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World History Volume 1, to 1500

Check Your Understanding Questions

World History Volume 1, to 1500Check Your Understanding Questions

Check Your Understanding Questions

1 .
What motivation did Orthodox Christians have for accepting Ottoman rule?
2 .
Why did the Ottoman state grant timars?
3 .
In what ways did the empire founded by Timur geographically resemble that founded by Chinggis Khan?
4 .
Why do some historians regard the fall of Constantinople as the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the early modern era?
5 .
How did the intellectual movement of humanism affect Europeans’ view of human beings?
6 .
Why did the Abbasid, Ayyubid, and Ottoman states prefer to train enslaved male children to become soldiers and administrators?
7 .
In what ways was the Janissary system of the Ottomans similar to the mamluk system in Egypt?
8 .
What was the main difference between the two Mamluk dynasties?
9 .
Other than religious piety, what motives did the Mamluk sultans have for establishing mosques and charitable institutions?
10 .
What effect did the Mongols have on the Ming dynasty?
11 .
How successful was Zhu Yuanzhang at improving life for China’s poor?
12 .
What impact did the adoption of gunpowder have on the European aristocracy?
13 .
What impact did the adoption of gunpowder have on the Ottoman Empire?
14 .
Why did nomadic societies begin to decline beginning in the early modern era?
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