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ability of the lens to change shape when looking alternatively at a near object and far object
aqueous humor
fluid typically produced in the posterior chamber of the eye, which nourishes the internal structures and maintains a homeostatic eye pressure
when the cornea or lens is curved more steeply in one direction, causing light to focus on multiple points of the retina
eye surgery that uses a microcatheter to cannulate Schlemm’s canal in order to restore aqueous humor outflow to lower intraocular pressure
cloudy areas on the lens of the eye from the breakdown of proteins that affect vision
receptors on the retina for daytime and color vision
conjunctival hyperemia
excess of blood in the eye’s vessels, causing redness
infection and inflammation of the conjunctiva, causing redness and irritation; also referred to as “pink eye”
external ocular structures
structures outside the eye responsible for protecting the eye and allowing the eye to rotate and move up and down
group of diseases caused by obstruction or excess production of aqueous humor, resulting in loss of peripheral vision
a condition in which light refracts behind the retina, resulting in close objects appearing blurry and far objects being clearly seen; also known as farsightedness
internal ocular structures
structures inside the eye responsible for light accommodation, eye color, fluid to support eye pressure homeostasis, and the optic nerve
macular degeneration
degeneration of the central portion of the retina, causing gradual loss of central vision
a condition in which light refracts in front of the retina, resulting in far objects appearing blurry and near objects being clearly seen; also known as nearsightedness
abnormal sensitivity to light
a condition that occurs as one ages; the lens thickens and becomes less elastic, which makes it difficult for the eyes to accommodate
refractive errors
when light does not shine directly on the retina, causing distorted vision
receptors on the retina for nighttime vison
eye surgery that creates a bypass of obstructed aqueous fluid in the trabecular network to prevent further loss of vision in glaucoma

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