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Review Questions

1 .
On what Aegean island did Minoan civilization develop?
  1. Crete
  2. Sardinia
  3. Cyprus
  4. Rhodes
2 .
The Etruscan culture arose in the central area of what modern country?
  1. Greece
  2. Anatolia
  3. Spain
  4. Italy
3 .
Who developed the first alphabet?
  1. Egyptians
  2. Akkadians
  3. Greeks
  4. Phoenicians
4 .
What is an example of the Greeks borrowing and adapting Phoenician cultural traits?
  1. Greeks adopted the Phoenician fasces to symbolize power.
  2. Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet.
  3. Greeks adopted Phoenician deities to worship as gods.
  4. Greeks adopted Phoenician warfare tactics in their athletic competitions.
5 .
What likely set Athens on the path toward democracy as early as the eighth century BCE?
  1. the decline in literacy
  2. the decline in population
  3. its growing prosperity
  4. a rising conflict with Phoenicia
6 .
What Athenian leader played an instrumental role in the founding of a democracy in Athens in the late sixth century BCE?
  1. Socrates
  2. Cleisthenes
  3. Pericles
  4. Alcibiades
7 .
Though unsuccessful, the Spartans inspired the Greeks with their defense against the Persian army of what mountain pass in 480 BCE?
  1. Salamis
  2. Mantinea
  3. Thermopylae
  4. Leuctra
8 .
What two Greek city-states led their respective alliances on either side in the Peloponnesian War?
  1. Corinth and Thermopylae
  2. Athens and Corcyra
  3. Thebes and Syracuse
  4. Sparta and Athens
9 .
What Greek philosopher founded his own school at the Lyceum in Athens?
  1. Aristotle
  2. Plato
  3. Socrates
  4. Democritus
10 .
At what battle did the forces of Philip of Macedon defeat the allied armies of Athens and Thebes in 338 BCE?
  1. Thermopylae
  2. Chaeronea
  3. Leuctra
  4. Salamis
11 .
What land did Alexander the Great and the Macedonians conquer?
  1. Egypt
  2. Italy
  3. Sicily
  4. Carthage
12 .
What Greek city was the largest in the Hellenistic period?
  1. Alexandria
  2. Carthage
  3. Athens
  4. Sparta
13 .
Around what Persian sun god did a mystery religion form?
  1. Zeus
  2. Isis
  3. Baal
  4. Mithras
14 .
In what branch of government was Rome’s Council of Elders?
  1. Senate
  2. praetors
  3. censors
  4. tribunes
15 .
What Roman officials could veto the actions of Roman law courts, the popular assemblies, and the Senate?
  1. consuls
  2. praetors
  3. censors
  4. tribunes
16 .
The common people of the Roman Republic were known as:
  1. patricians
  2. optimates
  3. plebeians
  4. senators
17 .
With what group did Rome fight a war for control of the Mediterranean?
  1. Latins
  2. Carthaginians
  3. Samnites
  4. Etruscans
18 .
What were private contractors called who constructed public works and collected taxes in Rome?
  1. publicans
  2. equestrians
  3. populares
  4. proletariat
19 .
Who were the members of the First Triumvirate?
  1. Lepidus, Caesar, Octavian
  2. Caesar, Pompey, Crassus
  3. Marc Antony, Octavian, Lepidus
  4. Pompey, Lepidus, Marc Antony
20 .
What event led to the establishment of the Second Triumvirate?
  1. the assassination of Caesar
  2. the succession of Tiberius
  3. the retirement of Lepidus
  4. the suicide of Cleopatra
21 .
Julius Caesar won popularity among the Roman people for his successful military campaigns in ______.
  1. Pontus
  2. Parthia
  3. Carthage
  4. Gaul
22 .
Octavian’s success in the civil war was due largely to support from ______.
  1. Pompey’s veteran soldiers
  2. optimates
  3. Julius Caesar’s veteran soldiers
  4. Julius Caesar’s assassins
23 .
Octavian’s naval forces defeated those of Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of ______.
  1. Pharsalus
  2. Actium
  3. Philippi
  4. Zama
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