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Review Questions

a. Mannitol is administered for cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure. Elevating the head of the bed to a 30-degree angle and keeping the client’s head in a neutral position helps to decrease intracranial pressure.
c. 300 mg x mL desired dose = 250 mg 5 mL supply on hand
250 x = 300 ( 5 ) x = 1500 250 x = 6 mL per dose .
b. Sumatriptan is contraindicated in pregnancy, and contraception should be taken while on this drug.
a. Valproic acid is a valproate, which is used in the treatment of seizures and as a mood stabilizer.
b. 70 mg x mL desired dose = 50 mg 1 mL supply on hand
50 x = 70 ( 1 ) x = 70 50 x = 1.4 mL per dose .
d. Rash is an adverse effect of ethosuximide.
b. Migraine headache symptoms can last for several hours up to several days.
d. The normal intracranial pressure for a client in a vertical position is 7–15 mm Hg.
a. Acetazolamide is an osmotic diuretic and is used in the treatment of cerebral edema, intracranial hypertension, and to lower increased intracranial pressure.
d. Levetiracetam is used in the treatment of seizures and causes adverse effects such as behavioral symptoms of hostility and aggression as well as psychotic symptoms of hallucinations and delirium.

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