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individuals whose sex assigned at birth and gender identity are congruent
gender dysphoria
a deep sense of unease, anxiety, or discomfort that may occur in people whose gender does not align with their sex assigned at birth
gender expression
ways in which a person outwardly expresses their gender identity
gender fluid
a person who does not identify with a single fixed gender or has a changing or unfixed gender identity
gender identity
a person’s deeply held beliefs about who they are from a sexual perspective and with which, if any, gender they identify
gender nonconforming
a gender presentation that is outside the typical binary presentation; it can also define an individual who identifies outside the man–woman binary.
a condition in which male breast tissue becomes enlarged and overdeveloped
an individual whose gender identity does not fit into the man–woman dichotomy
a broad term used by individuals whose sex assigned at birth does not match the gender they feel they are
a term that sometimes may be used interchangeably with transgender to indicate an individual whose sex assigned at birth and gender identity do not match

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