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Case Study

c. This is concerning because this drug has the potential to exacerbate dysrhythmias.
a. This drug is a cholinergic blocker (anticholinergic). According to the Beers Criteria®, these drugs should not be used in those over the age of 60 years and with a history of BPH that causes urinary retention. This could worsen from the anticholinergic.

Review Questions

b. The nurse is evaluating the therapeutic effectiveness of the drugs. The client being able to perform more activities of daily living indicates the drugs are working.
b. Because the client cannot swallow well, this drug is the best to meet their needs. It is available in a patch form and is administered transdermally.
c. This client is experiencing neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
c. This drug can be used to manage relapses in clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), primary progressive (PPMS), relapsing-remitting (RRMS), and secondary progressive (SPMS).
a. Insomnia occurs with this drug because it metabolizes to methamphetamine and amphetamine, causing stimulation. If taken too late in the day, sleep could be disrupted.
c. This drug can exacerbate tuberculosis. If a tuberculin skin test and chest radiograph (x-ray) are positive, the client must be treated for TB before starting the prescribed drug.
b. High-protein meals will interfere with levodopa absorption and entrance into the brain.
d. This drug causes euphoria, which can diminish impulse control.
c. Benztropine is an anticholinergic. One of the adverse effects of this classification is the potential to increase intraocular pressure; therefore, it should be avoided in clients with glaucoma.
a. These block dopamine receptors in the striatum, resulting in diminished therapeutic effects of levodopa and augmented Parkinsonian symptoms.

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