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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

Which teaching point should the nurse include when educating clients about the administration of trifluridine?
  1. “Wear gloves when handling and instilling this medication.”
  2. “This drug is absorbed into the body and causes many adverse effects.”
  3. “Instill the medication by pulling the upper lid toward the forehead.”
  4. “This drug is effective against both bacterial and viral infections.”
Which medication should the nurse anticipate being prescribed to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum due to Neisseria gonorrhea?
  1. Tetracaine
  2. Erythromycin
  3. Timolol
  4. Latanoprost
A client states that they have been told they are a “glaucoma suspect.” The nurse understands this means the client has one or more risk factors from which of the following groups?
  1. Elevated intraocular pressure, optic nerve damage, visual field deficits
  2. Elevated intraocular pressure, decreased cornea thickness, optic nerve damage
  3. Decreased intraocular pressure, strong family history of glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy
  4. Decreased intraocular pressure, increased cornea thickness, optic nerve damage
Which complication of untreated “pink eye” should the nurse teach to a parent of a child with eye redness and a thick discharge?
  1. Diplopia
  2. Macular degeneration
  3. Glaucoma
  4. Meningitis
During an intake history, a client tells the nurse that they are taking an eye drop that changed the color of their eyelids and caused their eyelashes to thicken and grow, but they cannot remember the name of the drug. Which ophthalmic drug class should the nurse anticipate the client is taking?
  1. Beta blockers
  2. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
  3. Prostaglandin analogues
  4. Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists
Which prostaglandin analogue does the nurse understand to be more effective in Black clients?
  1. Latanoprost
  2. Travoprost
  3. Brimonidine
  4. Netarsudil
A client tells the clinic nurse that after administering timolol drops in their right eye, they noticed that their heart rate decreased to 50 beats per minute. Which question by the nurse best determines the most likely cause of bradycardia?
  1. “Did you drink alcohol that day?”
  2. “Have you had heart trouble before?”
  3. “How did you take your pulse?”
  4. “How did you instill the medication?”
A client is taking prednisolone drops for uveitis. Which condition that can occur with prolonged use should the nurse warn the client about?
  1. Blepharitis
  2. Conjunctivitis
  3. Chalazion
  4. Cataracts
A client has been prescribed an ocular antiviral, trifluridine, for ocular herpes. The nurse instructs the client to seek immediate treatment if they experience which condition?
  1. Floaters and flashes of light
  2. Fatigue
  3. Hordeolum
  4. Tearing of the eye
Which potential systemic effect should the nurse anticipate when administering a nonselective ophthalmic beta blocker?
  1. It may mask signs of hypoglycemia.
  2. It may decrease peripheral edema.
  3. It may reduce bronchospasm.
  4. It may increase heart rate.

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