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The nurse is providing education to a client with a family history of hypertension. Which statement by the client does the nurse recognize as requiring further teaching about familial risk?
  1. “My family history increases my risk for hypertension.”
  2. “Genetics alone predict my own health and diagnoses.”
  3. “The interaction of genetics and environment affects health.”
  4. “Lifestyle factors affect the genetic expression of a disease.”
The nurse is developing an education program for a client on healthy family nutrition using Pender’s Health Promotion Model as the framework. Which client statement indicates to the nurse that the client has a high level of perceived self-efficacy?
  1. “Eating healthy is expensive but within our family budget.”
  2. “I am confident that I can create a healthy weekly meal plan.”
  3. “My children’s school encourages healthy lunches.”
  4. “It is hard to find time to shop and prepare healthy meals.”
The nurse is creating a community program to promote outdoor exercise using Bronfenbrenner’s Socio-Ecological Model and is working with town planners to obtain funding and approval for sidewalks and walking and biking trails. Which of Bronfenbrenner’s systems is the nurse utilizing?
  1. Microsystem
  2. Mesosystem
  3. Chronosystem
  4. Macrosystem
The nurse is working to change negative social beliefs towards breastfeeding in a rural area using the UNICEF Socio-Ecological Model. At which level of this model is the nurse effecting change?
  1. Individual
  2. Community
  3. Organizational/institutional
  4. Policy/system and enabling environments
Which situation is an example of a nurse engaging in the Socio-Ecological Model to guide nursing care?
  1. Administering insulin to a client with type 2 diabetes who has seen a worsening of their glycemic control despite taking metformin
  2. Evaluating the causative factors of an observed increase in the number of grade-school children with newly diagnosed asthma
  3. Evaluating the impact of lisinopril on a client’s blood pressure 3 months after starting the medication
  4. Planning an education session for a client following surgery with a goal of independently changing the surgical site dressing
Which statement by a client with a family history of diabetes indicates an understanding of the genetic component of this disorder?
  1. “Since I have a family history of diabetes, I will also develop diabetes.”
  2. “A family history alone does not mean I will develop diabetes.”
  3. “Eating healthy will not prevent diabetes since it’s in my family.”
  4. “Diabetes skips a generation, so I will not get it.”
Using the UNICEF Socio-Ecological Model, which statement is an example of a community health center working at the organizational level to promote health care?
  1. Teaching a client how to self-administer insulin injections
  2. Assisting a new mother with breastfeeding
  3. Treating all clients regardless of their ability to pay
  4. Lobbying to ensure health care for transgender clients
The nurse is caring for a client with diabetes who is having a hard time managing blood glucose levels. Using Bronfenbrenner’s Socio-Ecological Model, which factor would the nurse identify as most likely contributing to the client’s difficulty managing their diabetes at the exosystem level?
  1. Limited access to healthy food options
  2. Family history of diabetes
  3. Sedentary job
  4. Lack of reliable transportation
The nurse is counseling a client who is trying to stop smoking. According to the Theory of Planned Behavior, which factor would the nurse recognize as representing risk perception?
  1. The client’s partner smokes.
  2. The client’s clothes smell of smoke.
  3. The client has tried to quit several times.
  4. The client believes smoking is unhealthy.
The nurse is discussing the importance of exercise and eating healthy to a client with hypertension. Which client behavior would the nurse assess as being in the precontemplation stage of the Transtheoretical Model?
  1. The client states they will think about changing their diet.
  2. The client begins walking three times a week.
  3. The client meets with a dietitian to learn about healthy eating.
  4. The client believes that exercise will not lower blood pressure.

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