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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

The nurse is caring for a client who has sustained an ischemic stroke. The nurse recognizes that the client is experiencing deficits in which part of the nervous system?
  1. Peripheral nervous system
  2. Central nervous system
  3. Somatic nervous system
  4. Autonomic nervous system
Parkinson’s disease is associated with balance alterations. Which area is responsible for coordination of movement?
  1. Cerebrum
  2. Medulla
  3. Pons
  4. Cerebellum
The nurse is caring for a client wearing a neck brace. The client reports the provider informed them that their “neck fracture” may cause some nerve disturbances. Which region of the spinal cord is involved?
  1. Cervical vertebrae
  2. Thoracic vertebrae
  3. Sacral vertebrae
  4. Lumbar vertebrae
Which specific part of the nervous system involves regulation of involuntary responses of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle contraction, and gland activity?
  1. Peripheral nervous system
  2. Central nervous system
  3. Somatic nervous system
  4. Autonomic nervous system
The nurse is gathering an admission history from a newly admitted client. The nurse observes that the client appears calm and they have relaxed breathing. Which specific part of the nervous system is activated?
  1. Peripheral nervous system
  2. Sympathetic nervous system
  3. Parasympathetic nervous system
  4. Autonomic nervous system
The client reports feelings of anxiety related to perceived threats. Which specific part of the nervous system is activated related to this client’s reports?
  1. Peripheral nervous system
  2. Sympathetic nervous system
  3. Parasympathetic nervous system
  4. Autonomic nervous system
Which communication process is involved in the sending and receiving of electrical signals within the nervous system?
  1. Neuron
  2. Neurotransmission
  3. Homeostasis
  4. Neurological regulation
What is the most common neurotransmitter of the autonomic nervous system?
  1. Acetylcholine
  2. Serotonin
  3. Histamine
  4. Glutamate
The client is prescribed a medication that stimulates acetylcholine. Which specific part of the nervous system would be affected?
  1. Somatic
  2. Parasympathetic
  3. Sympathetic
  4. Central nervous system
The client reports being prescribed a medication that will decrease their heart rate and the heart contraction force. Which receptor would be indicated in this medication?
  1. Nicotinic
  2. Alpha1
  3. Beta3
  4. Beta1

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