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This chapter began by defining terms used to describe the transgender and nonbinary population. The terms overlap and can have different meanings depending on the individual’s preference and culture, societal norms, and the historical meaning of the terms. The nurse who cares for transgender and nonbinary clients should determine which terms are appropriate or preferred for each client. The chapter listed several websites as resources for both clients and health care professionals. The websites define terms, explore issues related to transgender and nonbinary individuals, and present information on community organizations that provide support.

This chapter covered the medications used by some transgender and nonbinary individuals. Although typical health conditions can be part of the health care needs of this population, the chapter specifically focused on hormonal and other medications used for individuals transitioning partially or completely into a gender opposite the sex assigned at birth or for individuals who do not identify with one gender. One learning tip that can help the reader is to recognize that the hormonal drugs in this chapter are the same as those in Reproductive Health Drugs. Thus, the content is not new, but the application is different. Side effects of male hormones become the intended or therapeutic effects when used in FTM transgender transition treatment, and vice versa.

The medications were divided into two sections: feminizing hormones and masculinizing hormones. This classification does not mean that gender transitioning can only be one or the other; it was just intended to simplify the sections for readers, with the caveat that clients need to be treated on an individual basis.

Above all, nurses who care for clients who are transgender, nonbinary, or do not fit society’s traditional ideas of what is acceptable must face their own biases and preconceptions. These clients deserve respect and compassion.


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