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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

A 68-year-old diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease is taking entacapone in addition to carbidopa/levodopa. Which of the following would be a priority nursing intervention?
  1. Check the client’s blood pressure twice a day to make sure it is not elevated.
  2. Assess the client’s ability to independently carry out their activities of daily living.
  3. Explain to the client the entacapone should be separated from the carbidopa/levodopa by 2 hours.
  4. Instruct the client to report brownish-orange urine to their health care provider immediately.
The nurse is caring for a client who was recently diagnosed with PD. The provider wanted to begin the client on pramipexole, but the client has difficulty swallowing medications due to a previous stroke. What other medication in the same class would best meet the client’s needs?
  1. Ropinirole ER
  2. Rotigotine
  3. Apomorphine
  4. Bromocriptine
An 18-year-old is having surgery on their fractured hip after a football injury. During surgery, they develop a fever of 105°F and their muscles become rigid. Which of the following medications would the nurse expect to be administered?
  1. Gabapentin
  2. Baclofen
  3. Dantrolene
  4. Pregabalin
The nurse is caring for a client with the primary-progressive form of multiple sclerosis (PPMS). The nurse expects which of the following drugs to be included in the treatment plan?
  1. Alemtuzumab
  2. Natalizumab
  3. Ocrelizumab
  4. Siponimod
A client is complaining of not being able to sleep for the past week. They mention starting a new medication at that time. Which medication could be the cause of their inability to sleep?
  1. Selegiline
  2. Entacapone
  3. Pramipexole
  4. Benztropine
The nurse is caring for a client who is going to begin therapy with the immunomodulator teriflunomide. Which test is important to have done before the drug is started?
  1. Serum creatinine
  2. Hemoglobin A1C
  3. Tuberculin skin test
  4. Liver function test
A nursing student is preparing a teaching plan for a client with PD who is being treated with carbidopa/levodopa. Which of the following dietary recommendations is correct?
  1. Intake of green, leafy vegetables should be limited.
  2. Daily required protein intake should be divided equally among three meals.
  3. A high-fat diet will interfere with the absorption of carbidopa/levodopa.
  4. High-fiber products will cause diarrhea.
The nurse is reviewing discharge instructions with a client with a new prescription for pregabalin. Which of the following points should be included in this discussion?
  1. Weight loss is noted with prolonged use.
  2. The drug is a first-line treatment for seizure disorders.
  3. Improvement in suicidal ideation is common.
  4. Altered impulse control can result at therapeutic doses.
The nurse is preparing medications for assigned clients. The nurse calls the prescriber concerned about administering benztropine to one of the clients. What would be the reason for the concern?
  1. 58-year-old with diarrhea
  2. 66-year-old with urinary incontinence
  3. 84-year-old with glaucoma
  4. 74-year-old with symptomatic bradycardia
Which class of drugs may reduce the therapeutic effects of levodopa if given concurrently?
  1. First-generation antipsychotics
  2. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  3. Tricyclic antidepressants
  4. Sympathomimetics

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