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Which action should the nurse take to meet the nutritional needs of a Jewish client?
  1. Order a kosher meal for the client.
  2. Ask the client about their dietary preferences.
  3. Have the meal served on paper plates.
  4. Consult with the dietitian.
The nurse is providing care to a client who follows a holistic medicine approach to health care. Which aspect of care should the nurse anticipate when developing a plan of care for this client?
  1. Decisions are guided by fate.
  2. Treatment should be aggressive.
  3. Physical and mental needs should be balanced.
  4. Statistical data will guide care.
A nurse who works with clients from different cultures wants to understand the invisible elements of culture. Which is an example of an invisible cultural element?
  1. Notions of time
  2. Clothing worn
  3. Traditional foods
  4. Language spoken
Which action should the nurse take to communicate with a client from a culture that is different from their own?
  1. Use touch as a therapeutic tool.
  2. Sit close to the client.
  3. Pay attention to the client’s nonverbal cues.
  4. Maintain eye contact even if the client does not.
Which level of the cultural environment is being assessed when the nurse asks a client about family rituals and traditions?
  1. Microsystem
  2. Mesosystem
  3. Exosystem
  4. Macrosystem
The nurse is discussing the importance of regular exercise with a client diagnosed with hypertension. The client responds, “I just don’t have the time for exercise.” The nurse determines that the client has which time orientation?
  1. Past time orientation
  2. Present time orientation
  3. Future time orientation
  4. Lack of time orientation
The nurse is caring for a client who is reluctant to take pain medication, fearing that if they do so others will see them as weak. Which of the following statements best describes how the nurse should initially respond?
  1. The nurse should acknowledge the client’s cultural influences and listen to the client’s concerns.
  2. The nurse should provide additional education on the benefits of taking the medication.
  3. The nurse should encourage the client to prioritize their personal health and well-being.
  4. The nurse should encourage the client to prioritize their physical needs over what others may think.
The nurse is assessing a migrant worker who has abdominal pain. Which of the following questions should the nurse include as part of a culturally sensitive assessment?
  1. “Have you used any over-the-counter medications to treat the pain?”
  2. “Have you taken any medications or herbs or used any home treatments for the pain?”
  3. “Why do you think you are having this problem?”
  4. “What does your manager think about your illness?”
The nurse is discussing risk factor modification with a client diagnosed with hypertension. Which client statement does the nurse recognize as representing an external locus of control?
  1. “High blood pressure causes blood vessel damage.”
  2. “My fate has already been determined.”
  3. “Eating right can improve my health.”
  4. “I am motivated to make lifestyle changes.”
The nurse anticipates that a client from a culture that values collectivism will utilize which concept when making a health care decision?
  1. Making an independent decision
  2. Seeking input from the community
  3. Prioritizing mental health needs
  4. Considering all available options

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