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cultural environment
the social, economic, political, and historical factors that shape an individual’s experiences and beliefs in a particular culture
cultural group
a group formed through the unification of shared activities and values
cultural pluralism
a state of having one dominant culture in which all minority groups participate fully
a historically transmitted pattern of meaning based upon learned and shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs that involves patterned responses to behavior and distinguishes the members of one group of people from others
the representation and relative size of different groups, such as racial and ethnic groups, in a population
the social acquisition of cultural patterns of behavior
environmental control
an individual’s control over nature and environmental factors, views of which affect illness and health-seeking behaviors
inherited affiliation with a group that is defined by shared cultural traits, such as language, religion, nationality, history, or other cultural factors
heterogeneous society
a society that is made up of multiple cultures
homogeneous society
a society that is primarily made up of only one dominant culture
the interconnectedness of social identities, such as race, gender, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status, and how they overlap and intersect to create unique experiences of privilege or oppression
the coexistence of diverse religious, ethnic, or cultural groups in a society while adhering to the same rules, with no single culture holding more importance than the others
an individual’s county of citizenship
natural events
events that are considered an inherent aspect of the world and are perceived to have some degree of predictability and be subject to some element of control
nonverbal communication
the conveying of messages without words
personal dimension
the “friend zone,” in which communication with less intimate but still familiar companions occurs
a societal construct commonly defined by physical characteristics, such as bone structure, skin, hair, or eye color, as well as social factors and cultural backgrounds; not biologically predetermined
social dimension
the impersonal business zone, associated with people who are working together
the setting where communication takes place; includes the space surrounding a person’s body and the objects in that space
a smaller group in a cultural group that shares distinguishing characteristics that may identify with aspects of its larger parent culture
unnatural events
viewed as the consequence of disharmony in nature and are often associated with forces of evil; not predictable and beyond human control
verbal communication
the conveying of messages through the use of words

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