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The nurse is assessing a client who lives in an area described as a food desert. The nurse identifies that the client is therefore at risk for which disorder?
  1. Obesity
  2. Parkinson’s disease
  3. Multiple sclerosis
  4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Which is an example of a nurse practicing culturally congruent care?
  1. Using evidence-based nursing practice
  2. Practicing nursing according to the nurse’s beliefs
  3. Discouraging the use of a traditional healer
  4. Using standardized care plans
Which term describes the actions of a nurse who orders a kosher diet for a Jewish client based on previous experience with other Jewish clients?
  1. Stereotyping
  2. Bias
  3. Othering
  4. Ethnocentrism
Which concept does the nurse identify as an organizational barrier to culturally competent health care in a community?
  1. Not enough primary care providers in a community
  2. A lack of medical interpreters
  3. Absence of health care insurance
  4. An inability to afford health care
Which construct do nurses exhibit when they engage in self-reflection about their own cultural beliefs and biases?
  1. Cultural skill
  2. Cultural desire
  3. Cultural awareness
  4. Cultural knowledge
Which actions by the nurse demonstrate that the nurse values cultural diversity?
  1. The nurse discusses cultural diversity with people from their own culture.
  2. The nurse compares other cultures to the nurse’s culture.
  3. The nurse treats everyone from the same culture in a similar manner.
  4. The nurse volunteers at a free immigrant health clinic.
Which action should the nurse take when a client of a different culture than the nurse stares out the window while the nurse is providing preoperative instruction?
  1. Stare out the window with the client.
  2. Move around the bed to stand in front of the client.
  3. Observe how the client uses eye contact.
  4. Stop the instruction and return later.
Which action should the nurse take when teaching a client with a low health literacy level?
  1. Use the correct medical terminology.
  2. Speak in a loud voice.
  3. Choose terms that the client uses.
  4. Use verbal instruction only.
Which is the best action for the nurse to take when communicating with a client who speaks a language the nurse does not understand?
  1. Arrange for a medical interpreter.
  2. Ask a family member to translate.
  3. Ask a clerical staff member who speaks the language to translate.
  4. Use a smartphone app to translate.
Which action should the nurse take when developing written educational materials for a specific population?
  1. Use black print on a white background.
  2. Use appropriate medical terms.
  3. Ask community members to review the materials.
  4. Write at a high school reading level.

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