed.”
A provider at a weight-loss clinic is considering starting phentermine for a 35-year-old client. The nurse is performing a medication reconciliation for the client. Which medication would the nurse have concerns about?
  1. Acetaminophen
  2. Omeprazole
  3. Zinc
  4. Phenelzine
While counseling a client on different anorexiants, the nurse advises them that office visits may be required every 14 days to assess progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the weight-loss medication. The nurse is referring to which medication?
  1. Phentermine
  2. Phendimetrazine
  3. Phentermine/topiramate
  4. Benzphetamine
The nurse is aware that which lipase inhibitor is available by prescription from a provider and also over the counter at a lower dose?
  1. Orlistat
  2. Phentermine
  3. Bupropion naltrexone
  4. Benzphetamine
The nurse is providing client education on the drug orlistat. The nurse explains common adverse effects of orlistat that subside within 4 weeks are:
  1. Palpitations (tachycardia)
  2. Headache and dizziness
  3. Diarrhea and fatty stool (steatorrhea)
  4. Itchiness and high blood pressure
The nurse is aware that a combination medication of an antidepressant and an opioid antagonist may be prescribed for weight loss. Which medication is it?
  1. Chromium picolinate and naltrexone
  2. Phentermine and topiramate
  3. Phenelzine and naloxone
  4. Bupropion and naltrexone
A nurse is providing education to a client who has been prescribed orlistat (Alli) for weight loss. The client asks the nurse how this medication works to help with weight loss. Which response by the nurse is most accurate?
  1. “Orlistat suppresses appetite, making you feel less hungry and eat fewer calories.”
  2. “This medication increases your metabolism, helping you burn more calories.”
  3. “Orlistat blocks the absorption of dietary fat, reducing calorie intake from fat and promoting weight loss.”
  4. “It works by reducing water retention in the body, leading to weight loss.”

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