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Review Questions

b. Nurses should not assume that an adult with a child is the child’s parent. The nurse should first confirm the type of relationship between Jackson and the adult.
c. Positive family interactions, intimacy, and a sense of belonging are social needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy.
a. According to general systems theory, the family is one whole system comprised of subsystems where family members are connected by emotional bonds. The parents’ divorce will alter their subsystem.
d. The most effective nursing interventions address all three functional domains: cognitive, behavioral, and affective. Incorporating reading labels into their shopping routine indicates the family understands what was taught (cognitive), changed their behavior when shopping (behavioral), and recognized its importance and incorporated it into their family’s routine (affective).
a. A primary level health promotion intervention involves implementing measures that prevent a disease or condition from occurring—in this case, falls.
b. Home health nurses can face unpredictable and unsafe conditions. They should remain vigilant of their surroundings and recognize potential safety concerns.
c. There are three different types of abuse: physical, sexual, and emotional. Emotional abuse harms a person’s self-worth or emotional well-being.
d. Genograms show family connections and include health-related information such as health conditions.
c. The abuser acting lovingly toward the client is consistent with the honeymoon phase of the IPV cycle.
a. Taking the time to listen to the older adult client and the family is one of the first strategies that can be used to prevent abuse. Providing resources to families can alleviate burdens and reduce the risk of a crisis.

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