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Review Questions

b. Population health aims to improve health outcomes for groups of people, with a special focus on public policy and environmental, social, and behavioral factors that impact health for all.
c. Individual-level interventions work to improve the health of one client at a time.
a. A central tenet of population health is emphasizing preventive efforts and proactively facilitating health instead of reacting to diseases as they come.
b. A midstream approach to improving health outcomes involves activities that happen in a specific organization, such as a lunchtime walking program.
b. Health education workshops can reach a large group of clients in a community and provide them with knowledge and skills to support their own health, prevent disease, and even promote health among their families and friends.
d. General mortality is the number of deaths across a large population. Reports of general mortality include information about the leading causes of death across the population and estimates of years of potential life lost when people die prematurely.
b. Siloed health care is also the practice of treating one condition or disease at a time without consideration of other diagnoses or the client’s living environment, education, social situation, and family, among other characteristics.
a. Population-based practices in nursing focus on improving the health of populations through proactive, not reactive, approaches to health and wellness.
d. Transitional care involves coordination of clients as they move between different care settings of the health care continuum. It should facilitate a smooth transition for the client and minimize the risk for errors.
b. Ambulatory care provides health services on an outpatient basis in clinics and health centers. Ambulatory care can meet health needs through targeted clinics or specialized health services, such as for a chronic condition.

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