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The nurse is assessing a family that includes an adult and a school-aged child named Jackson. Which of the following questions should the nurse prioritize to ask the adult?
  1. Do you have any concerns about your son’s health?
  2. What is your relationship to Jackson?
  3. Is Jackson’s other parent a source of support for you?
  4. How many other children do you have?
The nurse observes the interaction between a father and his school-age child during which the father tells the child that he needs to “shut up and leave him alone.” According to Maslow’s hierarchy, which of the following needs are most likely threatened in this interaction?
  1. Self-actualization
  2. Esteem
  3. Social
  4. Security
According to general systems theory, which of the following events represents a change in a family’s subsystem?
  1. Two parents divorce.
  2. One parent loses their job.
  3. The family moves to another home.
  4. The children start school.
A nurse is teaching family members how to read food labels. According to the Calgary Family Intervention Model, which of the following actions by the family incorporates all three functional domains?
  1. The family groups the low-sodium foods together in the cabinets.
  2. The family explains back to the nurse how to read a nutrition label.
  3. The family practices reading labels at home to reinforce what they learned.
  4. The family reads nutrition labels when shopping and selects low-sodium foods for their meals.
The nurse is working with a group of older adult couples to help them learn more about fall prevention and how to make modifications in their home to decrease their risk of falls. This is an example of which level of health promotion?
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Primordial
Which of the following actions by a home health nurse can decrease the risk of experiencing unsafe conditions while in a family’s home?
  1. Research and learn more about the surrounding neighborhood before the visit.
  2. Maintain situational awareness of other people and pets in the home.
  3. Make the visit as brief as possible to minimize time spent in the home.
  4. Maintain an updated visit schedule with the main office.
The community nurse is working with a family and determines one of the family members is repeatedly telling another family member who has a disability that “he needs to stop being lazy and get a job.” This is an example of what type of abuse?
  1. Sexual abuse
  2. Physical abuse
  3. Emotional abuse
  4. Neglect
Which of the following would be included on a genogram?
  1. Occupations
  2. Religious affiliations
  3. Sources of health care
  4. Health conditions
A community nurse is making a home visit to a client who has recently had a baby and has a history of experiencing IPV. During the visit, the nurse observes an interaction between the client and the baby’s father. The father seems very loving and attentive to the client. Which of the following is the most appropriate conclusion by the nurse?
  1. The client’s history must be inaccurately documented.
  2. The IPV has been resolved and is no longer an issue for the couple.
  3. The couple appears to be in the honeymoon phase of the IPV cycle.
  4. The couple appears to be in the tension-building phase of the IPV cycle.
A community nurse is making a visit to an older adult client. The nurse identifies which of the following strategies that can be used in prevention of abuse in this client population?
  1. Take the time to listen to the client and the family to offer resources and support.
  2. Talk to the caregiver or family member only since older adults are often confused.
  3. Talk to the older client alone without involving family members.
  4. Because it is likely that older adult clients are abused, provide resources to other housing options.

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