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The public health nurse is examining the number of maternal deaths in a certain year. Which rate is the nurse studying?
  1. Crude deaths
  2. Morbidity
  3. Mortality
  4. Proportional population
Which factor should the community health nurse take into account when assessing an individual’s social determinants of health?
  1. Genetic influences
  2. Exercise habits
  3. Nutritional intake
  4. Level of education
Which source of data would a community health nurse utilize during a community assessment to determine the births, deaths, marriages, health, and diseases in a certain county?
  1. Morbidity report
  2. Service utilization
  3. Population survey
  4. Vital statistics
Which outcome would the community health nurse measure to evaluate the health of a population?
  1. Blood pressure readings of individuals in the community
  2. Home blood glucose levels monitored by clients with diabetes
  3. Mortality rates in the community
  4. Percent of high school students who attend college
Which definition of health would the nurse attribute to a client who perceives themselves as healthy despite taking medication for hypertension?
  1. Health is the absence of disease.
  2. Health is the full return to wellness.
  3. Health is a state of improving well-being.
  4. Health is an internal state of balance and well-being.
The nurse is explaining to a client that smoking cessation will add years of quality to their life. Which population health metric is the nurse describing?
  1. Years of healthy life lost due to disability
  2. Disability-adjusted life years
  3. Quality-adjusted life years
  4. Years of life lost
Which indicator is the nurse utilizing when considering the effects of diseases that people in a population are living with?
  1. Morbidity
  2. Mortality
  3. Burden of disease
  4. Prevalence
Which current health trend data will the population health nurse utilize to develop health education programming?
  1. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in most ethnic and racial groups.
  2. Deaths from cancer have increased in the last two decades.
  3. Deaths from stroke are decreasing in all ethnic and racial groups.
  4. Unintentional accidents are the fourth leading cause of death in individuals aged 1 to 44 years.
A nurse is volunteering for a global nongovernmental organization whose work addresses the United Nation’s sustainable development goals (SDGs). Which statement about the SDGs is accurate?
  1. SDGs have been impacted by the climate crisis.
  2. The focus of SDGs is on developing nations.
  3. Progress on SDGs is reported every 5 years.
  4. Each country has its own individualized SDGs.
Which trend in mortality in the United States over the past century would the nurse utilize to develop public health campaigns?
  1. Life expectancy has increased, and rate of death has decreased.
  2. Life expectancy and rate of death have remained unchanged.
  3. Life expectancy has increased, and rate of death has also increased
  4. Life expectancy has decreased, and rate of death has also decreased.

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